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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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given what the english were doing to their own citizens at this time, i don't think you can say that islamic slavery was more barbaric, especially as you admit some of the people taken from baltimore did make it back to ireland. people taken by the corsairs could be ransomed. expeditions could be mounted to rescue them. i don't believe that many slaves taken from africa to america and the west indies were afforded the opportunity for ransom or rescue and the number who saw africa again as free men and women, before the nineteenth century, can probably be numbered on the fingers and toes of one person.

But, but, but, there is good slavery, and bad slavery...obviously! Innit pk?
Ah yes, the old "but white folk did it too!".

To be expected from idiots missing the point.

Point is, as if you didn't know, that there is an interesting context in the word "barbaric" used here, and for all the slavery lessons taught in schools and universities, very little is told of the Ottoman occupation of Lundy and the raids upon churches and villages at the time for "easy meat".

Of course, you knew all about the muslim flag flying over Lundy Island didn't you Pickmans...

Ah yes, the old "but white folk did it too!".

To be expected from idiots missing the point.

I think you'll find it's more a case of 'everyone was at it' to some degree of another so what makes the example you give so special? Is it because the slaves were White, just like the majority of the girls in the case from the OP are White? It's about the value you place on that fact and the meaning you make of the perpetrators not being White.
I don't believe you.

No point in having a discussion then.

I waded through all that crap to try to find any examples pointing to serious institutionalised racism and found very little to show that this is a problem that is more prevalent in Norway than anywhere else.

If you think Rohde is lying or manipulating stats or only opening assault rape investigations when they involve non-Norweigan men, then say so. If you can prove it then we can all look into getting it seriously investigated.

Spare me your fuckwitted hysteria though, and don't try to insinuate that I am in the habit of making "nigger jokes", it undermines anything you have to say.
Ah yes, the old "but white folk did it too!".

To be expected from idiots missing the point.

Point is, as if you didn't know, that there is an interesting context in the word "barbaric" used here, and for all the slavery lessons taught in schools and universities, very little is told of the Ottoman occupation of Lundy and the raids upon churches and villages at the time for "easy meat".

Of course, you knew all about the muslim flag flying over Lundy Island didn't you Pickmans...


your entire point above appears to be how nasty the barbary slavers were. but it's hard to make that argument convincing when you recall that the government of this country was enslaving members of its own population and working them to death for profit.
No point in having a discussion then.

I waded through all that crap to try to find any examples pointing to serious institutionalised racism and found very little to show that this is a problem that is more prevalent in Norway than anywhere else.

If you think Rohde is lying or manipulating stats or only opening assault rape investigations when they involve non-Norweigan men, then say so. If you can prove it then we can all look into getting it seriously investigated.

Spare me your fuckwitted hysteria though, and don't try to insinuate that I am in the habit of making "nigger jokes", it undermines anything you have to say.
as far as i'm concerned you've already undermined what you have to say because of the clear lies you tell.
I think you'll find it's more a case of 'everyone was at it' to some degree of another so what makes the example you give so special? Is it because the slaves were White, just like the majority of the girls in the case from the OP are White? It's about the value you place on that fact and the meaning you make of the perpetrators not being White.

I'd say there were interesting comparisons with modern events and little known about events occurring in the 17th century.

You can disagree if you like, it doesn't change the fact that neither you or anyone else can name another religion as "barbaric" as islam.
I'd say there were interesting comparisons with modern events and little known about events occurring in the 17th century.

You can disagree if you like, it doesn't change the fact that neither you or anyone else can name another religion as "barbaric" as islam.

before it was 'no one can name a religion more barbarous than islam'. now it's no one can name a religion on a par with islam. why the change? incidentally, the standard seems to be less 'who can name a religion more (or as) barbaric as islam' but 'who can name a religion more (or as) barbaric as islam and which pk can agree is so barbaric'.
No point in having a discussion then.

I waded through all that crap to try to find any examples pointing to serious institutionalised racism and found very little to show that this is a problem that is more prevalent in Norway than anywhere else.

