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Weasel Straw strikes again (Pakistani men in Britain see white girls as "easy meat")

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A spurious link from a sensible point of view, but to these guys Anjem Choudary and similar cunts are merely reinforcing their fucked up views on western girls... so it's not spurious to them.

i bet they dont even know why choudary is

youre reading too much ideology into this, theyre dirty llittle rapists and petty crims getting their money and rocks off the easiest way they can, don't over intellectualise it, believe me they dont
i bet they dont even know why choudary is

youre reading too much ideology into this, theyre dirty llittle rapists and petty crims getting their money and rocks off the easiest way they can, don't over intellectualise it, believe me they dont
Ann Cryer, a former Labour MP for Keighley, she had been made aware of a problem in her constituency in 2003 after she was approached by about six mothers who said their daughters were being groomed for sex by Pakistani men.

She said she tried to intercede with the community by asking a councillor to speak to Muslim elders, but they said it was not their affair.

"Instead of drawing it to a conclusion then, it's drifted on, so it seems now every year we're getting more cases of very young, sometimes 12-year-old girls being abused by these gangs of men. I wish it would stop, I wish it would go away," she said.

Saw this interview with her on the BBC. The thing that struck me was the 'interceding with the community' bit which she wasn't challenged on at all by the interviewer. Surely if criminal acts had potentially taken place she should've gone to the police?
Gibberish. Exactly the same as all those wankers who used to wear Rasta red green and gold and pimp or asian street gangs who sell drugs and also have Islam as a fashion icon. You ought to get out of Epson more.

So the rasta red gold and green has nothing to do with rastafarianism? The stoneheads god of choice, Jah?

And Epson is a make of printer. And I'll wager I've seen more of this little world than you have, including several islamic countries.
i bet they dont even know who choudary is

youre reading too much ideology into this, theyre dirty llittle rapists and petty crims getting their money and rocks off the easiest way they can, don't over intellectualise it, believe me they dont

I'll bet you'll find tapes and flyers from all manner of aggressive extremist preachers in their bedrooms.

The point is this: is there an effort to cover up the nastier antisocial influences of radicalized islamic kids in our media?

Would we have even been debating this if Jack Straw hadn't spoken out?

I may well be reading too much into this, but you can hardly say I am without a point here.

This gang acted in a shared sense of disregard for the women involved, the same as the muslim pimps who pick only "cheap" girls from the estates.

Never would they pimp out a muslim girl. Therein lies the difference between these men and any other gang of rapist scum.
Saw this interview with her on the BBC. The thing that struck me was the 'interceding with the community' bit which she wasn't challenged on at all by the interviewer. Surely if criminal acts had potentially taken place she should've gone to the police?

I've no idea. Knowing how useless the police are in these situations I would imagine she tried that route and failed.

Perhaps now following Mr Straw's comments such crimes might be taken more seriously given the sharper media attention.
I'll bet you'll find tapes and flyers from all manner of aggressive extremist preachers in their bedrooms.

The point is this: is there an effort to cover up the nastier antisocial influences of radicalized islamic kids in our media?

Would we have even been debating this if Jack Straw hadn't spoken out?

I may well be reading too much into this, but you can hardly say I am without a point here.

This gang acted in a shared sense of disregard for the women involved, the same as the muslim pimps who pick only "cheap" girls from the estates.

Never would they pimp out a muslim girl. Therein lies the difference between these men and any other gang of rapist scum.

whole load of conjecture there, shame youve got no evidence to back it up
Never would they pimp out a muslim girl. Therein lies the difference between these men and any other gang of rapist scum.

you really believe there's no muslim prostitutes being pimped by other muslims

ffs you do need to get out more
whole load of conjecture there, shame youve got no evidence to back it up

Straw said there was a “specific problem” with some Pakistani men who knew women of their own heritage were “off limits”... which backs up my comment regarding muslim pimps never pimping out their own - a fact anyone can back up with cursory knowledge of the situation.

Atma Singh, from the Sikh Community Action Network, said: “Well done to Jack Straw for being 100 per cent honest and saying what many people already know – that there are pockets of youngsters in the Pakistani Muslim community who treat girls from other communities as sexual objects.”

At home, Abid Saddique and Mohammed Liaqat, both of whom were married with young children, were considered clean, upstanding family men as well as devout Muslims.

Add to this their sudden need to grow beards and wear only the robes of the devout.

Of course - islam had nothing to do with their attitude. A devout muslim could not possibly be influenced by the written word of his prophet.

"The Islamic legal manual ‘Umdat al-Salik, which carries the endorsement of Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, stipulates: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.”

Why? So that they are free to become the concubines of their captors. The Qur’an permits Muslim men to have intercourse with their wives and their slave girls: “Forbidden to you are ... married women, except those whom you own as slaves” (Sura 4:23-24).

After one successful battle, Muhammad tells his men, “Go and take any slave girl.” He took one for himself also.

After the notorious massacre of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe, he did it again.

According to his earliest biographer, Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad “went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it.
Then he sent for [the men of Banu Qurayza] and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches.”

After killing “600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900,” the Prophet of Islam took one of the widows he had just made, Rayhana bint Amr, as another concubine."
Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners," by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz for Israel National News:

(IsraelNN.com) A highly influential Shi'a religious leader, with whom Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regularly consults, apparently told followers last month that coercion by means of rape, torture and drugs is acceptable against all opponents of the Islamic regime. [...]

