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Ukip - why are they gaining support?

Has it been mentioned Britain First have offered their services to protect Farage from "leftist thugs" on his outings?
spend hours arguing with thick cunts on Facebook , the worrying thing is their own supporters don't even know what they stand for!! They even dare to slag the NHS for treating muslims , without a clue what would happen to it if UKIP ever got power
Meanwhile, this:
There's a difference between calling someone a racist and presenting an argument that a policy they support is racist.
Amounts to the same thing in the end though, doesn't it? Relies on the idea that if we can just convince people that UKIP are racist they'll crumble.
I'm surprised they're even trying their luck in Coldharbour Lane.

Brixton isn't what it was, it's well wealthy. The tory candidate in the locals in 2010 lived in a flat over a shop on Railton Rd, and he was a merchant banker.
Brixton isn't what it was, it's well wealthy. The tory candidate in the locals in 2010 lived in a flat over a shop on Railton Rd, and he was a merchant banker.
Although the urban Tory middle classes are regarded with suspicion by Kippers, they've got the right ideas on tax and the free market but have dangerously suspect liberal social views on gays and forrins. And they've probably got a Polish nanny for Tarquin and Cressida.
Once upon a time certain racist ideas were socially acceptable, the inherent superiority of white people over other races etc. These ideas were challenged, questioned, discredited. They're now well on their way to extinction. I would hope that we might start to do something simillar with the racist idea that it's OK for a state to decide who is and isn't allowed to live on a particular piece of land.

I'm not thinking this is something that can be done on a time scale of the next election or anything like that, but I don't want to live another fifty years and still see billboards put up by mainstream political parties reading, 'it's not racist to impose controls on immigration'.
I agree, but focusing attacks on ukip around the race and immigration issue will make that future more not less likely.
In order to shout racist at their supporters. Where is the difference?

Who mentioned shouting? Has SpookyFrank been shouting?

One of the tried and tested bleats of bigots is to say people are "just shouting racist", even if it's not happening anywhere beyond their bitter and muddled heads.

It may not be always effective to call racist policies racist, but it's certainly reasonable and there's no need to assume that the assessment is "shouted".
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Farage on Question Time again tonight. The marginalised 'maverick outsider' making his 15th appearance.

Oh, and Shapps is on too. I might even watch.

I'm not seeing the Tories going for UKIP much, unlike a year or so back (with the 'fruit cakes and loonies' thing). What's their strategy - let UKIP set a right-wing agenda they can capitalise on? Avoid alienating potential supporters that might return to the fold after the election? Accept they were never going to gain anything in this election and hope UKIP eclipse Labour so that Ed M can't claim any momentum? Their silence is suspicious.
What with the poster and leaflet campaign and the above average appearances on Question Time they must have shedloads of money and influence at their disposal (I realise the two are largely interchangeable).
well yes, they're unlikely to have someone from TUSC on, but Farage leads a party with numerous MEPs and good poll ratings so it seems perfectly legitimate to have him on fairly regularly.

Not as regularly as they have him on though. How often do the Greens get on QT?
spend hours arguing with thick cunts on Facebook , the worrying thing is their own supporters don't even know what they stand for!! They even dare to slag the NHS for treating muslims , without a clue what would happen to it if UKIP ever got power

Damn those thick cunt unwashed masses eh? Just think, if it wasn't for those loutish working class people we'd be living in a socialist utopia by now...
Party Political Broadcast from the An Independence from Europe party tonight,I've never heard of them - are they splitters from UKIP?
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