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What is the 'worst' processed food product?

"cheese" slices are perfectly edible :mad:

Chicken nuggets have to be the devils gaul stones.
xes said:
"cheese" slices are perfectly edible :mad:

Chicken nuggets have to be the devils gaul stones.

Gaul Stones?


:confused: ;)
I can't stand any of those ready meals in the first few aisles of most supermarkets these days.

I think those ready made lasagnes that you just put in the oven are disgusting.
haylz said:
Your all mad, processed food is great. especially fray bentos pies!!!!mmmmm

Processed food is rank and the excess packaging that comes with it has higher nutritional content than the food inside.
haylz said:
Your all mad, processed food is great. especially fray bentos pies!!!!mmmmm
I've never had one - I'm curious

Also, you know that tinned meat stuff you see in cans, like beef stew and that sort of thing? Has anyone ever tried it? I only see old people buying it. I imagine it's a bit dogfoody.
haylz said:
snob:p :D

They are lovely and i have a pot noodle at least once a week:D
Those Bombay Bad Boys are really nice but only with extra chili sauce added - with just their own sauce, they are more like Bombay Big Girl's Blouses
Orang Utan said:
I've never had one - I'm curious

Also, you know that tinned meat stuff you see in cans, like beef stew and that sort of thing? Has anyone ever tried it? I only see old people buying it. I imagine it's a bit dogfoody.

Some brands are a bit dodgy i reckon, but others are yummy, i used to love school dinners and hospital food when i was nipper which is why i still love this shit i reckon.

I only indulge a few times a week:cool:
Orang Utan said:
Those Bombay Bad Boys are really nice but only with extra chili sauce added - with just their own sauce, they are more like Bombay Big Girl's Blouses

Ive never had one of them, i just stick to good old never lets you down beef and tomato:)
firky said:
Processed food is rank and the excess packaging that comes with it has higher nutritional content than the food inside.
Fray bentos pies come in tins. :eek:

Smash. Only time I've ever had that it smelled of Ajax. :eek:
Luncheon meat *shudder*
Any processed food designed for children - stringy cheese and those squeezable fruit things spring to mind
Pop tarts
Super noodles
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