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We're fucking doomed. Or are we?

Are we fucking doomed?

  • Yes, global war and apocalypse are just round the corner, start stockpiling baked beans now.

    Votes: 23 40.4%
  • No, it'll blow over like all the other times, get back to Facebook and your hipster coffee.

    Votes: 34 59.6%

  • Total voters
I've been fooled before. I grew up believing we were definitely in for a nuclear apocalypse. I spent too much of my childhood having nightmares to let myself be fooled again.

Because ultimately, if we are in the shit there's no point worrying until it happens.

Oh yeh ! No point preparing or trying to stop it from happening .

This could cheer everyone up .... Threads
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Feeling pretty despairing about the brewing global situation for a massive war currently, more so than anytime in the past. Am I right, are we rushing headlong into a world changing disaster, or is it just a bit of sabre rattling that'll pass again?

Intelligent analysis and thoughts most welcome, as are dire and despairing predictions of doom with no arguments to back them up.

In your own time, go on...

Feeling I get... we're being fattened up. Britains war god The Lord of Poppies must be fed, bring forth the symbolic child dressed as a soldier to the Cenotaph to symbolize to the Glorious One that we are quite proudly prepared to stupid/lie our way into bullshit war after bullshit war forever and ever the end. *makes the sign, RAF fly-over, Churchills face, This is the BBC, England Expects* (balls, Love-War Sunday isn't for months and months now... ah well).

Course, the arrangement of interests protected by the state protected by the hegemony protected by the super-power that gives the context for all this couldn't have it any other way. Like George Bush once allegedly told a South American leader, "war makes nations strong". Which is precisely the sort of thing you'd expect the canny hunger-driven fuckwits that claw their way to the top of political power to think. But let's not forget, Lockheed's gotta eat, NATO needs budgets and mindshare... how do you get a population of ordinary not-a-psycopaths to support your latest stupid fucking war? According to Goerring- get the fucker to feel he's under attack, constantly and always. Be sure that each week the media is full of some new outrage that demands a response, immediately, no need to wait for processes and proceedures and standards of veracity FUCKING FORWARD ESCALATE NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW! *pictures of Putin or whatever looking sly*

We're being fattened up in the same old way.
I worried about it in the 80s and then there seemed to be an optimisim in the air, Berlin Wall up to the GFA. Of course, there was conflict all over the globe and it was just naivety on my part, not realising that that's always going to exist, somewhere. But lately, I do feel that the larger events are overtaking us. I mean, nobody gets to vote on war, do they? So, it's a sense of helplessness coupled with resignation to whatever fate has in store. Would rather not be atomised just yet, all the same...

In the ancient world, they saw war as a sort of natural force, like storms, famines, plagues and volcanoes... the sort of thing one does actually make a god or goddess at in the vain belief that maybe it can be bargained with. In modern times there's insufficient evidence that war is any less of a mindless disaster in which we're all completely subject to the whims of. Same sort of palace loafing wankers seem to actually like the idea though.
In the ancient world, they saw war as a sort of natural force, like storms, famines, plagues and volcanoes... the sort of thing one does actually make a god or goddess at in the vain belief that maybe it can be bargained with. In modern times there's insufficient evidence that war is any less of a mindless disaster in which we're all completely subject to the whims of. Same sort of palace loafing wankers seem to actually like the idea though.

Lot of right wing Americans this end seem to be quite excited (going by online chatter) about the DPRK, Russia, China etc. Applauding all the willy waving and beligerent rhetoric, from the safety of their own homes thousands of miles away, of course. That said, the Americans I know irl are as aghast as I am over the prospect of things escalating. But in the end, there's not a lot ordinary folk can do, is there? If the "leaders" of whatever country wish for conflict, we can't stop it.
Endless conflict keeps people in work and consuming. Would they really kill such a profit making enterprise by going too far?
Is it more realistic to think sabre rattling and a few hundred thousand deaths are all the keep their system buoyant.
Not yet. How does it go?

Who's in the car with you fleeing the zombies? Who'd you pick out of your friends/family and why. It's a cause of many a relationship row as people discover they're not in their partner's zombie car as they're told they don't have any useful skills/are a liability in a crisis/don't make the shortlist of people they want to share the future with.
Who's in the car with you fleeing the zombies? Who'd you pick out of your friends/family and why. It's a cause of many a relationship row as people discover they're not in their partner's zombie car as they're told they don't have any useful skills/are a liability in a crisis/don't make the shortlist of people they want to share the future with.

