Never have I seen a more feeble attempt at straw clutching in my entire life it doesn't even deserve 0/10
Ukraine is definitely in the right here, no-one has claimed that pre-war Ukraine was a paradise but it is totally innocent in all this. When people protest against foreign wars, they're not protesting against the actual war, they are protesting against their own Govt's policy towards it. There are no protests against this war because despite the complete dogs dinner Rishi Rich and his buddies are making of everything else it seems to me that the vast majority of the public are behind them on this. Here in Sleepyville UK there are at least a dozen Ukrainian flags flying from houses in support. I have met actual Ukrainian refugees (all women and children by the way, their men have stayed to fight).
If it was up to me I would let them have F-22's never mind F-16's, I'm not totally opposed to the idea of letting them have battlefield nukes. For the first time since the Falkands War we are involved in a war where there is no question we are on the right side and it feels good.