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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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It's more the undercurrent of blaming the families of those girls for letting them out, which is an extension of blaming the victim indirectly.
It's more the undercurrent of blaming the families of those girls for letting them out, which is an extension of blaming the victim indirectly.

Which may be implied in the comments from some people but I don't think we should shy away from the wider question because of that.

Just like we should not shy away from addressing the behaviour of these men because implied in the description of these girls being White, is that somehow because they are White and the perpetrators Asian, makes these crimes any worse than if the perpetrators were White and the victims Asian/Black etc
No he's bang on. You were claiming the reason why this gang were targeting young women was because they are muslims.

Uh, no, I was saying it's easier for these men to justify taking non-muslim girls as slaves because the Qu'ran suggests such a thing is permitted.
As I understand it, Islam instructs women to cover up in order not to inflame the passions of men.

I think we need some clear thinking here, and to condemn this idea directly. Let women dress how the hell they like, and let men take responsibility for their own behaviour. This kind of idiotic stricture seems to suggest that women need protecting from men, but also that men need protecting from women. It's bollocks and should be called as bollocks. All religious instruction to be 'modest' in dress is at heart the same.
Uh, no, I was saying it's easier for these men to justify taking non-muslim girls as slaves because the Qu'ran suggests such a thing is permitted.

It doesn't. But even ıf ıt dıd, I don't thınk the guys who do thıs sort of thıng are exactly relıgıous types.
Exactly, the idea that they could use the koran to justify their behaviour is nonsense.

I think they could very easily use the Qu'ran to justify their actions. I just plucked an example off the internet.

Hate clerics such as Anjem Choudary and Abu Hamza are constantly spouting provocative bullshit that effectively says it's the duty of muslim men to destroy the West and take their women.

Non-muslim women just don't matter.

FrontPageMag, 27 Dec 2005, Western Muslims' Racist Rape Spree

In Australia's New South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they were not wearing a headscarf.

And earlier this year Australians were outraged when Lebanese Sheik Faiz Mohammed gave a lecture in Sydney where he informed his audience that rape victims had no one to blame but themselves. Women, he said, who wore skimpy clothing, invited men to rape them.

A few months earlier, in Copenhagen, Islamic mufti and scholar, Shahid Mehdi created uproar when – like his peer in Australia – he stated that women who did not wear a headscarf were asking to be raped.

And with haunting synchronicity in 2004, the London Telegraph reported that visiting Egyptian scholar Sheik Yusaf al-Qaradawi claimed female rape victims should be punished if they were dressed immodestly when they were raped. He added, "For her to be absolved from guilt, a raped woman must have shown good conduct.”

In France, Samira Bellil broke her silence – after enduring years of repeated gang rapes in one of the Muslim populated public housing projects – and wrote a book, In the hell of the tournantes, that shocked France. Describing how gang rape is rampant in the banlieues, she explained to Time that, “any neighborhood girl who smokes, uses makeup or wears attractive clothes is a whore.”

In Indonesia, in 1998, human rights groups documented the testimony of over 100 Chinese women who were gang raped during the riots that preceded the fall of President Suharto. Many of them were told: “You must be raped, because you are Chinese and non-Muslim.”

Unfortunately the damage is intensified by the unwillingness of the media to identify the religious background of the perpetrator, even when it is blatantly obvious that the sex attacks have been carried out as some form of punishment for dressing immodestly or otherwise offending the sensibilities of the muslim man.


Swedish translator, Ali Dashti, stated that in Sweden when three men raped a 22-year-old woman recently, they said one word to her. “Whore.” Such stories, according to Dashti, are in the Swedish newspapers every week. And, the politically correct “take great care not to mention the ethnic background of the perpetrators.”

According to The Guardian, during the recent French riots, a Saudi Prince with shares in News Corporation boasted to a conference in Dubai that he had phoned Rupert Murdoch and complained about Fox News describing the disturbances as “Muslim riots.” Within half an hour he said, it was changed to “civil riots.”
Which may be implied in the comments from some people but I don't think we should shy away from the wider question because of that.

Just like we should not shy away from addressing the behaviour of these men because implied in the description of these girls being White, is that somehow because they are White and the perpetrators Asian, makes these crimes any worse than if the perpetrators were White and the victims Asian/Black etc
Who anywhere is suggesting this is worse because the victims are white? (Or are supposed to be, I can't see a reason why black girls would not be similarly at risk either)
Whatever problems that might exist with racist assumptions between different groups in this country (and looking at this thread I think we can all agree that it goes both ways, with one of the groups being vastly more powerful than the other) and whatever gender-related problems that might exist within particular groups, I am amazed at the number of people here who can't distinguish between an individual or collective attempt to discover the nature of the problem and address it, and a politician commenting on it in the national media.

Similar problems presented themselves with Straw's comments on asking women to remove their veils. Actually if an individual wants to have that conversation with a woman wearing a veil, I see nothing wrong with that. But firstly, how can you even pretend that the power relationship is equal when the context is a petitioner approaching the local powermonger? And secondly, how can you percieve his talking about it in the national media to be the same as, say, talking about it with friends or campaigners?

It is a use of power, and we need to ask why he would choose to use that power in that way at that time. Using the national media as a blunt instrument to 'publicise' the alleged problem is bollocks. It is not a serious attempt to address the problem.

