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US election 2012

Romney shouldn't make personal tax an issue - he is very weak on that -

Yep. In fact, none of these comments are new. He's said it before, just not all at once on film.

When he pays the same percentage of his income on taxes as I did last year, he can lecture me on personal responsibility. Until then he can STFU.

In fact, when his rich donors are taxed the same on their investment income as I am on my labor, then they can try lecturing me on hard work. I see no reason sitting by the pool waiting for your dividend check should be taxed less than working 50+ hours a week.
The easily duped are always the most keen to share their misplaced hate it seems...

They're not necessarily always being duped, some of them are just nasty, horrible scum. Like I saw this yank cunt being interviewed one time and he said that he didn't want a single cent of his tax money going to welfare because the people on it were 'economically unproductive'.
It used to be that corporations paid about 35% of the entire tax bill in the US. Its down to around 6%, the last time I checked.
They're not necessarily always being duped, some of them are just nasty, horrible scum. Like I saw this yank cunt being interviewed one time and he said that he didn't want a single cent of his tax money going to welfare because the people on it were 'economically unproductive'.

Isn't that the same thing as "worthless eaters"? :hmm:

We had a senator refer to welfare recipients as "scrabbling raccoons."
Oh its not getting any better, the video is being milked for all its worth :D

Mr Romney is shown saying that Palestinians are "committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel".

"The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace," he says, adding that "the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish".

In another clip, the former Massachusetts governor is shown discussing Iran's nuclear programme, and warning that America itself could come under attack.

"If I were Iran - a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we'll just say, 'Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we're going to let off a dirty bomb'."
So, I take it that Romney is anti Palestinian and pro Israel then.
Wonder what the Palestinians ever did to him?
Oh its not getting any better, the video is being milked for all its worth :D

In another clip, the former Massachusetts governor is shown discussing Iran's nuclear programme, and warning that America itself could come under attack.
"If I were Iran - a crazed fanatic, I'd say let's get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place, and then if anything goes wrong, or America starts acting up, we'll just say, 'Guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we're going to let off a dirty bomb'."

Ok, own up, who got him a copy out of 'the sum of all fears' from blockbuster? :hmm:
So, I take it that Romney is anti Palestinian and pro Israel then.
Wonder what the Palestinians ever did to him?

Not sure where you got that idea from??

After all, both Democrat and Republican leaders have a long, distinguished history when it comes to Palestinian rights and issues - this loyalty dates back many years. It's the same with most of the Western powers and governments, hadn't you picked up on it? They're forever stamping down on Israeli settlements on Palestinian soil, refusing to legitimise the state of Israel, or lambasting its terrorism towards the Palestinians. In fact, aren't the US seriously considering starting a war with Israel?

Come come, you must read the papers?
Think the blog writer is fully aware switching to Santorum isn't an option, and as to barleymow - he may well be American, they label people using a different yard stick. What surprised me was Tim Stanley thinking it would be a walk in the park for the Republicans -needed too many ducks in a row to be "predicticable", fortunately Romney as he thinks, isn't up to it.

Unfortunately for America, Obama is and always was their Blair, style over substance. His legacy is to leave a lot of people feeling let down and disinfranchised
Funny you should say that. When Oh, bomb us was running for the presidency, I kept thinking "Bambi".
Right-wingers in the US seem to be coming to a consensus that Romney's comments are 100% correct. There's something operatic going on here, a fever pitch thing all passionate and bodice ripping. It's good to be alive for it.
Here's a longer article on the situation: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3622644...f-us-pays-no-federal-income-tax/#.UFhck40gef4

An obvious follow up is to find out how many Romney donors payed no income tax. There must be some who've got all their money tied up in overseas trusts, etc.

one of the ironies - I had a long drive today and was listening to the radio about this - is that in the same breath as defending his comments Mitt said something about how he wants to cut taxes :confused: ...um, doesn't that mean even less people will have to pay income tax? :facepalm:
and the right wing pundits, even the quality NPR ones, are just so mind-bogglingly dense. One woman who had been GHWB's speech writer kept going on about how record numbers of people are on food stamps and unemployment. Oh, Really!!? How bizarre, considering we've been in a huge recession for 4 years.:rolleyes: And she was saying that it simply was't sustainable for this to keep going on. Where was the money going to come from?

