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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

I've been living in Plymouth for 5 years now. Today was the first time I have experienced transphobic vitriol directed at me. Twat man on a bike asked me if I was a man, then called me a fat tranny. The shouted to keep away from kids and called me a nonce. He wouldn't face me though, kept riding off on his bike. Fucking wanker. I've reported it. dunno, if anything will happen.
That's really horrible. I hope you're ok.
There's an article on the BBC about trans hate crime.

Recorded hate crimes against transgender people in England and Wales rose 11% to 4,732 offences in the last year, according to Home Office figures.

Shea Coffey is a transgender woman from Kent who says she has experienced "countless" incidents while taking her children to school - and believes things are getting worse.
She said: "I've lost count of the times we've been abused on the school run. People slow down just to shout abuse from their window. Sometimes it's even as you're arriving home, and you can't help but worry they know where you live.

This rising trend, of shouting for freedom to be a hateful dickhead at the expense of other people's right to get on with their lives, encouraged by senior MPs, is concerning.

Prof Matthew Williams, director of Cardiff University's HateLab, warned that the overall fall in statistics [by 5%, of recorded hate crimes generally] comes after the Home Office advised police to "prioritise free speech" when dealing with potential hate incidents.
He said: "The downward trend is a welcome decline but I'm still alarmed by the continued increase in crimes against the trans and religious communities which I can only say is being fuelled by political rhetoric and the fallout on social media and in the media."

Trans hate crime rises 11% in past year in England and Wales
Fucking horrible. I bet it isn’t GC women doing the attacking though.
No they just lobbied to get their hatred into government and media circles so its in the face of everybody now on a daily basis written almost entirely by transphobes.

Why the fuck do you think the prime minister is repeating TERF talking points now?

Jeez, you are a fucking idiot.
I think the govt like deflecting attention away from themselves and the shit show of their own creation, by picking on a tiny number of people who aren't responsible for any of it.

Very much Tory policy in '87 when they introduced clause 28.

Solidarity with trans people, solidarity with migrants and solidarity with lgbt+ asylum seekers.
I wouldn't say men throwing fists because they think they have an excuse to indulge their own bigotry is quite the same thing as working in the interests of women.
I was replying to something suggesting the contrary. It isn’t a stand alone belief I hold and it’s disingenuous to argue that it is.
What worries me is how do we put this 'discourse', and I use the term loosely, back in the bin where it belongs?

As well as cruel and disgusting it's just a fucking utter waste of everyone's time to spill this much ink over a such a tiny minority (and I speak specifically here of trans women who, let's face it, are really the only ones considered a 'problem').

Even if Labour get in, the Tories and their pet press will presumably continue their obsession with people's genitals and 'DEFINE A WOMAN!!!!' and trying to make the Left 'look ridiculous' to their voter base. And I'm not sure how they avoid playing that game unless you do the equivalent of 'grey rock' (when people stop giving a bully/abuser the joy of an even vaguely interesting response), which I don't know if you can do as a government. Maybe just taking the line that this nonsense isn't actually likely to take a meaningful number of voters away from you and treating it as such?

The best way I could think of out of it, which won't happen, would be for a Labour government to announce a big raft of measures to actually impact women's safety and women's rights and basically say 'We're not going to have this conversation, trans people are a tiny minority and not a collective threat to women, medical matters around transition are for medical practitioners and ethicists to rule on, not for legislation' and every time someone shrieks 'But women's rights' you could then turn around and say 'Well, we're doing all this - what did you do to help women?' And maybe make them look stupid.
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Must be the first time ever that men have acted primarily in the interests of women though.

time and time again the main none trans victims of transphobia are shown to be cisgender women who do not conform to to the comphet ideals of feminity, all the more ironic given the 'intellectual' aim of TERFery is to 'protect women' whether that's cis women from the invented risk of attack by trans women or 'protecting' trans men from transition and viewing them as confused and immature butch lesbians ( even if they are attracted to men)
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Yes, by policing gender you put absolutely the worst fucking possible people in charge of doing so. Which means bad luck if you're a butch lesbian,a cis woman over six foot tall or otherwise not presenting in an archetypally 'feminine' way and happen to walk into a loo where a 'gender critical' woman has put herself on patrol
I wasn't sure where to put this, so I'm putting it here.
On the 12th of October my friend's trans son successfully ended his own life aged 14. His name was Corei. As far as I am aware he died in a CAMHS psychiatric inpatient acute unit. He should have been safe. There is a change.org petition. I haven't linked to this because I didn't get the link from anyone I know. I assume it's legit.
Online transphobic abuse lead to his death.
Oh shit, I'd seen that story but it must be so rough to have a personal connection to it. Sending love to all who knew him.
And to think our government are basically enabling this. Are backing it up.

I joined a work call the other week for parents of LGBTQ kids and I mentioned how my oldest had felt really distraught about some needling from a kid about their pronouns that they said they'd normally had coped with but they felt everything had got on top of them in the week of Sunak's comments. One colleague with a 13 yo trans son said a boy had gone and quote that 'a man is a man, a woman is a woman....' stuff in his son's face.

Yes, you are the 'nasty party'.
I feel the need to let people know what is going on regarding my friends son who took his own life. She shared details of the funeral to her friends and family. Someone has leaked it to the internet trolls. I really hate terfs and GC twats like this. It's one thing to have opinions and arguments on semantics, and another to want to mess with someone whose child has died, and troll the funeral. This is happening in London. I'm in Plymouth and cannot support her. She has friends but, fuck that is a nasty thing to do.
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