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US President Biden inauguration, Weds 20th Jan 2021 - news, build-up and protests

A few of the whites want a race war but most whites don't. And the blacks just won't enter into a race war. So it shouldn't happen. But the whites will be a racial minority by about 2045 - blacks and latinos will together comprise more than half the population. I think that's at the root of all the fears which some whites have about losing freedom, guns, religion etc. They know what the blacks have had to suffer and they're terrified of the roles being reversed. I'm sure we would see the same thing here if the black population wasn't so small.
A few of the whites want a race war but most whites don't. And the blacks just won't enter into a race war. So it shouldn't happen. But the whites will be a racial minority by about 2045 - blacks and latinos will together comprise more than half the population. I think that's at the root of all the fears which some whites have about losing freedom, guns, religion etc. They know what the blacks have had to suffer and they're terrified of the roles being reversed. I'm sure we would see the same thing here if the black population wasn't so small.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to the rest of this shit.
So did anything at all actually happen anywhere, after all the preparations? I only watched the BBC update, and it didn't mention any trouble at all, not even protests.
C4 News had a good piece about the horned Shaman fool. A filmmaker had been following him for weeks. Worth a watch. It will no doubt be on the C4 News site soon.

It was an excellent piece that. How do you even meet these people in the middle? Fucking bonkers...

I dunno if Shaman guy is a nutter or just acts like it. I liked the bit where he came out with a statement along the lines of Trump would help us live in balance with nature, when Trump has been absolutely horrible environmentally.
A few of the whites want a race war but most whites don't. And the blacks just won't enter into a race war. So it shouldn't happen. But the whites will be a racial minority by about 2045 - blacks and latinos will together comprise more than half the population. I think that's at the root of all the fears which some whites have about losing freedom, guns, religion etc. They know what the blacks have had to suffer and they're terrified of the roles being reversed. I'm sure we would see the same thing here if the black population wasn't so small.

That touches upon a theory that white supremacists have called "The Great Replacement."

Great Replacement - Wikipedia

This is why white supremacists at Charlottesville were chanting "Jews will not replace us." These are tiny, terrified little men.

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Look at how terrified this woman is:

MAGA woman has a breakdown over Biden being inaugurated : PublicFreakout (reddit.com)
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It was an excellent piece that. How do you even meet these people in the middle? Fucking bonkers...

I dunno if Shaman guy is a nutter or just acts like it. I liked the bit where he came out with a statement along the lines of Trump would help us live in balance with nature, when Trump has been absolutely horrible environmentally.

He was very articulate, wasn't he? Hard to work him out. He seemed too intelligent to believe the Q nonsense, but also very sincere. And he did go all the way and earn himself a long sentence, so he must have thought that Trump would save him.

Opinionated rant: I spent ages cycling around the US trying to work out why they are so different from us. It's a puzzle. If you set aside the elite who go to the best colleges, most people learn fuck all at school or college. What they do learn is done by rote, and nobody learns critical thinking. This is why so many people can't tell fact from fiction or assess the truth or bias in the media. The obsession with money means that learning is seen as a waste of time unless it boosts your earnings. There's quite a lot of pride in not knowing anything that doesn't pay. In Europe it would be a little shameful to admit that you don't know the difference between Iraq and Iran, but in the US that was the chorus of a very well received hit which was a response to 9/11. Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) - Wikipedia A lot of them can't find the US on a map of the world.

It suits the administration to keep the population so poorly educated - it's great if you want to declare war on a false pretext. But the flip side is that people see nothing wrong with Facebook and shock jocks being their sources of news. The likes of Zuckerberg have complete contempt for ordinary people and no sense of social responsibility. His only duty is to his share price. So it doesn't occur to him that he has a role in the improvement of society. The titans of industry no longer give a damn about anyone else. They don't want to build libraries. They probably think Carnegie was a loser.