Neutral well-meaning commentator? I don't think so.
It doesn't. But even ıf ıt dıd, I don't thınk the guys who do thıs sort of thıng are exactly relıgıous types.

Funny how they became religious types as soon as they were caught... growing their beards and wearing the dishdash...
Funny how they became religious types as soon as they were caught... growing their beards and wearing the dishdash...

Dıd they? I'm not famılıar wıth the case.

Stıll, druggıng and rapıng women ıs hardly relıgıous behavıor ıs ıt? You don't serıously belıeve that ıt's endorsed by Islam?
Who anywhere is suggesting this is worse because the victims are white? (Or are supposed to be, I can't see a reason why black girls would not be similarly at risk either)

I think that with some people this is implied their comments/reactions to this story.
Funny how they became religious types as soon as they were caught... growing their beards and wearing the dishdash...

textbook criminal behaviour, means nothing more than that it was a commonly used tactic to sway the jury/magistrate

you're missing a trick here pk, im willing to bet these guys hadnt been near a mosque in years except possibly for weddings etc

shagging around, selling and taking drugs, quite probably drinking, smoking, nicking stuff etc and almost certainly not praying to mecca five times a day - as the pakistani muslim community goes guys like this are amongst the most secular

perhaps the problem is they werent muslim enough
you're missing a trick here pk, im willing to bet these guys hadnt been near a mosque in years except possibly for weddings etc

Possibly not. But look at the pimps up in places like Bradford, big Pakistani guys with huge Koranic medallions.

They may not attend the mosques but they sure as hell identify with the whole Allah thing, and no doubt lap up all the extremist preacher shit that expressly tells them that non-muslim women are worthless and should be raped in some fucked-up sexual jihad.
These attacks are more likely to be driven and justified by racist and class contempt for white working-class girls than by religious doctrine.
These attacks are more likely to be driven and justified by racist and class contempt for white working-class girls

Religious doctrine serves to intensify and self-justify such contempt, certainly given islamic rhetoric towards non-muslim girls in "decadent" societies.
Religious doctrine serves to intensify and self-justify such contempt, certainly given islamic rhetoric towards non-muslim girls in "decadent" societies.

They'll cherrypick things out of Islamic teachings for sure, the notion of the West as a realm of moral chaos. But I don't think those are the fundamental causes.
These attacks are more likely to be driven and justified by racist and class contempt for white working-class girls than by religious doctrine.

i doubt that as well tbh, or at least only at its most superficial level

its about grim blokes, semi-organised crime and drugs and they are behaving in the exact same way white or black wannabe gangsters behave towards young women

its not about class, race, god or any of that shit, its about men targetting young vulnerable women to fuck, its shit, it happens everywhere
They'll cherrypick things out of Islamic teachings for sure, the notion of the West as a realm of moral chaos. But I don't think those are the fundamental causes.

They don't need to be the main causes, but as long as the nastier anti-women side of islam goes unchallenged, nothing good will be achieved.
i doubt that as well tbh, or at least only at its most superficial level

its about grim blokes, semi-organised crime and drugs and they are behaving in the exact same way white or black wannabe gangsters behave towards young women

I'll agree with that - but instead of emulating Western gangsta shit, dollar sign medallions and all that, they buy up bling-encrusted jihadi logos and associate themselves with dangerous imagery of fundamentalist nutjobs in an attempt to look more scary.

There IS definitely a link, albeit spurious, with islamic teachings, no matter how you look at it.

Also - were a white gang to drug and rape a muslim girl - there would be riots, murder, mayhem.

Because THEIR women are sacred and ours are not.
i doubt that as well tbh, or at least only at its most superficial level

its about grim blokes, semi-organised crime and drugs and they are behaving in the exact same way white or black wannabe gangsters behave towards young women

its not about class, race, god or any of that shit, its about men targetting young vulnerable women to fuck, its shit, it happens everywhere

What you say seems pretty reasonable, I would guess that's a big part of the picture.
its not about class, race, god or any of that shit, its about men targetting young vulnerable women to fuck, its shit, it happens everywhere

I think the gang rapes and motor vehicle method of street grooming is disproportionately carried out by self-styled muslim drug dealers.

I'm prepared to be proved wrong.
A spurıous lınk ıs no lınk at all.

A spurious link from a sensible point of view, but to these guys Anjem Choudary and similar cunts are merely reinforcing their fucked up views on western girls... so it's not spurious to them.
Possibly not. But look at the pimps up in places like Bradford, big Pakistani guys with huge Koranic medallions.

They may not attend the mosques but they sure as hell identify with the whole Allah thing, and no doubt lap up all the extremist preacher shit that expressly tells them that non-muslim women are worthless and should be raped in some fucked-up sexual jihad.

Gibberish. Exactly the same as all those wankers who used to wear Rasta red green and gold and pimp or asian street gangs who sell drugs and also have Islam as a fashion icon. You ought to get out of Epson more.
I think the gang rapes and motor vehicle method of street grooming is disproportionately carried out by self-styled muslim drug dealers.

I'm prepared to be proved wrong.

i thought it was black guys doing all the gang raping

or was that last years hysteria
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