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France v Switzerland - Monday 28/06 - 20:00


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Omfg. Brilliant. The Swiss pens were very clever. Nifty little pauses. That keeper is going to be on top of the world.

Poor Kylian.

What's the football on the line rule?
You have to keep at least on there. The rules always been there but they started cracking down on it (at the last wc?)
Christ, having said at 88 minutes "it would have been a big surprise if France lost tonight", Tyldesley has now just said this was "the first huge shock of the tournament". It's the hugest, but Netherlands going out was the first huge shock.

I know, it's genuinely not an easy job, but christ...
Genuinely don't think Netherlands going out was a shock. They've been crap for years. They drew with Scotland recently ffs :D
Omfg. Brilliant. The Swiss pens were very clever. Nifty little pauses. That keeper is going to be on top of the world.

Poor Kylian.

What's the football on the line rule?
I think it's just that the goalie has to be on the line when the ball is kicked?

Comes after 'keepers were 2ft forward of the line when they were saving penalties.
well done, the swiss. richly deserved. And France desrrved to lose for sheer arrogance and complacency alone.
I am eginning to seriously love this tournament:cool:
yes this , I wasn't very interested during the group games, even for the England ones, and I dont know why ? , Today I didnt drink and watched both matches and now I'm hooked
A great game/day of footie & I forgot to vote earlier so have just corrected that. :D

I still thought France would win even after the 5th Swiss penalty. Cracking games & I hope that tomorrow can be a third as good but I doubt it.
one thing id say about the swiss was that they were super calm throughout that match, even at moments of heavy pressure - it counts for so much.

unfortunately england have a tendency over the years to get into panic mode when things tense, partly why i notice it when an underdog stays collected
Well, the son of a bitch who has been making my life hell at work had France in the sweepstake and had basically already spent the money. So well done Switzerland, if for nothing more than me getting to gloat at the prick at the 8 fucking 30 am call he has arranged for me tomorrow :thumbs:
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