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Trump's impeachment pt. 2

I meant to predict this outcome ages ago.

Reckon Trump backing down over the election and abandoning his people post-coup was a trade in for not impeaching.
Reckon Trump backing down over the election and abandoning his people post-coup was a trade in for not impeaching.
Aye, solid theory, and feel like I've heard/read others saying similar, at the time, too.

A lot of "that was to avoid jail" comments when he made the uncharacteristically reserved and conciliatory speech a day or two after the Capitol attack.
Basically a bunch of spineless wonders who see reelection as the sole purpose of their existence. If the Republican base are mad, they'd better be mad too. Excellent :)
a: he's very confident of his position within kentucky, or
b: he'll be retiring.

Voted to acquit, but thinks there’s a disgraceful dereliction of duty, “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events.” How hypocritical can you get?

he's a dirtbag and what he really thinks i don't know, but saying even what he said puts him in danger of his life. i do think he's banking on his huge power within KY. voting to acquit preserves the power of the senatorial GOP, and at the end of that day that's his job.
Now that the totally unsurprising results from the impeachment sideshow are in, are the American people going to get the money they were promised during the election campaign? They've had just $600 since the start of the pandemic, but I guess pointless political theatre takes precedence over actually doing something useful.
Things are not going as I predicted on election night, though I still believe Sarah Huckerbee Sanders will emerge as the new Republican leader, even if she becomes governor of Arkansas next year.
Most of those Republican turds wouldn't vote to convict Trump of anything even if he killed their families, so getting 7 GOP votes doesn't seem like a terrible result.
I thought McConnell was going to convict initially. He would have carried a few more with him, made it close.

Instead he votes to acquit then publicly accuses Trump of the thing he was charged with. :facepalm:
Most of the Republican senators have shown they are rancid hypocrites, utterly self-interested, bought and paid for by lobbyists, and estranged from the people and constitution they are supposed to serve.

I hope the prosecutors in Georgia and New York have more sense of duty and justice than those custard-spined squabblers.
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