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US President Biden inauguration, Weds 20th Jan 2021 - news, build-up and protests

I've worked with some clever, well-informed Americans in Europe. Most of my clients were American. One was Michael Dell, another was Larry Ellison, both megabrains. But in Miami I met a senior partner in a big law firm who informed me that French culture had been "destroyed by the Muslims". He'd never been to France. I told him I'd been at least 50 times and that he could drive around France for a month and never see a single mosque. He didn't believe a word. I explained that we have a train from London to Paris that does 185 mph and gets there in a couple of hours and a lot of us go to France for holidays twice a year and the two countries are 15 miles apart. Just looked at me blankly. Then his friend, who claimed to be an international communications consultant, backed him up by explaining that the Hilton in Paris looks Islamic because it has lots of mirrors and gold in it.

In South Carolina I went to a party and met all sorts of big shots at a house on a gated estate which had its own airstrip - very commonplace, everybody seemed to have a plane. (Some of the gated estates in Florida had a private airstrip and a private marina. You parked your plane out the front and your boat out the back.) I got talking to a woman who was apparently a consultant who advised US companies how to set up a European operation. I was hoping for an interesting conversation. But I saw her to her car, a Ford Excursion, pretty much the biggest mass production SUV ever built. She said that gas mileage is irrelevant because "the earth just keeps making more oil from rocks". She was getting at the theory that oil isn't made of fossilised fish etc, but comes from carbon/rocks in the earth's mantle.
What point are you attempting to make here?
What point are you attempting to make here?
I've worked with some clever, well-informed Americans in Europe. Most of my clients were American. One was Michael Dell, another was Larry Ellison, both megabrains. But in Miami I met a senior partner in a big law firm who informed me that French culture had been "destroyed by the Muslims". He'd never been to France. I told him I'd been at least 50 times and that he could drive around France for a month and never see a single mosque. He didn't believe a word. I explained that we have a train from London to Paris that does 185 mph and gets there in a couple of hours and a lot of us go to France for holidays twice a year and the two countries are 15 miles apart. Just looked at me blankly. Then his friend, who claimed to be an international communications consultant, backed him up by explaining that the Hilton in Paris looks Islamic because it has lots of mirrors and gold in it.

In South Carolina I went to a party and met all sorts of big shots at a house on a gated estate which had its own airstrip - very commonplace, everybody seemed to have a plane. (Some of the gated estates in Florida had a private airstrip and a private marina. You parked your plane out the front and your boat out the back.) I got talking to a woman who was apparently a consultant who advised US companies how to set up a European operation. I was hoping for an interesting conversation. But I saw her to her car, a Ford Excursion, pretty much the biggest mass production SUV ever built. She said that gas mileage is irrelevant because "the earth just keeps making more oil from rocks". She was getting at the theory that oil isn't made of fossilised fish etc, but comes from carbon/rocks in the earth's mantle.
Last week when I had dinner with Kim Kardashian, I was amazed that she had a really good understanding of the benefits of wind farms. Had to leave early though as I said I'd catch up with Richard Branson whilst I was over that way, so I didn't get a chance to play crazy golf with Kanye like we'd planned :(
Last week when I had dinner with Kim Kardashian, I was amazed that she had a really good understanding of the benefits of wind farms. Had to leave early though as I said I'd catch up with Richard Branson whilst I was over that way, so I didn't get a chance to play crazy golf with Kanye like we'd planned :(
Please refrain,as the Queen said to me, one must not be a name-dropper.
NYT on Portland and Seattle: Hours After Biden Inauguration, Federal Agents Use Tear Gas in Portland
For anyone who doesn't fancy navigating around their paywall:
Hours After Biden Inauguration, Federal Agents Use Tear Gas in Portland
Protesters who spent months in the streets over racial injustice and inequality said they don’t expect immediate change from President Biden, who they declared “will not save us.”

Law enforcement deployed tear gas Wednesday at a protest outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, Ore.

