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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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Liar. I said "get back to your alcohol/sleeping pills".

You post a thread from 4 years ago where I stated I was fucking off from these boards, which I did for a year or so, then again last year, and you cite this as proof of a lie? You were the one who flounced off after being caught reposting private dinner conversations in an attempt to smear the owner of this website, so don't give me your moral high-ground, get back to your anti-depressants and alcohol problems.

The only emotion you elicit from anyone is abject pity.
Former alcoholic or not, it's a cunt's trick to use it as an arguing tool.

I agree - I wouldn't have mentioned were it not for the numerous mentions of my alleged past by people on this thread... everythings fair game here these days though it seems...
I agree - I wouldn't have mentioned were it not for the numerous mentions of my alleged past by people on this thread... everythings fair game here these days though it seems...

yeh cos obviously there's an equivalence between me calling you a liar about a broken promise to leave 4 years ago and your alleging stuff about me drinking, taking anti-depressants and having mental health issues. you lying fuck.
I think the point is clear enough. You asked for evidence and I provided it, you kept pushing the point, so...

Back on topic, you mentioned Aztec (as far as I know there is no such religion) and you said you could also have said christianity.

Which disregards the fact that christianity has undergone massive reform to keep up with present times.

Can you elaborate on why you see christianity as being equally or more barbaric than islam?

Seems like a weak argument to me.

Oh and bear in mind the year is 2011, we are far from living in the dark ages. So modern context would be more relevant, thanks.
I think the point is clear enough. You asked for evidence and I provided it, you kept pushing the point, so...

Back on topic, you mentioned Aztec (as far as I know there is no such religion) and you said you could also have said christianity.

Which disregards the fact that christianity has undergone massive reform to keep up with present times.

Can you elaborate on why you see christianity as being equally or more barbaric than islam?

Seems like a weak argument to me.

Oh and bear in mind the year is 2011, we are far from living in the dark ages. So modern context would be more relevant, thanks.

yeh so you were lying because i made you :rolleyes:

you know fuck all about christianity - indeed, as much as you do about islam - if you think 'christianity has undergone massive reform to keep up with present times'. when was the reformation in the copts or the greek orthodox have their 'massive reform' - not to mentio the amish?

christianity being equally or more barbarous than islam: can you name me an islamic country which has slaughtered so many people in so many different ways in the last hundred years as christian germany?

we can't be living far from the dark ages if someone from a developed country comes out with the guff you do.
You can disagree if you like, it doesn't change the fact that neither you or anyone else can name another religion as "barbaric" as islam.

well thats a simple lie, plenty have been named, but you dismiss them out of hand - for the simple reason that they're not muslim! But considering the rest of your lies, distortions and evasions throughout the thread, this is hardly surprising.

Nigh on 100 pages watching pk roll around in his own shit, it's a pretty fucking unedifying spectacle. But at least you are thoroughly covered in it now
Which disregards the fact that christianity has undergone massive reform to keep up with present times.

Yup, the catholic church whose last head demanded a cover up of systematic child abuse being carried out at thatr very time. The catholic church which is so full of paedophiles we almost forget its current head was a nazi.

Yay massive reform!

Still, thats obviously the good paedophilia, not the bad kind those muslims carry out.
F'kin hell, this thread is now just bizarre. And for pk to be slinging accusations of mental instability about is proper lol.

Never ague with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with years of experience.
No, "plenty" haven't. You haven't named one, all you've done is flung shit and kept your opinions well and truly hidden.

The Catholic Church has been raised loads of times, I've seen Christian Nazi Germany in there, and yet you fail to answer these points? Is it any wonder people aren't trying to argue with you properly?
The contemporary Catholic/Fundamentalist stance on child abuse, contraception and abortion is way more barbaric than islamic practices in regards to the same issues. And trying to deny the rich history, past and present, of violence, genocide and oppression done at the hands of Christian actors is ludicrous.
Posts 556 pk
Posts 148 Proper Tidy
Posts 127 DrRingDing
Posts 92 littlebabyjesus
Posts 91 Rutita1
Posts 86 belboid
Posts 85 ernestolynch
Posts 78 Pickman's model
Posts 74 smokedout
Posts 61 ViolentPanda

Crap, I'm 2nd
No, "plenty" haven't. You haven't named one, all you've done is flung shit and kept your opinions well and truly hidden.

I've just named (another) one - in that last post! You really are desperate aren't you? Even your EDL allies are probably getting a bit embarassed at the pisspoor nature of your argument.
No point in having a discussion then.

I waded through all that crap to try to find any examples pointing to serious institutionalised racism and found very little to show that this is a problem that is more prevalent in Norway than anywhere else.

Nobody is saying it's MORE prevalent in Norway, just that it is seen as a serious problem within the Norwegian police by the EC and Amnesty International as well as the Norwegian government itself. Could you leave those goalposts where they are please.

If you think Rohde is lying or manipulating stats or only opening assault rape investigations when they involve non-Norweigan men, then say so. If you can prove it then we can all look into getting it seriously investigated.

I've said so several times, with supporting evidence from numerous other sources of relevant statistics which clearly show that in order to be true she must be using a very odd definition of "assault rape" or that the Oslo police only investigate a tiny fraction of such crimes. Without having access to the details of all the rape accusations the Oslo police decided not to investigate the only thing we can do is look at statistics from other jurisdictions. Since it's clear from the links to Statistics Norway that the highest rate of rape is in the part of Norway with the least immigration, and that in the UK the vast majority of aggravated rapes are committed by white men, the obvious conclusion is that for some reason the Oslo police are enormously more likely to classify a rape as "assault rape" or investigate it if the perpetrators are non-Western immigrants. There have been questions asked in the Norwegian Parliament, and by the ECRI and Amnesty, about institutional racism in the Norwegian police and their use of racial profiling.

I think that shows a very clear picture. I'm glad that finally, after beating you around the head with it, you can see it.

The Norwegian police are already under scrutiny from the Norwegian government, the ECRI, Amnesty, and for all I know some other organisations. In fact the only person who seems to see them as impeccable is you.
Every one I've come across are twats, altho I'll say that the plural of anecdote is not data. Whether that makes them racist twats is a different question, but it's not like they've got a great track-record recruiting from minority groups. Wonder why that is.......
It is true though that you're making exactly the same argument, in exactly the same terms, as the EDL. You can't be surprised that they're praising you. You're helping them.
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