It isn't me that has a romantic, idealistic view of history. I'm a materialist not an idealist (
Historical materialism - Wikipedia). I don't argue that because a thing exists today (racism, sexism, etc) it must have existed for all time despite the evidence.
Engels wrote over 140 years ago, Leacock fifty, so of course there are going to be flaws, especially as both were polemical works. Even so they're quite short and accessible and the fundamental insights they contain are still true today. ie that preclass societies weren't all about patriarchy, kidnap and rape.
After the Ice is much longer and harder to get into, but gives a clear view of how materially poor prehistoric society was.
The Creation of Inequality is a tour de force drawing on around 500 anthropological and archaeological studies to give the first convincing account of how humans moved from classless to class societies.
And yeah, I'm hardly going to be talking up views I disagree with am I? This is the internet, not a dissertation.
Matrilineality is relevant as I've already said:
I wasn't suggesting matrilineal = matriarchal. Rather that if a society was matrilineal it kind of knocks a hole in the argument about an eternal patriarchy being all about inheritance.