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Wear masks in shops

Yeah, posted something in the Coronavirus in the UK thread. Surely better in that than the general UK one?

Anyway, my bet is I think that'll come soon.
Timing of the masks thing may also be because it is starting to dawn on them that they are going to struggle to get people to resume normal work and economic activity if they dont feel safe. Well they would already have known that bit in theory, but may not have realised quite how unsafe their previous handling of the crisis has left people feeling.

Johnson was, in addition to sporting a mask that looked like he had recycled part of Mr Methanes stage costume, having another go at telling people to go back to work again.

Also, Scottish government made the rules in England look extra stupid for not making masks compulsory in the shop scenario in the first place.
It seems like the UK is has one of the lowest rates of mask wearing, certainly among countries with significant deaths. Far more people wear masks even in the USA.

Perhaps we’re too polite and don’t want to seem like we’re making a big thing of it if other people aren’t. :rolleyes:
If England (well, the government) had been fully committed to it earlier then its the sort of thing I'd have expected the likes of the BBC to be all over, doing their bit to promote it as a new normal, and showing a lot more images that normalise it. But there has been some establishment resistance to masks before now, the move to recommend masks at all seemed to be done begrudgingly and without a lot of conviction or gusto. Maybe they have finally realised that this is low hanging fruit and they should put some effort into it, never mind their pre-existing 'cultural resistance' to masks.
I know I made points elsewhere maybe with Roadkill about mask wearing where I tried to defend people not wearing masks because of my concerns for those who can't.... I probably retract that a bit now though I'm obviously still concerned for those that can't. I was the only one wearing one out earlier in a small shop.... Surprised how few people are using them in shops tbh.
I think too the slow action to implement anything has led to a complete disregard. I've been working throughout and it's only recently I had to wear a mask and now they've taken all the cutlery etc.
is it not just another case of finding another reason to lay the ground work for not blaming the current government if a second wave arises

Well we suggested facemasks

in the weeks when r number is increasing above 1 whilst they reopen more of the economy

trying to shut the stable door when the horse has already jump the next field
Perhaps we’re too polite and don’t want to seem like we’re making a big thing of it if other people aren’t. :rolleyes:
I've generally been wearing them in shops - I have a set of 5 cloth ones - and I feel a little sheephish because so few others do. I think making it mandatory (with exceptions for people who can't for various reasons) is a good idea. And telling people that they need to put them over their noses as well. :facepalm:

I mean, I've seen some people very anti them sharing research that says they're no use and people pro them saying they are a big help and I'm not a fucking scientist, but from the evidence I've seen it makes some sense to me that they should have a reasonable preventative effect, and it's really not that hard so I'm for it.
If England had been fully committed to it earlier then its the sort of thing I'd have expected the likes of the BBC to be all over, doing their bit to promote it as a new normal, and showing a lot more images that normalise it. But there has been some establishment resistance to masks before now, the move to recommend masks at all seemed to be done begrudgingly and without a lot of conviction or gusto. Maybe they have finally realised that this is low hanging fruit and they should put some effort into it, never mind their pre-existing 'cultural resistance' to masks.
Disgraced Prime Minister Johnson set the bar pretty low when he 'reassured' the nation by shaking hands in hospital and (allegedly*) contracted Covid-19.

*Some of the loony left might claim he never did but had serious drug and/or alcohol issues so blagged a detox while people died unnecessarily in their tens of thousands.

his is one of a catalogue of gross failures our failed government have owned. None of them will admit they were wrong regardless of the loss of life, damage to the economy and reputation. I get that politics is tribal but there has to be a tipping point when people are held to account. Soundbytes and showboating might win the stupid lazy vote to get you in, but actual politics/leadership requires hard work and brains. Also the ability to admit when you are wrong and ask for help.

A lot of those redfaced blue voting pinweasels are STILL saying to their fat, stupid and spoiled kids how much worse it would have been under Corbyn.

Any update on the suicide rate in the UK?
I know I made points elsewhere maybe with Roadkill about mask wearing where I tried to defend people not wearing masks because of my concerns for those who can't.... I probably retract that a bit now though I'm obviously still concerned for those that can't. I was the only one wearing one out earlier in a small shop.... Surprised how few people are using them in shops tbh.
Let's assume that 80% of the UK population can wear masks. I mean they can wear them without any medical side effects. Not that they don't want to have a hot face, look weak or mess up their hair/make up.

That would be enough of a critical mass!

I would estimate locally that around 30% of shop staff are wearing and around 10% of the public are.

Hopefully nobody is bothered if a smaller % can't wear masks for legitimate reasons. No doubt there are a few 'have a go hero' cunts who will, but on the whole?

As I have said to many posters (mask dodgers) on this site you are wearing it to protect other people. Mainly more vulnerable than yourselves! It is literally THE LEAST you can fucking do.
I now wear a mask in shops. Earlier I simply didn't have any masks but I bought some now exactly for that.
I have been wearing a mask since March in any inclosed space mainly shops or hospitals. Around here (Dorset) the number of people in Sainsburys masked up seems to have decreased. Hopefully it will pick up as Scotland takes the lead on what is only common sense. It doesn't do any harm even if the benefits are not totally proven. The fact that a large part of the world does is a slight hint that it might benefit society as a whole. Looking at the UK death rate compared to the rest of the world it would seem sensible to follow their lead rather than the rather dodgy UK medical/scientific advisors.
Disgraced Prime Minister Johnson set the bar pretty low when he 'reassured' the nation by shaking hands in hospital and (allegedly*) contracted Covid-19.

*Some of the loony left might claim he never did but had serious drug and/or alcohol issues so blagged a detox while people died unnecessarily in their tens of thousands.

his is one of a catalogue of gross failures our failed government have owned. None of them will admit they were wrong regardless of the loss of life, damage to the economy and reputation. I get that politics is tribal but there has to be a tipping point when people are held to account. Soundbytes and showboating might win the stupid lazy vote to get you in, but actual politics/leadership requires hard work and brains. Also the ability to admit when you are wrong and ask for help.

A lot of those redfaced blue voting pinweasels are STILL saying to their fat, stupid and spoiled kids how much worse it would have been under Corbyn.

Any update on the suicide rate in the UK?
There's one suicide which would be widely welcomed
Don't. Be. Ridiculous.
Masks are handed out at stations in Scotland & are also free on entering a hospital. Some Urb in Portugal said the Govt posted three to every person. Should be done here. Afterall the amount the the government has splashed out on PPE a few masks at 5p a pop would help those that claim the can't afford/get hold of masks.
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