Cor that's hard. Well my best mate's got little uns so we'd need a people carrier for a start. Her husband's handy as fuck and knows how to build all sorts of shit. I'd be safe with them and if we got in a jam we could use the kids for diversion tactics :thumbs:
I'd like us to go to war, but against someone, we can beat. That Monaco lot is a growing threat to World peace and we need to teach them a lesson. Smug bastards with their small coffees, sports cars and supermodel looks.
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Oh yeh ! No point preparing or trying to stop it from happening .

This could cheer everyone up .... Threads

I agree. No point at all. Just rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

I don't want to survive a real apocalypse. Scrabbling around for survival on canned food. Fighting? No leccy? Sod that. I've had 44 pretty ducking awesome years, I'd sooner bow out in the blink of an eye than grind out a few more weeks/months/years of misery.
Fair play . But I`ll have leccy(solar/wind) as long as the EMP does not kill it, so I can still play Xbox.... no your absolutely right. It would be a miserable existence with little hope for survival or a future of any kind.
Fair play . But I`ll have leccy(solar/wind) as long as the EMP does not kill it, so I can still play Xbox.... no your absolutely right. It would be a miserable existence with little hope for survival or a future of any kind.
You won't need an Xbox as you'll be playing Fallout for realz
That`s what all those hours playing Fallout 4 on survival were about .... training :/
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you stop reading the news

It appears everywhere, often it is read at you, sometimes it seeps into talk shows, then there's the likes of twitter and facebook. Full spectrum reality surround. Anyway I don't really want to put my head in the sand. I just get stressed by everybody believing the same old (in my view) bollocks. Perhaps it's just the natural years-to-go progression towards Grumpy Old Bastard status, hell and hand-baskets etc.
I find it`s the propaganda that gets me down, not the news. But then I am unusual.
I'd like us to go to war, but against someone, we can beat. That Monaco lot is a growing threat to World peace and we need to teach them a lesson. Smug bastards with their small coffees, sports cars and supermodel looks.

France is always a popular choice.
It appears everywhere, often it is read at you, sometimes it seeps into talk shows, then there's the likes of twitter and facebook. Full spectrum reality surround. Anyway I don't really want to put my head in the sand. I just get stressed by everybody believing the same old (in my view) bollocks. Perhaps it's just the natural years-to-go progression towards Grumpy Old Bastard status, hell and hand-baskets etc.
I wasn't suggesting never reading the news, but not to when your mental health is poor. You can't miss headlines, but you can easily avoid watching tv and not clicking on links on social media.

btw who reads at you?
A little bit of me secretly looks forward to marauding through the inner city wasteland eating rats and drinking rainwater while fending off mutants with an axe. It'd probably be better than work.
Over the course of my life I have had at least five to ten dreams about a nuclear apocalypse destroying civilisation as we know it. In most of those dreams I was one of the very few lucky survivors, and found myself enjoying the now nearly-deserted Earth very much not feeling one little bit sorry for the appalling loss of life :D
Fair play . But I`ll have leccy(solar/wind) as long as the EMP does not kill it, so I can still play Xbox.... no your absolutely right. It would be a miserable existence with little hope for survival or a future of any kind.
It's not so much entertainment- there will still be books. But no heat or cooking or communications. Forget it.
I wasn't suggesting never reading the news, but not to when your mental health is poor. You can't miss headlines, but you can easily avoid watching tv and not clicking on links on social media.

btw who reads at you?

Newsreaders normally, and also presenters on the telly and radio.

I read what you said more along the lines of reducing the maddening effect of permannoyance on ones mental constitution by avoiding the media. Respect to what you meant though, i mean look at what happened to that Dem supporter in the US that went bonkers because of the Trukp furore and went and took shots at Reps at a baseball match... Classic example of media bollocks getting too much for people with no... head-fuse i guess (a Bah-forgetit trigger if you will).
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It's not so much entertainment- there will still be books. But no heat or cooking or communications. Forget it.

Well, fire solves the heating and the cooking situation. Non-radioactive food and medication, and, going by Threads, the remnants of government and private power are going to be the pain in the arse.

Oh.. as for coms .. there are already people working on an intranet which connects between wifi spots, taking away the need for ISP`s and phone-lines.
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