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Recommendation Twitter Alternatives


Hypothetical Wanker
Any thoughts?

I'm on Mastodon, and quite liked it at first, but it was clunky and, well, just a little dull.

I've dusted off my old Insta profile, but it's not really my scene.

Hive has a nice ui, but I know noone there.

On the wait list for BlueSky and Threads.

I just want to discuss pedagogy and politics.
i've ventured on to mastodon, but it's very fragmented, and as is always the way when an existing online place goes to shit, you get people going in different directions, some staying put on the old thing, and some just disappearing.

then the mastodon instance i've gone to has tended to get little flurries of activity either when tweeter is down, or when space karen has done / said something really stupid, then it goes fairly quiet again.


for all tweeter's limitations, i've never really had problems with it - i'm fairly careful who i follow, and know there's not a lot of point in reading the comments on anything political...
I've been on Twitter since 2010. I try to avoid the trolling/politics as much as possible. I tend to stay in just a few loose groups of people with shared interests. For me that's ghost signs, medieval churches (I've photographed hundreds of them), Cornwall (I have more friends there than in London) and a couple of other things. For this sort of thing I find it works very well. If anyone starts getting shitty I just block them - life's too short.

I've got a Mastodon account, but there's not a big enough user base with shared interests for it to work for me.
I read Twitter a lot but I never, ever post. I'd love to be able to get all that information / snarky comments from a different platform but sadly Mastodon just doesn't do the job for me. I look at it occasionally - I've followed a load of academics who do post useful stuff - but it just seems to lack much in the way of fun, and the lack of a proper search functionality really annoys me. And it's just a bit rubbish, design-wise. So am sticking with Twitter until I can get into Bluesky or Threads launches - hopefully one of them will do better than the increasingly long list of not-that-great Twitter alternatives (Mastodon, Post.News, Spoutible, etc, I think I've tried them all and got bored).
Mastodon isn't there yet imho, fragmented as already mentioned.

I've signed up for Bluesky but haven't had my invitation through yet, so I must be on a list or summat.

I did look at others but I've used them so little that I can't even recall what they're called unless I go and look.
There won't ever be a Twitter replacement, something that provides the same experience in terms of what and who is on it.

A lot of journos and political pundits and writers are on Mastodon instances now, but a lot are moving to individual Substacks and so on. I think there may be a larger move with news and public bodies now that you can't even read Twitter posts if you're not logged in (except via embeds) - there will be a push particularly on public bodies. That will likely take a while to sink in.

As a twitter-ish platform Mastodon is most likely to continue but it isn't the same thing - it's a protocol (well technically the protocol is ActivityPub and Mastodon is the protocol's monster). It's intrinsically limited in terms of search etc because of how instances connect to each other. It just looks like Twitter.

Bluesky will never be anything much IMO, not even bothering with it.
I only registered with Twitter because it's where non-league footie news happens.

The moment that goes somewhere else, so will I.

There's a few other fun accounts I follow like Fesshole/Whores of Yore/world bollard association, but I wouldn't miss them.

Mastodon sounds too complicated, and I'm still pissed off that I had to join WhatsApp because that's where a surprise party for the retiring local (pub) landlord was being organised.

I just want one internet thing where everything is.

This is how it will be after the Revolution.

(sorry, pissed)
mastodon is no more complicated than registering on the website. It just lacks the critical mass and wide engagement.
That said, I am a bit ambivalent about the whole social media thing anyway. this is by far my most used social media platform. But that’s cos I feel like I know some of you, the community thing. So I stay.
* shrug * If I'm wrong I'm wrong but I've seen this a few times and nobody just trying to clone a dying site ever succeeds.
So Meta's competitor launches Thursday. If you'd have told me a year ago I'd be excited for the launch of a new social network from those shysters I'd never have believed you.
I'm hoping for good things from bluesky but I'm not going to expect too much from a new social network from the guy who sold Twitter to Elon Musk and endorsed JFK Jr. for president
People are excited about threads, really? Because this time meta really will care about your privac and give you sensible, consistent, transparent controls over what you see. anyway social media is waning. TikTok Instagram all that shit. It’s not doing most people any favours. And I think it’s hay day is over.
I'm giving Threads a go.

Seems OK so far. I don't know what Elon Musk has done to Twitter but my timeline just doesn't have my friends in it any more. The funny stuff seems to have gone and has been replaced by Lawrence Fox types.

So no idea whether 'something similar but by Mark Zuckerberg' will be any better but atm it's easy to use and like-minded types seem to be finding each other easily enough.

Waves to Stig and Lazy Llama 👋
I'm giving Threads a go.

Seems OK so far. I don't know what Elon Musk has done to Twitter but my timeline just doesn't have my friends in it any more. The funny stuff seems to have gone and has been replaced by Lawrence Fox types.

So no idea whether 'something similar but by Mark Zuckerberg' will be any better but atm it's easy to use and like-minded types seem to be finding each other easily enough.

Waves to Stig and Lazy Llama 👋

Just popped you a follow. And stig and LL. :)
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