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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

With blotchy cheeks and a missed ice hockey game, I guess the only remaining question is whether Donald Trump will go to the funeral.

Vlad or Brenda - has someone opened a book?
US Navy Behavioural Analyst that ends up managing an Oncology floor for a year.....A life less ordinary
The security guard in Morrisons tonight was nattering to some auld fella about when I was in the RAF I managed all the officers' mess budgets an' stuff so yeah 🤷

meh. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”



that said on same page. Seen a lot of oncology in recent years but only as a carer.
Just a thought. I was looking at a video on those those German 2000 155mm mobile artillery things. Great electronics and computer technology. It just occurred to me that the EMP pulse from a tactical nuke could disable them. I know most complex war tech is vulnerable to that type of attack but if Putin could get away with one EMP strike it would level the battle in Russia’s favour. Because they have numbers.
Just a thought. I was looking at a video on those those German 2000 155mm mobile artillery things. Great electronics and computer technology. It just occurred to me that the EMP pulse from a tactical nuke could disable them. I know most complex war tech is vulnerable to that type of attack but if Putin could get away with one EMP strike it would level the battle in Russia’s favour. Because they have numbers.
Do they not have any shielding, or is shielding impossible? And how far would the EMP pulse from a tactical nuke actually have an effect? It's insane, this war.
Most western stuff is 'hardened' against EMP, but it's a matter of degree - it's like saying that something is protected against flooding, in that it's protected against a certain amount of water, but after that its toast. Or soggy bread...
With blotchy cheeks and a missed ice hockey game, I guess the only remaining question is whether Donald Trump will go to the funeral.

Do we not have a dedicated thread for poor Vlads various lurgeys?
If true this is big news

Coun Parkes, who has previously claimed he has had ‘hundreds’ of alien encounters in his own life, blamed a group of aliens he calls the Nordics for President Putin’s aggression in the Ukraine.

The North Yorkshire councillor said the Nordics were supporting Putin against perceived American influences in the area.

Fuck, if the Nordics are supporting Putin, we need to stop Finland and Sweden joining NATO.
"According to a report from Bellingcat, Sergey Beseda, head of the Fifth Service (a huge section of the FSB, dedicated entirely to monitoring the political, social and political climate within the former Semi Autonomous Republics of the Soviet Union, like Ukraine) managed to convinced Putin he had succeeded in raising a huge and highly effective domestic insurgency within Ukraine. As a former KGB agent like Putin, the idea that the head of a branch of the service that had replaced the KGB, would deliberately lie to his president for the sole purpose of lining his own pockets, appears to have been inconceivable. He took everything Beseda told him as the truth.

The deception seems to have begun quite soon after the seizure of Crimea. Beseda and his cronies told Putin what he wanted to hear, believing Putin would never act on any of it. Beseda’s partners in crime were greedier and less disciplined than their boss, however, and as time went on, it seems the fictions became ever grander and more fanciful.

The insurgents had multiple hidden stockpiles of weapons, emergency food, ammunition - all paid for from the Fifth Service’s budget. Putin refunded them the outlay and they went and spent the money on flashy lifestyles. in fact, a lot of Russia’s kackhanded logistics at the start of the invasion can probably be explained by the fact that they genuinely believed the logistical supplies were already in place.

At Hostomel, on day one of the invasion, VDV soldiers were running around the runway buildings going “What’s going on? Where’s our welcome? Where are the partisans? How are we supposed to secure this on our own?”

Needless to say, once the deception became apparent Beseda did not remain in his job very long. It is believed he, and a considerable number of other senior member of the Fifth Service, are being held in the notorious Lofortovo Prison in Moscow, and the Fifth Service, itself, is now a shadow of what it once was (given that what it once was, was a method of getting the Kremlin to pay for decadent Western luxuries)."

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