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Putins satan 2 dooms day

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Invasion and annexation are two different things - you can annexe after invading, but it's not a prerequisite of invading.

Basra, or Sangin, were never declared to be part of the UK - they were part of Iraq and Afghanistan, and no one had any interest or inclination to change that.

You could even annex without invading - personally, if Russia starts to fall apart after this, I can imagine China starting to annexe slices of the Russian Far East: there's been huge Chinese immigration to the Russian far east since 90 or so, huge amounts of Chinese economic ownership out there both state and non-state, and in the end with China, there's no such thing as 'non-state'... China owns most of it, there are lots of Chinese citizens there, and Moscow is a looooong way away, and getting smaller.

You probably wouldn't be looking at great columns of tanks crossing the border, but the local Russian authorities (civic, police etc...) simply changing their allegiance, and asking for Chinese support - and then you might see tanks crossing the border, but you might not if the Chinese prefer to play a long game.
I DON'T Support the Russian Invasion of de jure Ukraine, I wish we could go back to before 2014 somehow. But it is the powers in Kyiv that have pišşed it all away.

The "wider picture" is worldwide geopolitics. The "Belt & Road" initiative, oil being sold in currencies other than USD, BRICS, coup d'etats in Sahel Africa......

I've a had a while off Urban and just putting my tootsies back in to it as opposed to being some new "fcukwit" turning up. It is interesting to watch how the tenor has somewhat changed.

Saddam Hussein was a nastier guy than that there "Puťler", but more people questioned back then the narrative of the Iraq war for example.
Good to see the anti war movement here.
Simping for the Russian boss class and their religious extremist mates isn’t a great look for self-proclaimed leftists.

I know Russia may have once been a socialist paradise, but it got taken over by people with very different values and is nothing what it used to be. A bit like what happened to Wimbledon FC.
Simping for the Russian boss class and their religious extremist mates isn’t a great look for self-proclaimed leftists.

I know Russia may have once been a socialist paradise, but it got taken over by people with very different values and is nothing what it used to be. A bit like what happened to Wimbledon FC.
Maybe some of us are actually against nuclear war. I'm no fan of Putin or Zelensky.
Maybe some of us are actually against nuclear war. I'm no fan of Putin or Zelensky.

The gangster capitalists of Russia have no more desire to get blown up or spend the rest of their lives confined to a bunker eating tinned beans than anyone else. The nuclear threats are a ploy intended to put the frighteners on Western plebs, and it seems to be working on you.
The gangster capitalists of Russia have no more desire to get blown up or spend the rest of their lives confined to a bunker eating tinned beans than anyone else. The nuclear threats are a ploy intended to put the frighteners on Western plebs, and it seems to be working on you.
Famous last words
Famous last words

So are the Russians bloodthirsty maniacs willing to blow up the world or not, in your eyes? If they're not, then the nukes are an empty threat since Ukraine is in no position to pose an existential risk to Russia. If they are, then what on what basis can Ukraine expect negotiations to be conducted in good faith?
Me neither. However, the Ukrainians I meet have no desire to capitulate and wish to continue resisting the invasion. Zelensky reflects the view of the people in the way that Putin doesn't.
There is no 'view of the people' anywhere. Only what 'the people' can be manipulated by those who monopolise power and wealth into thinking.

I don't doubt that most Ukrainians are in favour of driving the Russians out, but most find themselves in a situation not of their own making, and which they have never had any control over. The current gang in power find themselves there ultimately because of the coup that took place in 2014, led by minorities and heavily reliant on the fascists of Azov.

