I posted that because I'd not want to be on LM's shoes and I can see why the trans community feels under siege even if I don't agree with most of their premises. Are you so blind to the other side? Just take a look at the first comment on the reddit thread Co-Op posted. Women/parents are having to go underground to discuss these issues and are advising each other to meet in secret. Is it any wonder some of them go overboard? How would you respond to a bunch of kids threatening to take your livelihood away or that of your friends?
How about you discuss the toxic environment created when even professionals in the women's issues feel they have to keep their mouths shut because they know their funding could be at risk on the grounds of TERFdom?
How would you feel if you were the parent of a young lesbian girl being pressured into becoming a man and after that still having to fend off penises? How would you feel if they started thinking of conversion therapy such as the screenshots I posted two or three days ago?
What are your comments on this story? Would you not be worried to contemplate the possibility of schools, children services, etc being on your case if you decided to teach your child to feel great to be themselves and not give permission for transition before your child were of age? Read this story and make a comment that's not just demolishing some else's argument:
I hated her guts at the time: A trans-desister and her mom tell their story