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Far-right figures [...] are flocking to Threads

After Meta’s new app Threads went live, right-wing and fringe figures signed up for the new Twitter alternative and began posting slurs and other forms of hate speech on their accounts in an attempt to challenge Meta’s content moderation practices.
In the last year, Meta, along with other major social media platforms, has noticeably deprioritized its content moderation and user safety practices. Instagram specifically has a long history of allowing hate speech and misinformation to prosper on the app, including permitting virulently anti-LGBTQ accounts, far-right extremists, and right-wing advertisers to post false and harmful rhetoric.
I’m wondering what to do. I signed up for Mastodon…didn’t visit much and now it doesn’t work..it wants to know the URL of the server I signed up on…like I remember that? My friendly local newspaper correspondent seems to be signing up to all sorts of things..bluesky, threads etc. the think that worries me about threads is it will end up accumulating a lot of data and suddenly be as shit as Facebook is, and Instagram is becoming. My Instagram is just really pretty pictures, nothing personal. I really don’t want to link a Twitter alternative to that. Maybe I need a new insta account..but I assume they will still track you unless you faff about with VPNs.
Both Threads and Bluesky will be joining the same network has Mastodon if you believe their plans.

So you should be able to sign up to Mastodon and they'll arrive. But without the privacy issues. And you don't miss out on content.

In theory. If they actually do it.
I think they will.

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Threads all from one company? Begging to be broken up. They'll do it to defend against anti-trust issues imho.
After some rigorous testing I can reveal exclusively on Urban 75 that:

1. The best way to get good engagement on Mastodon is to say that posting there is way cooler and right-on that being on Twitter/Threads and that Mastodon people are your kind of people.

2. The best way to get good engagement on Threads is to be an enormous brand with millions of followers on Instagram. Or to post some vapid nonsense about how you will become rich if you try hard enough.
Anyone know owt about drabble.social?

from the people/person behind About - GoblinTools
Difficult to see how without a big pile of cash to burn (like threads) or a dedicated community (like mastodon) it will be able to compete. Part of the reason for that is the technical aspects of microblogging platforms are only the first thing to solve. The moderation is what needs lots of human hours to make it work. So you either pay hundreds of people to moderate or you need hundreds/thousands of volunteers, which mastodon gets (not always well) through its decentralisation and non-profit ethos.
Spoutible anyone? Algorithm free, apparently.

Spoutible anyone? Algorithm free, apparently.

I notice that they fail to list the essential category "people I like and want to hear from are using it" there.
i've ventured on to mastodon, but it's very fragmented, and as is always the way when an existing online place goes to shit, you get people going in different directions, some staying put on the old thing, and some just disappearing.

then the mastodon instance i've gone to has tended to get little flurries of activity either when tweeter is down, or when space karen has done / said something really stupid, then it goes fairly quiet again.


for all tweeter's limitations, i've never really had problems with it - i'm fairly careful who i follow, and know there's not a lot of point in reading the comments on anything political...


some people are decamping to bluesky, although that seems to involve either getting invited, or going on a waiting list of unspecified length.

on the mastodon instance i went to there's about 2 people i know who are still bothering with it.

Apparently big improvements to Threads are coming soon. I think that still has a good chance of being successful but it needed those basic features at launch and if they don't appear soon the momentum will be gone.
Threads is gradually improving - there's now a chronological 'following' feed as well as the algorithmic one. You have to press the logo at the top to see it though, it's not obvious at all.
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