It doesn't help that the local press has been killed off by the internet. Then you add in some other peculiarly American factors, like a long working week, long commutes, crap wages and not much annual holiday, and the working class are tired, broke, pissed off, and hardly leave their own county, let alone their state. No wonder they don't want to listen to the fashionable ideas of woke liberals. Add in a bit of American exceptionalism and the mantra that it's the best country in the world, the fount of freedom and democracy and so on...it must be so demoralising and confusing.

Fear of illness is another huge factor. A case of cancer can easily bankrupt the whole family. Old folks have to go on working into their 70s and 80s because they need their employer's benefits package. They do the hospitality and retail jobs which Europeans think of as jobs for kids and students. There's not much of a safety net from the state - you have to depend on your local churches. Maybe that's one reason why there's so much religious faith...it's so widespread that it's a bit of an embarrassment for a developed country (in my opinion.) I think it's further evidence of how terrible the education is. There's a constant battle between Darwin and intelligent design, masses of kids being home schooled so they don't learn about dinosaurs or mingle with muslims. It just makes your head explode. And if people truly believe the Old Testament, selling them on QAnon must be easy. Look at that video of the Capitol invaders praying in the Senate chamber. You might as well try to reason with fish or cats.
It suits the administration to keep the population so poorly educated

According to the OECD, the rate of attainment in the US is 45.67% compared to 45.96% in the UK - the Americans I know are just as smart and capable of critical thinking and the British, though I haven't spent much time cycling in the backwoods of Dumbass County.
According to the OECD, the rate of attainment in the US is 45.67% compared to 45.96% in the UK - the Americans I know are just as smart and capable of critical thinking and the British, though I haven't spent much time cycling in the backwoods of Dumbass County.
Those are bullshit numbers because they don't take into account the difference in curricula. Uk A levels are harder to get than most American college degrees.
Those are bullshit numbers because they don't take into account the difference in curricula. Uk A levels are harder to get than most American college degrees.

No doubt there's a lot in this but I'm not sure we are any better in the UK. Evaluating a source is something that is not given much importance. Churn out the grades. We kind of swear by it on here, which is good. Plus, this is treating Americans as not worth bothering with/impossible to reason with. A lot are, same as here. Needs dealing with but it's make a quick buck time all the time.
No doubt there's a lot in this but I'm not sure we are any better in the UK. Evaluating a source is something that is not given much importance. Churn out the grades. We kind of swear by it on here, which is good. Plus, this is treating Americans as not worth bothering with/impossible to reason with. A lot are, same as here. Needs dealing with but it's make a quick buck time all the time.
There is not anything in that. It's bollocks.
According to the OECD, the rate of attainment in the US is 45.67% compared to 45.96% in the UK - the Americans I know are just as smart and capable of critical thinking and the British, though I haven't spent much time cycling in the backwoods of Dumbass County.
I've worked with some clever, well-informed Americans in Europe. Most of my clients were American. One was Michael Dell, another was Larry Ellison, both megabrains. But in Miami I met a senior partner in a big law firm who informed me that French culture had been "destroyed by the Muslims". He'd never been to France. I told him I'd been at least 50 times and that he could drive around France for a month and never see a single mosque. He didn't believe a word. I explained that we have a train from London to Paris that does 185 mph and gets there in a couple of hours and a lot of us go to France for holidays twice a year and the two countries are 15 miles apart. Just looked at me blankly. Then his friend, who claimed to be an international communications consultant, backed him up by explaining that the Hilton in Paris looks Islamic because it has lots of mirrors and gold in it.

In South Carolina I went to a party and met all sorts of big shots at a house on a gated estate which had its own airstrip - very commonplace, everybody seemed to have a plane. (Some of the gated estates in Florida had a private airstrip and a private marina. You parked your plane out the front and your boat out the back.) I got talking to a woman who was apparently a consultant who advised US companies how to set up a European operation. I was hoping for an interesting conversation. But I saw her to her car, a Ford Excursion, pretty much the biggest mass production SUV ever built. She said that gas mileage is irrelevant because "the earth just keeps making more oil from rocks". She was getting at the theory that oil isn't made of fossilised fish etc, but comes from carbon/rocks in the earth's mantle.
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