"Can an interrogator rape the prisoner in order to obtain a confession?" was the follow-up question posed to the Islamic cleric.
Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The necessary precaution is for the interrogator to perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner.
"If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus.
"It is better not to have a witness present.
"If it is a male prisoner, then it's acceptable for someone else to watch while the rape is committed."...

A related issue, in the eyes of the questioners, was the rape of virgin female prisoners.
In this instance, Mesbah-Yazdi went beyond the permissibility issue and described the Allah-sanctioned rewards accorded the rapist-in-the-name-of-Islam:
"If the judgment for the [female] prisoner is execution, then rape before execution brings the interrogator a spiritual reward equivalent to making the mandated Haj pilgrimage [to Mecca], but if there is no execution decreed, then the reward would be equivalent to making a pilgrimage to [the Shi'ite holy city of] Karbala."


Of course none of this would have any influence upon "devout muslims" predisposed to rape a bunch of 13 year old white girls...
So the rasta red gold and green has nothing to do with rastafarianism? The stoneheads god of choice, Jah?

And Epson is a make of printer. And I'll wager I've seen more of this little world than you have, including several islamic countries.

The point being that its just street decoration , like all those holster wallets that used to be worn, just like when people make out they know gangsters or were ex football hoolies. You know the sort.They tend to put a bit of garnish on what they do.

Wager away btw on what you have seen of this little world. I have seem enough to spot someone who is desperate for some form of credibility from anyone who they can get to listen to.

Last point .Before you start thanking Straw for exposing this issue and bringing it to the medias ( and your ) attention it was actually Griffin and the BNP about three years ago.
Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners," by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz for Israel National News:

(IsraelNN.com) A highly influential Shi'a religious leader, with whom Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regularly consults, apparently told followers last month that coercion by means of rape, torture and drugs is acceptable against all opponents of the Islamic regime. [...]

"Can an interrogator rape the prisoner in order to obtain a confession?" was the follow-up question posed to the Islamic cleric.
Mesbah-Yazdi answered: "The necessary precaution is for the interrogator to perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner.
"If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus.
"It is better not to have a witness present.
"If it is a male prisoner, then it's acceptable for someone else to watch while the rape is committed."...

A related issue, in the eyes of the questioners, was the rape of virgin female prisoners.
In this instance, Mesbah-Yazdi went beyond the permissibility issue and described the Allah-sanctioned rewards accorded the rapist-in-the-name-of-Islam:
"If the judgment for the [female] prisoner is execution, then rape before execution brings the interrogator a spiritual reward equivalent to making the mandated Haj pilgrimage [to Mecca], but if there is no execution decreed, then the reward would be equivalent to making a pilgrimage to [the Shi'ite holy city of] Karbala."


Of course none of this would have any influence upon "devout muslims" predisposed to rape a bunch of 13 year old white girls...

Of course it would as wannabe asian gangsters are always scouring the internet for advice from the Iranian clerics. in fact for those that don't attend mosques there is a texting service and Twitter feeds so that they can keep up.
Straw said there was a “specific problem” with some Pakistani men who knew women of their own heritage were “off limits”... which backs up my comment regarding muslim pimps never pimping out their own - a fact anyone can back up with cursory knowledge of the situation.

that's your evidence, jack straw said it ffs :facepalm:

At home, Abid Saddique and Mohammed Liaqat, both of whom were married with young children, were considered clean, upstanding family men as well as devout Muslims.

Add to this their sudden need to grow beards and wear only the robes of the devout.

you mean they didnt go into court saying yez we is rapists and drug dealers

you havent met many criminals have you :D
Smokey, got your evidence of moslem girls being pimped by moslem men in English towns?

Yep. Just one example will do.

In the meantime:

Every single rape and aggravated sexual assault committed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo over the past three years was committed by a Third World “immigrant” Norwegian Radio has reported.

According to an NRK report of 2 September 2009, the police in Oslo have investigated 41 cases of “aggravated sexual assault, which resulted in rape.”

According to NRK, “all of them were carried out by non-western immigrants to Norway.”

The police have, the report continues, “investigated all reported cases of aggravated sexual assault over the past three years, and have gained a clear impression of the offenders: Most of the rapists have a Kurdish or African background.”

Furthermore, the police said, the cases of aggravated sexual assaults all have “one thing in common, namely the use of gross violence.”
I have seem enough to spot someone who is desperate for some form of credibility from anyone who they can get to listen to.

Yeah right, I crave credibility from a tiny internet forum, it's truly my life's ambition.

Last point .Before you start thanking Straw for exposing this issue and bringing it to the medias ( and your ) attention it was actually Griffin and the BNP about three years ago.

A stopped clock is right twice a day.
Every single rape and aggravated sexual assault committed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo over the past three years was committed by a Third World “immigrant” Norwegian Radio has reported.

What a load of bollocks.
What a load of bollocks.

Everyone the Norwegians have seen fit to prosecute more like.

Scandinavian countries have a shocking record on the prosecution of sexual crimes. We here in the UK are pretty fucking awful but iirc thye make us look good.
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