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Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

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ETA - I lied. The truth outs.

The TERF was filming and was challenged. But you know that...

The next bit was the TERF grabbed someone and held them in a headlock.

The punch came from a trans woman in an attempt to free the person in a headlock.

The person in the headlock was an assigned female at birth non binary person.

And despite all this, the TERFs called all the protesters men. Clearly not. Not in any sense.

You're right that the puncher was coming in to pull the other person away. That's clearly seen in the footage - she punches, makes sure the other person is pulled away, and then runs off.

Having looked at the footage once again, it isn't consistent with the account later given by the woman who was punched. There was no 'piling in' at any point, and you're right that she is clearly holding on to the other person, although that may well be in order to keep hold of her camera. Her comrades seem strangely passive throughout - odd that they continue milling around, singing into megaphones and smiling. That wouldn't be my reaction to a mate getting set upon by a terrifying mob.
Right. And a punch is a slap
I meant in terms of "do you want a slap", but it does seem that the woman who did the punching might have been trying to defend a cis woman in a headlock... I wasn't there. If she wasn't defending someone, then there's no excuse for punching someone... my point is that you don't have special rights not to be punched because you're a woman.
People who use scare quotes around the gendered pronouns of trans people (or terms explaining transgender people) are twats. Every time. It's a rule.

This is a bit... cult like, isn't it. Agree with our assertions in spite of the observable facts or you're a wrong un.

Oh stop. You don't get to win this with bullshit chivalry.

Where as you coming along to rescue gender dysphoric men is genuine chivalry
Three men attacked the woman in question and she was lamped - for 'aggravating' them with her camera, apparently. I cannot think of a single other scenario in which so-called leftists would defend this behaviour.
First, few if any people on here are condoning the violence. Second, you might want to revisit the idea that it was 'three men'. Kind of shows up one of the prejudices on display here - a trans woman is a man, and a trans man is a man. Third, the punch did come as part of an effort to pull the person away. Watch the footage again - it's clear enough.
Gay rights activists didn't launch unprovoked physical assaults against groups of cranky radfems.
And there was no unprovoked attack here, either.
Radfems weren't generally attacking gay rights activists in the seventies (the bisexuals came in for a lot of grief), but it did happen. There were certainly fights with 'gender traitors'.

Three men attacked the woman in question...
Three men did not do so. Your attitude towards trans people is apparent[/quote][/QUOTE]
This is a bit... cult like, isn't it. Agree with our assertions in spite of the observable facts or you're a wrong un.

Where as you coming along to rescue gender dysphoric men is genuine chivalry
Observable facts disagreed with by the medical establishment and the lawmakers of this country. Neither medical consensus nor the wheels of the legislature are known for moving fast or subscribing to the whims of non-establishment minorities. If people who know a fucliad more about it than you are convinced that trans gender is "real" (for want of a less clumsy term), I'm not sure where you get off calling trans women "gender dysphoric men", or calling the views of the medical community "cult like".
Yeah gender pronouns are more important than physical assault
You could at least learn what a pronoun is.

You are defending a bigot being a bigot. You support her bigotry.

I (along with everyone else in the thread) have condemned the assault. Repeatedly. You've just gone 'fucking identity politics bullshit' and dodged every response.
What the hell is this mad, mad shit. How are such a large number of people so far down the rabbit-hole.

Why could belboid not comprehend the meaning of the links I shared earlier? How many instances of rabid pirhana-pack mentality and flagrant abuses of decency do the ID-pol kiddies need to perform before the eponymous 'call-out culture' is turned on them?

How in bloody fuck have we got so-called socialists supporting three individuals physically assaulting a woman, something they would entirely condemn if everything else were entirely equal but those three individuals self-identified as men?
Observable facts disagreed with by the medical establishment and the lawmakers of this country. Neither medical consensus nor the wheels of the legislature are known for moving fast or subscribing to the whims of non-establishment minorities. If people who know a fucliad more about it than you are convinced that trans gender is "real" (for want of a less clumsy term), I'm not sure where you get off calling trans women "gender dysphoric men", or calling the views of the medical community "cult like".
It's getting mad. We won't be able to call people n*****s next.
You could at least learn what a pronoun is.

You are defending a bigot being a bigot. You support her bigotry.

I (along with everyone else in the thread) have condemned the assault. Repeatedly. You've just gone 'fucking identity politics bullshit' and dodged every response.

You haven't condemned the response, you've gone out around the houses to justify why it happened including going on about how she was 'provoking' them with her camera. Don't make me pull out the quotes!
What the hell is this mad, mad shit. How are such a large number of people so far down the rabbit-hole.

Why could belboid not comprehend the meaning of the links I shared earlier? How many instances of rabid pirhana-pack mentality and flagrant abuses of decency do the ID-pol kiddies need to perform before the eponymous 'call-out culture' is turned on them?

How in bloody fuck have we got so-called socialists supporting three individuals physically assaulting a woman, something they would entirely condemn if everything else were entirely equal but those three individuals self-identified as men?
Because you are completely misrepresenting my argument. Repeatedly and deliberately. And your links were shit.
Because you are completely misrepresenting my argument. Repeatedly and deliberately. And your links were shit.

there's no misrepresentation here. you are defending the use of no-platform tactics against some cranky radfems. do i have to repeat this all night? these kind of opinions, now current on the left, are fucking appalling and utterly indefensible. maybe in 10 years time after the ID-pol idiots have more solidly discredited themselves and burned through their left support, you'll look back and feel ashamed of this kind of mad positioning.
Can you imagine calling women "sluts" when discussing issues around rape convictions? Or referring to black people with the N word when discussing stop and search? Language choices absolutely matter.
very true. sometimes they're also used instrumentally in arguments to deflect attention from the real issues, such as a woman being punched in the face after being assaulted by three self-identified women who physically had the strength of men
This is a bit... cult like, isn't it. Agree with our assertions in spite of the observable facts or you're a wrong un.

Where as you coming along to rescue gender dysphoric men is genuine chivalry
I don't get your nastiness. I really don't. What the fuck have you got against people, and why?
there's no misrepresentation here. you are defending the use of no-platform tactics against some cranky radfems. do i have to repeat this all night? these kind of opinions, now current on the left, are fucking appalling and utterly indefensible. maybe in 10 years time after the ID-pol idiots have more solidly discredited themselves and burned through their left support, you'll look back and feel ashamed of this kind of mad positioning.
Fuck off
Can we just agree that some punchy little oik (no gender pronouns) went out looking for trouble and didn't stop till they found some?

And, in the process, set back the transgender cause and further solidified the reasons why some feminists have a problem with m/f transgenders?
Do you agree MM is a reactionary TERF who goes out looking for trouble?
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