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Trump's impeachment pt. 2


Coming up blastin' like Yosemite Sam
Not seeing a dedicated thread for this so thought I'd start one.

So, this time the impeachment will make Senate trial. 45 GOP senators have voted not to hold it, egged on no doubt by that odious toad Paul Rand.

So it may get heard but doesn't look like it will get enough GOP defectors to pass.
It appears Trump can’t secure a legal team!

It appears Trump can’t secure a legal team!

He doesn't need one. There isn't a chance in hell of them getting 16 (or 17?) Republican senators to convict. Happy to take anyone's money on that.
He doesn't need one. There isn't a chance in hell of them getting 16 (or 17?) Republican senators to convict. Happy to take anyone's money on that.
I think the whole debacle is just a circus that ultimately will give Trump more kudos. I would much rather see him be found guilty in a future criminal court.
I just find it amusing that lawyers are now distancing themselves away from the misogynistic, racist pig.
In reality you are probably more at risk from Republican angst saying that, than Trump is of being found guilty
Not a lot of Republican angst on these boards. Though I'm hoping this trial will go some way to exploding the myth of reasonable republicans which is still too widely believed around here. The only Republican senators who will vote to convict are the few that have set themselves against him for the last five years. The rest will vote with their party.
Not a lot of Republican angst on these boards. Though I'm hoping this trial will go some way to exploding the myth of reasonable republicans which is still too widely believed around here. The only Republican senators who will vote to convict are the few that have set themselves against him for the last five years. The rest will vote with their party.
I should have put a grinning emoji after my post, I wasn’t being serious.
This likely acquittal is going to be spun (and carved in right-wing stone) the Senate concluded "it wasn't Trumps fault".

Feeling more like this is just another layer of 'surely he can't do anything worse than this', and won't move any political needle other than the wtf-ery and exasperation of non-trumpers.

At least the twat has no power and no twitter mouthpiece. And for that I thank the Lord.
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