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Putins satan 2 dooms day

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It really doesn't take enormous effort. In fact, it takes hardly any effort at all.

I don't pretend that only I understand anything. 'Telling lies about people bring pro-NATO' might be understandable when they speak up all the time for NATO. Any worse than calling anybody who disagrees a 'Putinbot'? Is my tone any more 'superior' than the quite numerous posters who seem to have a need to constantly appear to take the moral high ground? As for tawdry, perhaps (I quite like the idea of being a tawdry cunt), but it isn't me who responds to others with petulant 'fuck offs', or tried to get them banned. Not that it matters: anybody is welcome to say anything about me.

Lol, you really should do that blog.

You then could have the control over the audience you pretend not to crave for.
Honestly this just sounds like defeatism to me. What prospect is there of anything better, be it progressive or revolutionary, in this bleak outlook of yours? Might as well throw your lot in with the oligarchs and tyrants, since apparently they're inevitably going to win, at least until the world is overtaken by apocalypse.

Seems like a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.
Defeatism with regard to what?

What prospect of revolutionary or progressive change? Obviously remote. Unless you share the soft left vision of progressive, in which case stuff like victory for the gang in Kiev , for example, can be viewed as progress. In actual fact, what it will mainly progress is the survival of neo-liberalism and clear away any social protection that Ukraine may still have. And, yes, the alternative may well turn out to be even worse. I can't help any of this, and I don't begrudge those who wish to take an opposing view.
It really doesn't take enormous effort. In fact, it takes hardly any effort at all.

I don't pretend that only I understand anything. 'Telling lies about people bring pro-NATO' might be understandable when they speak up all the time for NATO. Any worse than calling anybody who disagrees a 'Putinbot'? Is my tone any more 'superior' than the quite numerous posters who seem to have a need to constantly appear to take the moral high ground? As for tawdry, perhaps (I quite like the idea of being a tawdry cunt), but it isn't me who responds to others with petulant 'fuck offs', or tried to get them banned. Not that it matters: anybody is welcome to say anything about me.
Quite liked the first sentence, but the piece de resistance was the world weary sigh of the final one. :thumbs:

Sorry, that's all I've got time for now, I've got to go and wash my Nato T-Shirt and send my regular donation to the arms industry...
Quite liked the first sentence, but the piece de resistance was the world weary sigh of the final one. :thumbs:

Sorry, that's all I've got time for now, I've got to go and wash my Nato T-Shirt and send my regular donation to the arms industry...
Changing times of the left.
Defeatism with regard to what?

What prospect of revolutionary or progressive change? Obviously remote. Unless you share the soft left vision of progressive, in which case stuff like victory for the gang in Kiev , for example, can be viewed as progress. In actual fact, what it will mainly progress is the survival of neo-liberalism and clear away any social protection that Ukraine may still have. And, yes, the alternative may well turn out to be even worse. I can't help any of this, and I don't begrudge those who wish to take an opposing view.

Pretty much everything, from the sounds of it.
Just a thought er

Who now believes NATO is left wing?

It's always puzzled me how people who claim to support collective ownership, control and universal provision of housing, healthcare, education, transport, production of food energy et al should be against the principle of collective, universal defence.

Man has no food - society should step in to feed him.

Woman is sick - society should step in to both cure her, and to rovide for her while she can work.

Man is homeless - society should provide him with a home.

Woman is attacked by her neighbour, her house is torched, her children stolen and her husband murdered - fuck that bitch, my gas bill has gone up....
It's always puzzled me how people who claim to support collective ownership, control and universal provision of housing, healthcare, education, transport, production of food energy et al should be against the principle of collective, universal defence.

Man has no food - society should step in to feed him.

Woman is sick - society should step in to both cure her, and to rovide for her while she can work.

Man is homeless - society should provide him with a home.

Woman is attacked by her neighbour, her house is torched, her children stolen and her husband murdered - fuck that bitch, my gas bill has gone up....
You'll get a few falling for that one, no doubt.
Only in 2023 could the left divide itself into Pro/anti war.

Only the swappies could imagine there could be any kind of question over the right of a society to not be over-run by a hyper-nationalist, murderous, imperialist gangster state.
You'll get a few falling for that one, no doubt.
'30 years ago, I wrapped languid fingers round my cup in the traditional Russian coffee shop. Outside, the masses flocked to the newly opened Starbucks and I smiled indulgently. You might be dupes, I chuckled , but history unrolled as I Muad Dib had forseen.Turning back to my coffee I found it was cold and bitter... on the radio I heard Man City had lost 4-0 to Mansfield'.
'30 years ago, I wrapped languid fingers round my cup in the traditional Russian coffee shop. Outside, the masses flocked to the newly opened Starbucks and I smiled indulgently. You might be dupes, I chuckled , but history unrolled as I Muad Dib had forseen.Turning back to my coffee I found it was cold and bitter... on the radio I heard Man City had lost 4-0 to Mansfield'.
There was little coverage of Britain in the Soviet media, so I didn't usually hear anything about English football at all while I was there (City were still in the top flight at the time.) Except for once, in December 1990, when I'd gone to the Cosmos Hotel to make a phone call home and, fruitlessly looking for a British newspaper in one of the hotel shops, I heard some Lancashire voices. It turned out that they were builders from Rochdale doing contract work over there. They'd only been there a week and were hating it, but they told me all the football news from the last few weeks. City were top half, your lot second in the table. Oldham were topping the Second Division, and even Rochdale were clinging to the top four in the Fourth.