If you think Rohde is lying or manipulating stats or only opening assault rape investigations when they involve non-Norweigan men, then say so. If you can prove it then we can all look into getting it seriously investigated.

Spare me your fuckwitted hysteria though, and don't try to insinuate that I am in the habit of making "nigger jokes", it undermines anything you have to say.

No it doesn't. The fact that you saw fit to make a nigger joke and then justify it on this thread speaks for itself.
before it was 'no one can name a religion more barbarous than islam'. now it's no one can name a religion on a par with islam. why the change?

Aye, because tedious pedantry is always a substitute for addressing the question.

Go on, have a go at naming one, using either "more than" or "on a par with".

No it doesn't. The fact that you saw fit to make a nigger joke and then justify it on this thread speaks for itself.

I didn't make a nigger joke, you silly lying little girl. You know this too, it's just easier for you to run away from answering any of the issues raised so you can get to play the race card. Or the sexist card. Or whatever.
Aye, because tedious pedantry is always a substitute for addressing the question.

Go on, have a go at naming one, using either "more than" or "on a par with".

speaking of not addressing the question, i asked you above to provide evidence of me having an alcohol problem, of me taking anti-depressants, and of me having mental health issues. you've failed to do so. that could of course be because there is no such evidence. which begs the question, why you made those allegations. the only answer seems to me to be because you're a piece of shit with no redeeming features.

returning to the topic, there's three questions above i've asked i don't expect you to be able to provide an answer to. but it would be entertaining to see your fumbling attempt.
You have stated on here that you used to have a chronic alcohol problem.

Were you lying??


no, i asked you to provide evidence of me having a drinking problem, not 'post up some shit from five years ago'. incidentally, the post you quote was written when i was a couple of weeks shy of three years since i'd had a drink: hardly evidence of me knocking back six pints before lunch and a similar number after. as i said in that post i had been a chronic alcoholic: not that i was then (or now) one.
I didn't make a nigger joke, you silly lying little girl.

I can say this without any hint of irony whatsoever - if there really is any one of you left wing, left behind, left shorty lefties reading this thread thinking that the sexist Pakistani muslim culture had absolutely no role to play in what looks like a long-ignored problem, then y'all are some seriously fucked up niggers.

In the context, not isolated as you have presented it, a term of endearment that only a silly girl would take offence to

You know this too, it's just easier for you to run away from answering any of the issues raised so you can get to play the race card. Or the sexist card. Or whatever.

What I know is that you are the one doing the running, this way and that.

You made a nigger joke, tried to pass it off as being endeared and consistently address me in a condescending, sexist manner yet when I call you on it I am playing the race/sexism card. Pathetic.

I didn't make a nigger joke, you silly lying little girl. You know this too, it's just easier for you to run away from answering any of the issues raised so you can get to play the race card. Or the sexist card. Or whatever.
you are andy gray and i claim my £5
no, i asked you to provide evidence of me having a drinking problem, not 'post up some shit from five years ago'. incidentally, the post you quote was written when i was a couple of weeks shy of three years since i'd had a drink: hardly evidence of me knocking back six pints before lunch and a similar number after. as i said in that post i had been a chronic alcoholic: not that i was then (or now) one.

Of course Picky, when you said yourself that you used to be a chronic alcoholic that doesn't count as evidence of your having a drink problem. :D
You made a nigger joke, tried to pass it off as being endeared and consistently address me in a condescending, sexist manner yet when I call you on it I am playing the race/sexism card. Pathetic.
PK is a black man, deep down in his soul, so it's ok for him to call random people on the internet niggers.
Of course Picky, when you said yourself that you used to be a chronic alcoholic that doesn't count as evidence of your having a drink problem. :D
i think it was raymond chandler who said it took about three years to recover from the booze. after eight years trying to play the 'you're an alkie' card is certainly more than tired. but there's a clear difference between 'having' and 'had' and if you can't see it then it's not just history you missed while you were at school.
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