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US election 2012

Whilem paid %14 tax last year. What percentage is the average working class American paying in tax?
About the same or more. & they don't make double digit millions/yr & aren't worth 1/4 billion.

Where are the rest of the tax returns Mitt?
What percentage of his income was the $4m and was it a real charity or a political donation?

30%. The Mormon church wants people to tithe 15% so I'm guessing $2m was a church donation. I've never really considered that "charity" because it goes more to support the organization more than to help people.

If he deducted the entire amount, he'd only be paying 9% in taxes. If you make $26K a year, your tax rate would be around 15%. Add social security and it goes up to 21.5%.

If he loses the election, you can count on him filing an amended return and getting that bit back.
Basically, despite being a one time Mormon missionary, Mitt has done very well where money is concerned.

Amazingly so, 14 million profit! In one fucking year! How much does the fucker have invested to get that kind of return? Normal people get about % 2-3 interest from the banks high interest saving accounts.
Amazingly so, 14 million profit! In one fucking year! How much does the fucker have invested to get that kind of return? Normal people get about % 2-3 interest from the banks high interest saving accounts.

I think he is worth about $250m.. think I read that somewhere
30%. The Mormon church wants people to tithe 15% so I'm guessing $2m was a church donation. I've never really considered that "charity" because it goes more to support the organization more than to help people. ....
I am pretty sure Anne Romney said that they gave 10% to the church.
Presumably in the Mormon church they don't have that bit about it being easier for a poor man to enter heaven than a rich camel to pass through the eye of a needle. [1]

[1] I am aware I have mangled that somewhat!! :)
Presumably in the Mormon church they don't have that bit about it being easier for a poor man to enter heaven than a rich camel to pass through the eye of a needle. [1]

[1] I am aware I have mangled that somewhat!! :)

Mormons have got the same Bible and beliefs as mainstream Christians, only with their sequel and associated craziness added.

I thought Mitt's Mormonism would become a major issue in this election but it looks like it's not going to. There's not much doubt about which way the evangelicals are going to vote and the Democrats can't make an issue of it without looking like bigots - and disowning Harry Reid.
Mormons have got the same Bible and beliefs as mainstream Christians, only with their sequel and associated craziness added.

I thought Mitt's Mormonism would become a major issue in this election but it looks like it's not going to. There's not much doubt about which way the evangelicals are going to vote and the Democrats can't make an issue of it without looking like bigots - and disowning Harry Reid.
I think it's an issue in a more subtle way in that the fundamentalist Christian RIght have little enthusiasm for him. Many of them will support him reluctantly but reluctant support is not the same as energetic support and many will simply not vote. His candidature certainly will not endear him the the fundamentalist Right. How many will refuse to support a Mormon candidate is anyone's guess but it clearly is not an asset in terms of getting their support and we should not underestimate their power in terms of getting people to the ballot box
I suspect that evangelicals' attitude to Mormons may vary according to whether or not they have to compete with them for souls in their local area.
I suspect that evangelicals' attitude to Mormons may vary according to whether or not they have to compete with them for souls in their local area.
Its essentially a political question. They see political activism as a religious duty and a religious mission to turn the US into a theocracy. Their world is very black and white. There are the forces of good and there are forces of evil. As such compromise and tactical voting etc are very difficult for them, after all, if all other religion and even denominations are satanic, how can you cast a tactical vote for Satan?

For this reason I suspect many of them will abstain
Uh-huh. In the old days, they used to shun politics on principle. That's why the Jehovah's Witnesses, to take an extreme example, won't vote or submit to army conscription (in countries that have it). Maybe this is the beginning of the end of the evangelical wave in US politics?

Another point is that a large proportion of the US electorate must still be people who were on the wrong side of history at the time of the civil rights movement, and remain unrepentant about it. Eventually, they will have to die off. . .
Uh-huh. In the old days, they used to shun politics on principle. That's why the Jehovah's Witnesses, to take an extreme example, won't vote or submit to army conscription (in countries that have it). Maybe this is the beginning of the end of the evangelical wave in US politics?.

I'd like to think so but I think a Romney defeat will cause a new war within the GOP with the evangelicals and dominionists trying to pull it even further down the path of lunacy which itself will further isolate it from mainstream America (and reality itself) If they succeed, I think we may be seeing the beginning of the end not of the evangelical right but of the Republican Party itself.
Amazingly so, 14 million profit! In one fucking year! How much does the fucker have invested to get that kind of return? Normal people get about % 2-3 interest from the banks high interest saving accounts.

"Normal" people in the US don't get 2-3% from savings accounts or CDs. The returns on those have been around .01%-.03% for savings acounts and 1% for CDs, the last few years. The Fed dropped the base rate down so low that the rates on savings has declined accordingly. I actually had our 401K manager suggest I put my bit into a Goldman Sacks fund that paid 0%, because it would be safe.:rolleyes:

CD rates:

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