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Weird sandwiches

if marty21's to be believed, she was a great garlic afficionado

In that case, they probably wouldn't detect anything!

Your poor mother! :D
I am not aware of any garlic issues , pro or anti, with my mum, I fall on the side of ,It's ok. She never cooked with it when we were kids - garlic was not on the average Irish shopping list in the 70s/80s

she has been married to dad for 50 years - she would agree with you on the 'poor mother' statement
I don't think it is weird, but I love fried Marmite and cheese sandwiches, some say it is wrong, they are the wrong 'uns!

I love salt sandwiches, mustard sandwiches, and ketchup sandwiches. The problem with sauce sandwiches is that the filling drips all over the place. This can be reduced by adding S&V crisps.
I am watching someone eating a cheddar cheese and cottage cheese sandwich.

Yesterday they had a hummus and mustard sandwich.

What weird sandwiches have you observed other people eating as if it were totally normal.
Those both sound fine to me. Cottage cheese and cheddar used to be a firm favourite of mine.
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