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Putins satan 2 dooms day

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Putin's nuclear war threat is a bluff.
Tritium a vital ingredient in hydrogen bombs has a bomb by shelf life .of 12,5 years it's costs approx $30000 a gram!
2 probs for Vlad.
The Russian economy isn't that huge
B tritium could be sold to Nk Iran Pakistan and India or even China.
The money to make tritium would buy a very nice flat in Knightsbridge 🤣The great Russian Tritium blow out and what it says about Putin's behavior. Thank you Andrew Brown for finding this Medium Article; My comments added
Hi Elohim - could you do this now please, as I see you've had time to read this post and make responses elsewhere on the thread. Thanks.
Hi, Elohim - I see you've not done this.

I'm now shutting this thread down and removing your ability to post until you do so. You can still edit your initial post on this thread.

eta: actually that was a bit harsh, have restored posting, but not re-opening the thread unless it gets a proper title/summary
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