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    Lazy Llama

What are you baking?

As this is a baking thread I thought I'd give a link to a program which I'm looking forward to watch this evening. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01676f3

It's about baking. In the last couple of months I've baked most of the bread I've eaten. I've been experimenting with several different ingredients and techniques to see how they vary the loaf. I like trying to understand the science behind it. I bake using the same basic recipe each time so I can easily see what effect changing each element has.

For instance how acetic acid releases proteins which makes for a more glutinous dough which in turn results in a dough which holds its shape better and how replacing up to a third of the water with orange juice triggers this process without effecting the taste.

I've also tried adding vinegar which helps the bread to stay moist for longer, putting a tray of water in the over, using yoghurt, the different types of flour and why they are different.
That looks interesting fredfelt cheers.
We make most of our own bread (using a breadmaker), I didn't know about adding vinegar.
How much do you use, and what type of vinegar?
Made some carrot and orange muffins with the kids this morning. As always they turned out much more like moist cake than muffin, but still tasty.
It's pissing down and we have very little food in the house (although we've already made food for the kids' dinner), even the freezer is looking bare - so we are baking one of those pre-mixed fairy cake packets - Smarties cakes - that I had in for a rainy day activity. Just waiting for the buzzer to go ding and then it's time to decorate!

Hope it stops raining though - we need to get down the shops and the chemist pronto.
Has anyone got a cake recipe that uses sour cream?

I've got a banana one, but no over ripe (or any) bananas, so looking for ideas :)
I have bananas now :D

Topping up plain flour with 50g of self raising will be ok won't it? I might not get out today :oops:
could i use anything else instead of sour cream.....liking the look of that choc cake...but know local shop wont hav sour cream.
Or maybe a bit of lemon juice in some double cream (less sure about this one, but lemon juice in milk is a substitute for buttermilk).
Cake this weekend is pear and almond
Rediscovered a recipe that I used to do when my kids were small that I got from Nan - coffee kisses just made a double batch for the family bash on Monday just got to keep my son out of the box as he has hollow legs :D
Rediscovered a recipe that I used to do when my kids were small that I got from Nan - coffee kisses just made a double batch for the family bash on Monday just got to keep my son out of the box as he has hollow legs :D
Needs recipe.

I have made a simnel cake, but forgot about the apostles and used half the marzipan for the middle layer. I may have to use mini eggs for them instead, how awful.
Needs recipe.

I have made a simnel cake, but forgot about the apostles and used half the marzipan for the middle layer. I may have to use mini eggs for them instead, how awful.
6oz self raising flour
3oz sugar
3oz butter or solid marge
1 medium egg
1tblsp coffee essence (Camp coffee - kept with the baking stuff in the supermarket, it's the only one that works)
Rub in the flour sugar & marge till it resembles breadcrumbs then whisk together the egg & coffee essence a bit and stir into the mix until it forms as very stiff paste. Roll into small balls & place on a baking tray bake at gas 3 or 4 for 15 - 20 mins. Once cool cream some butter in a bowl & add all the icing sugar it can hold and still be not too stiff, then add a splash of coffee essence according to taste. Sandwich 2 kisses together (if you find an odd one over it's chef's privilege) & store in airtight container. Good luck it may take an attempt or two to get the best texture as it depends on the heat of your oven. Tastes best the day after cooking when the buttercream has slightly hardish exterior.

Beware these are very moreish :D I'm drooling & I'm not allowed to touch the ones I made as they're for tomorrow :(

Forgot to add - good luck
Love heart biscuits, Easter fruity biscuits and woodland creature buttery biscuits.

As I forgot to get any of the stuff I needed I've been driving round for 90 minutes to get everything (plus electric and fucking rosemary) . : D

I went to 9 shops before I found unsalted butter. I didn't even have my phone on me to google suitable alternatives.

They'd better be worth it!
Woah... We just schmooshed cocopops with choc butter icing and plonked into cake cases with a mini egg on top :D
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