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Wales v Switzerland 12/6/21 2pm ko


Funnier than he thinks he is.
I think 4 points will get us out of the group but a win today is vital for momentum. Hope Page gives his head a wobble and starts Moore up front! Bales hadn’t scored in last 11 games for Wales which puts to bed the argument we are a one man team. He’s better playing in a supporting role as a provider fir the head of Moore.
Prediction 2-0 Wales.
Still find a long ball straight after kick off an odd choice - given the way the teams start, you're inevitably punting it into an area where your players will be outnumbered by the opposition, meaning you're risking giving up possession straight from the off.
Had to check that they’d put the right channel on . SportTV Portugal has the team/ score box at the top of the screen as GAL v SUI as they call Wales Gales over here .
Wales can do this I reckon, scrappy 1-0 win
I like your thinking!
For the fact fans: Switzerland are ranked 13th in the world, and Wales are 17th. Switzerland is physically 1.98 times as big as Wales and has a population of 8.5m compared to the 3.1m of Wales.
Christ, the most cynical of cynical fouls! :D

At the (very low) height of my pomp, I was subject to a few of those down the left wing too :mad: ;)

E2A: Actually, just realised that one I remember as one of the most blatant "fuck it, I'm not even going to try and get the ball, I'm just going to take you out" 'tackles' was a 5-a-side match organised by and full of urbanites :D :D
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I think Wales have to get something here as Italy will best them comfortably and Turkey won't play as badly or defensively in their next two games.
I wonder if they cleverly use red head bandages to cover up any blood?
Aye, like Deadpool :cool:

It's probably actually to do with 'team colours'; pretty sure there's a thing where almost every bit of kit you have has to match your official team colours, and there have been scenes of players having tiny glimpses of offending colours taped up. That said, just seen a Swiss player with a blue cast(?) on his hand, and obviously there's been much said in the past about player boot colours.

That was a fun aside, wasn't it everyone?

I think Wales have to get something here as Italy will best them comfortably and Turkey won't play as badly or defensively in their next two games.
Aye, especially considering the match against Turkey will also be in Azerbaijan, which will presumably favour the Turks in terms of both climate and support, and then Wales have to fly to Rome play Italy.

It's not an easy group for 'em, that's for sure.
Full marks for not going down, but you can see why coaches tell players to go down! :D

Decent start, then the Swiss have taken over a bit. Hate agreeing with Robbie S, but need to find a way to allow Ramsey to do things in midfield. It's all a bit hoofy.
Wales haven't looked very good tbh. Switzerland are not great but the last few years they've been very hard to score against.
Utter curse of having all the different match venues.

Where are you checking k/o times? Figure a British source like the BBC or summat is probably the best bet.
Yes I'll do that from now on, I was looking on the EUFA site I think. I presumed that if the site was in English the times would be in English too.

Doesn't sound like I missed much though :)
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