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vanessa beeley

The above speaks to a ploy by one of the former leading lights (of what I don't quite know), trying to get the glory. Dickheads.
Are you certain? Their blurb suggests that he's not in every show's lineup. Fuck them anyway.
The current line-up is augmented by John Roberts on drums and a rolling line up of saxophonists that includes Gilad Atzmon, Terry Edwards and Dave Lewis.

I wonder if will we see a few attendees who are loonosphere adjacent come out and support Beeley/Henningsen. Eg. Gift and Unison man.
Yeah he's definitely got some dodgy views and has said some stuff regarded as Jewish anti-semitism, although I dont know the details really. Brief look at Wikipedia shows these kind of comments:

"We must begin to take the accusation that the Jewish people are trying to control the world very seriously" and "American Jewry makes any debate on whether the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' are an authentic document or rather a forged irrelevant. American Jews do control the world, by proxy. So far they are doing pretty well for themselves at least".

You would think the festival would be super super cautious about getting rid of these kind of people and better yet, challenging the thoughts and views they have promoted which have gained ground in the Left.

Good work folks on getting rid of Beeley and her ilk from events. What we need is political education now to stop their dodgy conspiraloon pro-Assad "anti-imperialism" from continuing to gain ground on social media etc.
Are you certain? Their blurb suggests that he's not in every show's lineup. Fuck them anyway.

Not certain just saw the piece you just qouted.

From his website so it looks like he is giving it a miss - playing in Luton instead.

13-May, Sat Gilad Atzmon & The OHE at the 606, London www.606club.co.uk

19-May, Fri , With The Blockheads - Herne Bay

20-May Sat, With The Blockheads, Rock the Moor

22-May Mon, With Talinka, Beaver Inn, Appledore www.beaverinn.co.uk

23-May Tue, With Talinka, St Ives Jazz Club www.stivesjazzclub.com/

25-May Thu Gilad Atzmon Quartet, Dereham Jazz Society www.derehamjazzsociety.com

26-May Fri, Gilad Atzmon & Friends @ Jazz Cafe Sandbanks www.jazzcafesandbanks.co.uk/events/gilad-atzmon-alto-saxophone

27-May Sat, Alan Barnes, Gilad Atzmon & the LCD The Bear Club Luton, www.the-bear.club/may-2

28-May Sun, With the Blockheads, Dymock cricket club, Gloucestershire www.theblockheads.com
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If only they could find some people actually from Merthyr engaged in workplace, education, housing, healthcare struggles. If only. What a radical idea.

Piers fucking Corbyn.

No wonder they fired this idiot.
I mentioned earlier that Piers Corbyn was at last year's "Alternative View" conference with Henningsen, holocaust denier Max Igan, Thomas "Predatory Golems" Sheridan and many more of that type. It's sort of one of the loon motherships.

Predatory golems ffs.
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Mahathir Mohamad's election in Malaysia reminded me of his link to Cynthia McKinney (covered in the previous post's linked thread) and why if she and Corbyn remain on the bill, maybe Merthyr Rising fest's problems run deeper than a single rogue loon.

Adam Holland: * Cynthia McKinney and the extreme right: her return to racist radio, her ties to Mahathir
Adam Holland: Cynthia McKinney and the far-right. The red-brown convergence now includes the Greens.

On the other hand, The Irish Times is over the moon.

edit: Right on cue. ;)

cynthia mckinney jews jews jews.jpg
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Good to see these sort of articles coming thick and fast now.

The Red-Brown “zombie plague”: how fascist ideas are becoming popular on the Left – PART ONE

When I wrote “Against Conservative Leftism” just over two years ago, I considered it disturbing that socialists would rally to support New Zealand’s colonial-era flag. If I was disturbed then, there are no words left to describe how to feel in an era when committed revolutionary activists – people who have an honourable track record of struggle in favour of a classless society and against all oppression – are happy to argue that the recent chemical warfare attacks against rebel-held towns in Syria are a “false flag”, something faked by the US state or its allies to justify an invasion. Even one of my favourite musicians has recently repeated such baseless slander from the concert stage.

So, what is behind the enthusiasm of the Western activist Left for these denialist narratives? The argument that I wish to make in this article is as follows:

  1. the growing willingness of Left activists to believe ideologically-convenient conspiracy theory over well-supported reporting is part of a growing convergence of Leftist and farrightrhetoric, in particular around the ongoing war in Syria. While – with some exceptions to be discussed – Leftists do not openly or consciously align themselves with fascists, many increasingly accept ideas that are disquietingly close to fascist narratives. The idea of a politics which unifies Leftists and fascists has historically been known by many names, including Strasserism, Third Position or Querfront (German for “cross-front”). In this article I will use the well-established term red–brown; brown taken from the Nazi “brownshirts” (stormtroopers).
  2. This “Red-Brown” convergence is based on a political misrecognition of neoliberal globalism as a conspiracy of the US and other Western countries for global domination, rather than a strategy adopted by the global capitalist class as a whole. This has led the Left into an “anti-imperialism” which is in fact nationalism under another name; which leads to programmaticunity with fascists who support authoritarian “ethno-states”.
  3. This is a problem which cuts across the “revolutionary/reformist” division on the Left. A strong base of this thinking is found in the revitalised “Marxist-Leninist” (ML) trend on the Internet, but the acceptance of nationalism, traditionalism and anti-rationalism which I have previously called “conservative leftism” has a long history in both the social-democratic and Communist traditions on the Left, including the support base of British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
  4. This convergence is encouraged by the propaganda/intelligence branches of the Russian state, for its own geopolitical reasons. But it is also perpetuated by an unwillingness for socialists (who have lived through decades of isolations) to struggle among themselves over political line; or, worse, a more-or-less conscious rejection of international solidarity in favour of keeping the biggest “broad front” at home. Finally, there is a small contingent of people associated with the Left who have discarded anti-fascist principle and now actively support a Querfront (with the Russian state, the US “alt-right” and even the Trump administration) against neoliberal globalism. While this explicit alliance makes up a minority of the left, it must be actively fought.’
The second part of the article from Fightback linked by Butchers, above: The Red-Brown “zombie plague” PART TWO
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