Law enforcement deployed tear gas Wednesday at a protest outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Portland, Ore.Credit...Alisha Jucevic for The New York Times
By Mike Baker and Hallie Golden
  • Jan. 21, 2021Updated 2:37 a.m. ET
PORTLAND, Ore. — Protesters in the Pacific Northwest smashed windows at a Democratic Party headquarters, marched through the streets and burned an American flag on Wednesday in a strident challenge by antifascist and racial-justice protesters to the new administration of President Biden, whose promised reforms, they declared, “won’t save us.”
In Portland, Ore., lines of federal agents in camouflage — now working under the Biden administration — blanketed streets with tear gas and unleashed volleys of welt-inducing pepper balls as they confronted a crowd that gathered outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement building near downtown. Some in the crowd later burned a Biden-for-President flag in the street.
Another tense protest in Seattle saw dozens of people push their way through the streets, with some breaking windows, spray-painting anarchist insignia and chanting not only about ICE, but the many other issues that roiled America’s streets last year under the administration of former President Donald J. Trump.
“No Cops, Prisons, Borders, Presidents,” said one banner, while another proclaimed that the conflict over racial justice, policing, immigration and corporate influence in the country was “not over” merely because a new president had been inaugurated in Washington, D.C.
“A Democratic administration is not a victory for oppressed people,” said a flier handed out during the demonstrations, during which protesters also smashed windows at a shop often described as the original Starbucks in downtown Seattle. The communiqués used expletives to condemn Mr. Biden and “his stupid” crime bill, passed in 1994 and blamed for mass incarcerations in the years since.

Demonstrators in Portland continued to challenge the Trump administration’s immigration policies.

Demonstrators in Portland continued to challenge the Trump administration’s immigration policies.Credit...Alisha Jucevic for The New York Times
Hours after the inauguration of Mr. Biden, federal agents in Portland used tear gas and other crowd-control munitions to disperse demonstrators who had gathered to protest the harsh arrest and detention practices wielded by federal immigration authorities under the Trump administration.
Mr. Biden has signaled that immigration is going to be a key issue of his presidency, using some of his first executive orders on Wednesday to end construction of the border wall and bolster the program that provides deportation protections for undocumented immigrants who were brought into the country as children.
The conflict in Portland capped a day of demonstrations in the liberal city, where different groups of protesters either decried Mr. Biden or called for activism to pressure the new president to take forceful action on immigration, climate change, health care, racial justice and income inequality.
Earlier in the day, a group of about 200 people — a mix of racial justice, antifascist and anarchist activists — marched to the local Democratic Party headquarters, where some of them smashed windows and tipped over garbage containers, lighting the contents of one on fire. “We don’t want Biden — we want revenge,” said one sign, referring to killings committed by police officers.
In a city that has seen months of demonstrations over racial injustice, economic inequality, federal law enforcement and corporate power — and some of the harshest law enforcement responses to such protests — protesters have vowed to continue their actions no matter who is president. “We are ungovernable,” one sign in the crowd said.

In Seattle, about 150 people marched through the streets. Some spray-painted buildings with an anarchist symbol and broke windows, including at a federal courthouse. They chanted both anti-Trump and anti-Biden slogans.
One member of the group handed out fliers to people on the street that said, “Biden won! And so did corporate elites!” The fliers explained that a “Democratic administration is not a victory for oppressed people” and that “Biden will not save us.”
“I came out here because no matter what happens, Biden and Kamala aren’t enough,” said one of the protesters, Alejandro Quezada Brom, 28, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris. He said the new president needs to know that “the pressure’s not off” for progress on immigration and policing reforms.
Seattle police officers followed the group and began to surround it as night fell. At least two protesters appeared to be arrested.
At yet another demonstration in Portland, people gathered to hear speakers who celebrated Mr. Trump’s departure but also called for continued pressure on the new government.