There weren't yet any Starbucks, or any other western chains apart from MacDonald's and, just recently opened, Pizza Hut. The coffee was almost uniformly awful, and that was when you could actually get a cup-scores of Soviet cafes had closed down in Moscow over the past two decades, and even the Muscovites didn't seem to know exactly why. If you had hard currency you could go to a hotel bar, however. I always had the urge to have an Armenian brandy with mine even mid-morning. If you wanted to save money you could seek out the rouble bar, usually hidden so well somwhere in these vast buildings that the only people who seemed to know about it were the hotel staff, the ubiqitous hotel prostitutes and their pimps. The coffee in these was inferior, but the brandy the same as that which cost you five times as much in Sterling or Dollars.

I like your post, though. I might use it as the basis for the opening of my memoirs when I come to write them.
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It really doesn't take enormous effort. In fact, it takes hardly any effort at all.

I don't pretend that only I understand anything. 'Telling lies about people bring pro-NATO' might be understandable when they speak up all the time for NATO. Any worse than calling anybody who disagrees a 'Putinbot'? Is my tone any more 'superior' than the quite numerous posters who seem to have a need to constantly appear to take the moral high ground? As for tawdry, perhaps (I quite like the idea of being a tawdry cunt), but it isn't me who responds to others with petulant 'fuck offs', or tried to get them banned. Not that it matters: anybody is welcome to say anything about me.

Yes, you do pretend that very thing. Your MO is to discredit other opinions by saying, "no one can know _____", and then you follow that up with your own claims despite facts to the contrary, such as the one that nothing could be known about the intentions of the invasion. You were completely unaware that had been out there since the beginning. What was crazy about that was the idea that anyone would believe such a huge invasion could happen and not a word be given as to why. Even then, you seemed surprised that Putin referred to Ukraine as a territory. That was news to you also. You should include that in your memoirs too to keep it well rounded.
Yes, you do pretend that very thing. Your MO is to discredit other opinions by saying, "no one can know _____", and then you follow that up with your own claims despite facts to the contrary, such as the one that nothing could be known about the intentions of the invasion. You were completely unaware that had been out there since the beginning. What was crazy about that was the idea that anyone would believe such a huge invasion could happen and not a word be given as to why. Even then, you seemed surprised that Putin referred to Ukraine as a territory. That was news to you also. You should include that in your memoirs too to keep it well rounded.
Can't really decipher what you're on about.
I don’t know why you all bother tbh. I’ve paid no attention to that chump since he implied I was racist because I was surprised to see Russian attack helicopters over what looked like a retail park just outside Reading.

Oh well, gives me something to read I guess.

As you were. :D
Why would they nuke billions of pounds of assets like expensive property they've brought in the west? They're mobsters, not idiots.
Congrats on making yourself look an arse relative to Sting (takes some doing)

I agree with him, my faith in Russian humanity stems in them being parents rather than the residual value of bricks and morter
There was little coverage of Britain in the Soviet media, so I didn't usually hear anything about English football at all while I was there (City were still in the top flight at the time.) Except for once, in December 1990, when I'd gone to the Cosmos Hotel to make a phone call home and, fruitlessly looking for a British newspaper in one of the hotel shops, I heard some Lancashire voices. It turned out that they were builders from Rochdale doing contract work over there. They'd only been there a week and were hating it, but they told me all the football news from the last few weeks. City were top half, your lot second in the table. Oldham were topping the Second Division, and even Rochdale were clinging to the top four in the Fourth.

There weren't yet any Starbucks, or any other western chains apart from MacDonald's and, just recently opened, Pizza Hut. The coffee was almost uniformly awful, and that was when you could actually get a cup-scores of Soviet cafes had closed down in Moscow over the past two decades, and even the Muscovites didn't seem to know exactly why. If you had hard currency you could go to a hotel bar, however. I always had the urge to have an Armenian brandy with mine even mid-morning. If you wanted to save money you could seek out the rouble bar, usually hidden so well somwhere in these vast buildings that the only people who seemed to know about it were the hotel staff, the ubiqitous hotel prostitutes and their pimps. The coffee in these was inferior, but the brandy the same as that which cost you five times as much in Sterling or Dollars.

I like your post, though. I might use it as the basis for the opening of my memoirs when I come to write them.
Forgive my dreadful fact checking but you were my half time entertainment amid the unfolding horrors of a 4-0 defeat to Warrington Rylands. :(

On the memoir, some working titles:
Putin: his part in my victory
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Right All the Time
The Ragged Trousered Misanthropist
Forgive my dreadful fact checking but you were my half time entertainment amid the unfolding horrors of a 4-0 defeat to Warrington Rylands. :(

On the memoir, some working titles:
Putin: his part in my victory
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Right All the Time
The Ragged Trousered Misanthropist
You'll note I was quite restrained and didn't go with Diary of a Nobody. ;)
Forgive my dreadful fact checking but you were my half time entertainment amid the unfolding horrors of a 4-0 defeat to Warrington Rylands. :(

On the memoir, some working titles:
Putin: his part in my victory
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Right All the Time
The Ragged Trousered Misanthropist
"Where have all the bullies gone?"
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