As for Russia, it's impossible to say for sure, but those in favour of the war seem, according to much analysis, also to favour the war as presented to them.
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Never have I seen a more feeble attempt at straw clutching in my entire life it doesn't even deserve 0/10

Ukraine is definitely in the right here, no-one has claimed that pre-war Ukraine was a paradise but it is totally innocent in all this. When people protest against foreign wars, they're not protesting against the actual war, they are protesting against their own Govt's policy towards it. There are no protests against this war because despite the complete dogs dinner Rishi Rich and his buddies are making of everything else it seems to me that the vast majority of the public are behind them on this. Here in Sleepyville UK there are at least a dozen Ukrainian flags flying from houses in support. I have met actual Ukrainian refugees (all women and children by the way, their men have stayed to fight).
If it was up to me I would let them have F-22's never mind F-16's, I'm not totally opposed to the idea of letting them have battlefield nukes. For the first time since the Falkands War we are involved in a war where there is no question we are on the right side and it feels good.
I think that's one of the problems. Too many people sitting safely at home 'feeling good' (what, really?) about the fact that there's a war going on. A war we can all get behind. At last.

It helps explain the early online euphoria, I suppose, before it all became a bit of a boring grind. What we need at the moment is something big and spectacular to give us all a bit of a boost. If it's on the part of Russia we can get angry and indignant; if Ukraine, break out the bubbly again.

'Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry...'
I think that's one of the problems. Too many people sitting safely at home 'feeling good' (what, really?) about the fact that there's a war going on. A war we can all get behind. At last.

It helps explain the early online euphoria, I suppose, before it all became a bit of a boring grind. What we need at the moment is something big and spectacular to give us all a bit of a boost. If it's on the part of Russia we can get angry and indignant; if Ukraine, break out the bubbly again.

'Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry...'

Apart from being the cynic in chief on this thread, what is your actual position? Come on, let's have it.
The gangster capitalists of Russia have no more desire to get blown up or spend the rest of their lives confined to a bunker eating tinned beans than anyone else. The nuclear threats are a ploy intended to put the frighteners on Western plebs, and it seems to be working on you.
Why would they nuke billions of pounds of assets like expensive property they've brought in the west? They're mobsters, not idiots.
There is no 'view of the people' anywhere. Only what 'the people' can be manipulated by those who monopolise power and wealth into thinking.

I don't doubt that most Ukrainians are in favour of driving the Russians out, but most find themselves in a situation not of their own making, and which they have never had any control over. The current gang in power find themselves there ultimately because of the coup that took place in 2014, led by minorities and heavily reliant on the fascists of Azov.

As for Russia, it's impossible to say for sure, but those in favour of the war seem, according to much analysis, also to favour the war as presented to them.
Ah, the we're all puppets of the Jews argument.
I think that's one of the problems. Too many people sitting safely at home 'feeling good' (what, really?) about the fact that there's a war going on. A war we can all get behind. At last.
You are a cynic, and a bullshitter. You can have NO idea about what most people "sitting safely at home" are feeling...and you demonstrate that ignorance on a daily basis. It must be comforting, at least, to live under the delusion that you are somehow better than the rest of us...or at least better than how you perceive us to be. Of course, to the rest of us, you look like a cynic, a bullshitter, and a twat. You could do something about that, but I know you won't.

It helps explain the early online euphoria, I suppose, before it all became a bit of a boring grind. What we need at the moment is something big and spectacular to give us all a bit of a boost. If it's on the part of Russia we can get angry and indignant; if Ukraine, break out the bubbly again.

'Make 'em laugh, make 'em cry...'
You're despicable.
There is no 'view of the people' anywhere. Only what 'the people' can be manipulated by those who monopolise power and wealth into thinking.

I don't doubt that most Ukrainians are in favour of driving the Russians out, but most find themselves in a situation not of their own making, and which they have never had any control over. The current gang in power find themselves there ultimately because of the coup that took place in 2014, led by minorities and heavily reliant on the fascists of Azov.

As for Russia, it's impossible to say for sure, but those in favour of the war seem, according to much analysis, also to favour the war as presented to them.
It would be funny, if it weren't so pathetic, how blatantly happy you are to apply a double standard when it comes to Russian attitudes vs Ukrainian ones.

Still, even though it isn't funny, it shows us clearly how shallowly hollow your claim not to be biased to one side or the other is. At least most of those of us who support Ukraine don't attempt to pull, as you are, the Judas trick and deny it.
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