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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Wow, that’s bonkers. And clearly written for a wider audience - perhaps she’s fishing for a newspaper column - the prose is rather florid for a letter of complaint
the only thing Florid aobut the Karenmess Nicholson is her delusion of relevance

She's also functionally illiterate as demonstrated by previous replies to her TERFy ejaculations where organisations state they will continue to follow the law as written and the Statutory Guidance abd she thinks they will exclude people from the correct facilities for their gender
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"I voted for S.28 (editor - May 1988) when there was no immunisation or cure. But you and yours (!) wished to teach schools the very behaviour that was the only known cause of AIDS."

IV drug use, as well as transmission from male to female partners, was identified as a pattern in 1981 and as a definite between 1983/1984.

And let's add more evidence

In 1986, the Scottish Committee on HIV and Injecting Drug Misuse published a report, known as the McLelland Report, which stated that the Lothian police’s policy of confiscating needles and syringes from users was encouraging sharing and helping to spread HIV. Furthermore, they controversially recommended establishing needle exchange schemes.

This was underscored in 1988, when the government’s drug advisors published their landmark 'AIDS and Drug Misuse' report, which declared unequivocally that stopping the spread of the virus was more important than getting people off drugs.

And in December 1988 the government gave us harm reduction based on them listening (for once) to the ACMD. The only good thing Thatcher ever did.

I was 15 when section 28 was passed and if I knew then that AIDS could be transmitted by any kind of blood transfer, then you'd think an MP would know that. So she's either lying or admitting to being ignorant and incompetent. The blood transfusion scandal in the UK didn't break until a couple of years later, so maybe she thinks she can hide behind that as an excuse.
It's a load of smug bullshit, it's not well written at all and I'm sure the bloke is laughing his head off at the pomposity of it.

Mumsnet are also claiming the crickets were a homophobic attack on a gay rights conference. The conference was not targeted for homophobic reasons and the LGBA are full of cishets anyway, and it wasn't a gay rights conference, it was a conference for taking rights away from trans people. If they were a genuine gay rights organisation, Nicholson would be nowhere near them.
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