Obviously, the solution is to just let people starve to death. Why didn't Obama or anyone think of that?
They say if Romney's tax plan were enacted, his taxes would be cut to the point he'd be close to those lazy dependent 47% ers.

The Rebubs are said to be in a panic. This tape thing is the latest blow.

Now it's Republicans who are frightened. Mitt Romney's recent troubles have created a sense of gloom, and a good dose of doom, in the Grand Old Party.
"I think there is a broad and growing feeling now, among Republicans, that this thing is slipping out of Romney’s hands," wrote the Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan, in a "come to Jesus," in-your-face column posted on Tuesday night.

After going from a Democratic convention that gave President Barack Obama a bump, to Romney's bumbling handling of Middle East unrest, to a story about campaign infighting, and now with the release of a secretly taped video of Romney, numerous Republicans said there is now a sense of siege.

There's a feeling of almost that this thing's in free fall," said a Republican consultant with deep experience on Capitol Hill and extensive contacts in the Romney campaign.
and the right wing pundits, even the quality NPR ones, are just so mind-bogglingly dense. One woman who had been GHWB's speech writer kept going on about how record numbers of people are on food stamps and unemployment. Oh, Really!!? How bizarre, considering we've been in a huge recession for 4 years.:rolleyes: And she was saying that it simply was't sustainable for this to keep going on. Where was the money going to come from?

Obviously, the solution is to just let people starve to death. Why didn't Obama or anyone think of that?

I know. I keep waiting for them to ask a follow-up question when someone's told a complete and verifiable lie, but they just smile and move on. I'm getting like my mother who yells at the tv.
If the Repubs lose, It'll be amusing to watch them rip each others throats out like wild animals.
It's probably they will lose. Will this prompt a wholesale Tea party coup? Romney is a liberal in disguise, after all.
Bit early to say they will lose, after all they have the debates to come.
The 'debates' are surely where Obama's media image will shine best. In any case, the incumbent usually has to lose the election, and I can't see Romney's lash-up beating the Obama machine. Anyway, what I mean, is I don't think it's too early to speculate on what an Obama win will mean for the Republicans. We already know that the Democrats have Hillary ready to run, and will simply default to her more hawkish style.
If the Repubs lose, It'll be amusing to watch them rip each others throats out like wild animals.

I doubt they will. IMHO the better candidates (e.g. Mitch Daniels, Scott Brown [hey, that they're better than Romney isn't saying much]) either didn't stand, or were only in to gain recognition for 2016 (e.g. Santorum)?
incidentally, if you do the math on the last election, Romney's claim would've put Obama on about 95-100 million votes :D (as opposed to the 69.5m that he actually got)

Anyway, isn't it bad form for Republicans to suggest that poor people all vote Democrat? Aren't they supposed to be the party of the liberal metropolitan elite?
Alistair Campbell was just on C4 news talking about Romney and his recent gaffes. Seemed an odd commentator to use for a Republican but anyway he basically said Romney looked the part, he just did not sound the part. Not much use I know. Don't know why I even posted it tbh :)
Alistair Campbell was just on C4 news talking about Romney and his recent gaffes. Seemed an odd commentator to use for a Republican but anyway he basically said Romney looked the part, he just did not sound the part. Not much use I know. Don't know why I even posted it tbh :)
If you were casting the part of president in a movie, Romney would be perfect. But god (if it existed) help us if he gets the real part.
Right-wingers in the US seem to be coming to a consensus that Romney's comments are 100% correct. There's something operatic going on here, a fever pitch thing all passionate and bodice ripping. It's good to be alive for it.

really? check the comments on yahoo (full of right-wingers) in response to the vids and articles. They're almost all negative, and lots are funny. I'm feeling pleasantly surprised. Nobody really liked Romney to begin with.
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