“The fight has just begun,” said Ray Austin, 25. He said that the damage done by Mr. Trump could not be undone by the likes of Mr. Biden and that the nation needed a groundswell of people demanding more.
Speakers at the event called for a Green New Deal to fight climate change, a “Medicare for All”-style health insurance system, overhauls of police departments to address racial disparities and other fundamental changes. But that event was more subdued than others around the city.
In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis last May, protesters in Portland mobilized on the streets nightly, much of their ire targeted at the mayor and the police force that repeatedly used tear gas to subdue them. The crowds swelled during the summer after Mr. Trump issued an executive order to protect federal property and agents wearing camouflage brought a crackdown to the city.
Those conflicts have since subsided, but protesters in Portland have continued to mobilize.
I've worked with some clever, well-informed Americans in Europe. Most of my clients were American. One was Michael Dell, another was Larry Ellison, both megabrains. But in Miami I met a senior partner in a big law firm who informed me that French culture had been "destroyed by the Muslims". He'd never been to France. I told him I'd been at least 50 times and that he could drive around France for a month and never see a single mosque. He didn't believe a word. I explained that we have a train from London to Paris that does 185 mph and gets there in a couple of hours and a lot of us go to France for holidays twice a year and the two countries are 15 miles apart. Just looked at me blankly. Then his friend, who claimed to be an international communications consultant, backed him up by explaining that the Hilton in Paris looks Islamic because it has lots of mirrors and gold in it.

In South Carolina I went to a party and met all sorts of big shots at a house on a gated estate which had its own airstrip - very commonplace, everybody seemed to have a plane. (Some of the gated estates in Florida had a private airstrip and a private marina. You parked your plane out the front and your boat out the back.) I got talking to a woman who was apparently a consultant who advised US companies how to set up a European operation. I was hoping for an interesting conversation. But I saw her to her car, a Ford Excursion, pretty much the biggest mass production SUV ever built. She said that gas mileage is irrelevant because "the earth just keeps making more oil from rocks". She was getting at the theory that oil isn't made of fossilised fish etc, but comes from carbon/rocks in the earth's mantle.

What a ghastly experience. I'm glad you're safely back home where no one so dreary will bother you again.
"So May set to work. Biden – and Kamala Harris – partners for positive action, respect for human dignity. Writes itself really. Bit of a contrast with the wild man I had to deal with. “I never knew what to expect – from being offered, sometimes literally, the hand of friendship to hearing him question core tenets of the transatlantic alliance.”
Mob storming the US Capitol: shocking."
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look up Florida man inauguration, plenty told him to poke it,
saying that it's an invitation to preform not an order :)
The UK right wing press is creaming their pants today because apparently Biden’s first phone call to a foreign dignitary went to Boris instead of any of the European powerhouses.

Does anyone in Europe or anywhere else in the world give the first bit of a fuck who the incoming POTUS phones first? :confused:

Funny how the biggest Brexit cheerleaders and champions of our alleged new found freedom and restored independence and sovereignty are also the ones so pleased to be elected America’s favourite lapdog.
The UK right wing press is creaming their pants today because apparently Biden’s first phone call to a foreign dignitary went to Boris instead of any of the European powerhouses.

Does anyone in Europe or anywhere else in the world give the first bit of a fuck who the incoming POTUS phones first? :confused:

Funny how the biggest Brexit cheerleaders and champions of our alleged new found freedom and restored independence and sovereignty are also the ones so pleased to be elected America’s favourite lapdog.

The uk media always obsesses about this "special relationship" crap every time a new president is elected.
i thought the rightwing press would be all "HYPOCRITE" but of course that would make them cum wouldn't it, so.
They don’t like Biden much but still can’t help getting all horny about the Special Relationship and maintaining its status. And whereas they hated being part of the EU they would love further integration with the USA. 51st State status is clearly not as problematic as EU membership.
The uk media always obsesses about this "special relationship" crap every time a new president is elected.

And it's always fucking bollocks. Churchill cosied up to the Yanks, and they repaid the favour by making Britain dump its space program and hobbling the nuclear program. Fuck Churchill and fuck the "special relationship".
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