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Putins satan 2 dooms day

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You are a cynic, and a bullshitter. You can have NO idea about what most people "sitting safely at home" are feeling...and you demonstrate that ignorance on a daily basis. It must be comforting, at least, to live under the delusion that you are somehow better than the rest of us...or at least better than how you perceive us to be. Of course, to the rest of us, you look like a cynic, a bullshitter, and a twat. You could do something about that, but I know you won't.

You're despicable.
I haven't said I'm better than anybody. And I was replying to somebody who said quite openly that he thinks the war is good because it's got clear goodies and baddies (perhaps a bit like an old western film where the red-skinned barbarians get their due from the civilising Europeans.)

Throughout these Ukraine threads it's seemed to me that you're the one who takes the position of being better than others. All morally superior, and splutteringly indignant if somebody strays from the script you choose to follow.
It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic, how blatantly happy you are to apply a double standard when it comes to Russian attitudes vs Ukrainian ones.

Still, even though it isn't funny, it shows us clearly how shallowly hollow your claim not to be biased to one side or the other is. At least most of those of us who support Ukraine don't attempt to pull, as you are, the Judas trick and deny it.
You don't support Ukraine. You just cheer them on from the safety of 1500 miles away, apparently under the impression that they can hear you.
You affect nothing as well, you sorry ass miserable plop.

You only post here in an attempt to bring people down, trying to show your superiority because you once had a piss over there 30 years ago.

You're not fooling anyone.
All along I've pointed out that none of us are affecting what happens in Ukraine in any way.
That's certainly one of the dumbest things you have posted, did becoming a dickhead occur naturally, or did you go on some course?
I apologise. I expect his inbox is full of grateful emails from beleagured Ukrainians.

All along you've accused people here who opposed the invasion as being pro-war, pro-NATO and bigging up the carnage.
I can't think of anybody who didn't oppose the invasion.

But I fail to see how any of us, pro-war or otherwise are affecting anything via keyboard.
I fail to see why some posters get so upset about a differing opinion on threads where 90% agree with them.

For me it's not the content; it's the arrogant, patronising, and generally unpleasant tone which you deliver your opinions in. That and your continual refusal to actually clearly answer questions.

I really hope you come across better in real life or I'd say you must be a thoroughly nasty person. Maybe your avatar tagline is a 'many a true word is spoken in jest' thing?
Ah yes, the "narrative of the pro-war establishment". Remind me, the foreign troops that have been occupying Ukrainian territory since 2014, along with conducting a wholesale invasion in 2022, where do they come from? They are from Russia, yes? Not NATO? It astounds me how self-professed "anti-war" types in the West will ignore the blatantly obvious. The Kremlin's actions make them as pro-war as it's possible to get short of starting WWIII, but strangely enough they never figure in "peacemonger" rhetoric.

What's this "bigger picture" that apparently excuses Russian warmongering? NATO expansion? OK, let's keep widening our scope. Why might so many of Russia's neighbours prefer a NATO presence over a Russian one?
The bigger picture has to start in the Gorbachev period when, with western encouragement, the section of the old elite who had become most influential adopted the economic policies that would soon see Russian society subjected to the so-called shock therapy experiment. The resulting impoverishment of the vast majority made the kind of Russia we see today inevitable. And that kind of Russia can only be nationalistic. And nationalists in Russia will only see Ukraine, and NATO expansion (especially with a view to including Ukraine), in one way.

There has been a sick sense of inevitability about it all. And the tragedy is that the conflct will still be raging in some form as long as most of us on here remain alive.
For me it's not the content; it's the arrogant, patronising, and generally unpleasant tone which you deliver your opinions in. That and your continual refusal to actually clearly answer questions.

I really hope you come across better in real life or I'd say you must be a thoroughly nasty person. Maybe your avatar tagline is a 'many a true word is spoken in jest' thing?
I'm not really bothered about 'how I come across.' After all, there's room for all shades of twat on these boards.

I actually like the idea of myself as 'a thoroughly nasty person.' When I exchange pleasantries with a neighbour, I might come across as a bland, non-commital cunt, but they just don't know what evil thoughts are going through my head.

However, it's notable that the same small group of posters have chosen yet again to write about another poster. It seems harder for them to give up than heroin.
The bigger picture has to start in the Gorbachev period when, with western encouragement, the section of the old elite who had become most influential adopted the economic policies that would soon see Russian society subjected to the so-called shock therapy experiment. The resulting impoverishment of the vast majority made the kind of Russia we see today inevitable. And that kind of Russia can only be nationalistic. And nationalists in Russia will only see Ukraine, and NATO expansion (especially with a view to including Ukraine), in one way.

There has been a sick sense of inevitability about it all. And the tragedy is that the conflct will still be raging in some form as long as most of us on here remain alive.

OK, if we're gonna treat longer-term geopolitical trends like impersonal forces, then that still leaves the problem in the present to deal with. As an analogy, the fact that past anthropogenic GHG emissions have contributed to the greater incidence of wildfires in the present, is not in itself an argument against protecting life and property through firefighting.
OK, if we're gonna treat longer-term geopolitical trends like impersonal forces, then that still leaves the problem in the present to deal with. As an analogy, the fact that past anthropogenic GHG emissions have contributed to the greater incidence of wildfires in the present, is not in itself an argument against protecting life and property through firefighting.
Ideology is a major factor. Putin actually did seem open to friendly, if cool, relations with the west at first, but the latter was still largely run by people who had the same illusions (to one degree or another) about 'The End of History' that prevailed at the end of the Cold War, and imagined that the impoverishment of Russia would put ideas of empire on the back-burner, leaving them free to continue pursuing the 'backing Russia into a corner' policies which had so annoyed Yeltsin and co. in the end, after they'd previously been, quite possibly, the most western-friendly gang to run Russia in history. It was a complete misjudgement of both history and Putin and co., who were not prepared to see Russia become just any other country-it isn't how they, and evidently much of the Russian population, see themselves, and there's nothing anybody can do about that. They have a different ideology, or ideologies.

And therein lies the difficulty-if wildfires arise from GHG emissions, we face opposition to effective policies for dealing with the problem from the large part of the world's population that doesn't believe in human activity-driven climate change and will elect governments, or have governments imposed on them, that hamper progress in this area. Ideology again.

And there are no definitive answers. Even if Russia is defeated, the conflict is going to re-emerge at some point (if Ukraine and Russia in their present forms have a long-term future, which is far from guaranteed), and the climate crisis will impact on it, as it will on everything else, if only because the climate crisis can't be resolved.
Never said I was. After all, it isn't 'me' writing about 'me.' It's you lot.

I swear even not-that-cuddly Uncle Arthur in your avatar is looking ever more pissed off as time goes on coz of being stuck next to your tiresome, suck-the-life-out-of-every-thread-you-post-on pessimistic sludge! Ah well... if it makes you feel better... which I strongly suspect it doesn't :rolleyes:
The bigger picture has to start in the Gorbachev period when, with western encouragement, the section of the old elite who had become most influential adopted the economic policies that would soon see Russian society subjected to the so-called shock therapy experiment. The resulting impoverishment of the vast majority made the kind of Russia we see today inevitable. And that kind of Russia can only be nationalistic. And nationalists in Russia will only see Ukraine, and NATO expansion (especially with a view to including Ukraine), in one way.

There has been a sick sense of inevitability about it all. And the tragedy is that the conflct will still be raging in some form as long as most of us on here remain alive.

No, RussianDefense2003, there has to be some responsibility of today's Russia within Russia. It wasn't inevitable, neither is subjugation of Ukraine. What you see in Ukraine is just that, in part or in total.
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