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What are you panic buying?

Houseguest: "Why have you bought 2 packs of plain flour and no self-raising?"

Me: " I'm going to let you think about that and then answer your own question."

Houseguest: "Oh. Because there wasn't any self-raising..."

Anyways, I have baking powder so we are now "floured up" and can carry on relieving the boredom by baking.
Everywhere's got self-raising here, it's plain and strong that haven't been seen in ages. They even had 'wholemeal self-raising' in Asda but no fucking plain :mad: I can't even think of a use for wholemeal self raising (wholemeal cakes obviously but why?)

Aldi was ridiculous today. It's a tiny cramped store anyway but the only till they had open was the one by the door (they have eight, they could open one at the other end) so that you cannot get into the store or buyt things without coming a lot closer than two metres to a lot of people half of whom don't seem to give a fuck. Attitudes seem to be polarising. There are more masks and more people taking the 2 metre thing seriously than there were a month ago but there are also a lot more people going shopping in groups, rolling their eyes at you if you step out of their way and just generally being cunts about it.
Today was the first time I managed to get everything I needed since this started! Sainsburys was well stocked, got tinned tomatoes, toilet paper, children's pull-up nappies... Still can't get brown rice, but that was just on wish list, not an essential. They do have 5kh bags of rice and expensive rice.

They're still operating max 3 per item and it seems to be working. I was there at 8am though. Not sure what it'll be like later on.
Tried local shop, Lidl and Asda in the last week but none. Most/all other cleaning supplies well stocked :hmm:

Have been trying to deep clean the flat and the windows are a bit manky :mad:
Soapy water and squeegee will do job just as well.

I was in the "Polish" shop earlier and had to ask the Russian staff member to help me decypher the labels that were in anything but her language - but at least closer to the two languages I'm familiar with ... I think the main issue was she didn't understand what wholemeal wheat flour was so offered me self-raising white and buckwheat ...

But they had green tomato salad :)

I can't find Pernod anywhere - I've been dipping into my ancient bottle more than usual ...
I am going to be panic buying a hair trimmer shortly. Some of the online stores are sold out but I have a cunning plan and expect to get my mitts on a hair trimmer before the week is out!
I am going to be panic buying a hair trimmer shortly. Some of the online stores are sold out but I have a cunning plan and expect to get my mitts on a hair trimmer before the week is out!
I got mine from Argos in the end - kept checking the website everyday till they had one available on click and collect at Sainsburys - then had to wait a week for it. Just took the first available set that looked half decent.
No. Did two pints of the stuff in a club one night in Leith, was buzzing my tits off for 2 days
I had thought it was some monks' herbal wine, didn't realise they just tipped caffeine into it. Caffeine and alcohol has never worked for me.
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