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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Can you give any examples of cases where it has be used successful?
I assume you only mean in the UK as its existence in the US is very well known.

This is what came up on Google in the first 2 or 3 hits - I didn't dig in further. It's just something, if you're trans, you hear about a lot.

Are you doubting that gay panic defence is a thing or is it just specifically the trans variant you are doubtful of, because surely if one exists then the other is very likely to exist?
I assume you only mean in the UK as its existence in the US is very well known.

This is what came up on Google in the first 2 or 3 hits - I didn't dig in further. It's just something, if you're trans, you hear about a lot.

Are you doubting that gay panic defence is a thing or is it just specifically the trans variant you are doubtful of, because surely if one exists then the other is very likely to exist?
I have no doubt people will try them but I'm suprised either is a useful defence of any kind.

But yes it does soind like it played some part in the sentencing, although I'd assume to judge has better sounding legal arguments to justify it.

So yeah I'm a bit shocked.
It's revealing how many people are eager to play down the transphobic element of this tragedy. The claim seems to be that Brianna wasn't killed explicitly because she was trans and therefore transphobia isn't a factor. But that's not how this shit works. Men rarely kill women 'just' because they are women but that doesn't mean misogyny doesn't usually play a key role. A woman's life is viewed as worth less, or as someone who was in some way deserving of the violence at least in the mind of the murderer. I doubt many would have challenged the view that misogyny had played a role in this crime had Brianna been a cis girl and the boy found to have made a string of misogynist comments.

The boy used dehumanising language about Brianna on several occasions. He thought she was less somehow because she was trans. Just like he did with the other potential victims, he believed one was gay and one a paedophile. And he wasn't born believing trans or gay people to be worth less or akin to child abusers, he was taught that. So perhaps understandable why in a society where transphobia drips daily from the mouths of politicians, the media and a small but very vocal (and often privileged and influential) minority that so many are eager to deny that this could possibly have influenced a child who murdered a trans girl he had previously made transphobic and violently objectifying comments about.
It's revealing how many people are eager to play down the transphobic element of this tragedy. The claim seems to be that Brianna wasn't killed explicitly because she was trans and therefore transphobia isn't a factor. But that's not how this shit works. Men rarely kill women 'just' because they are women but that doesn't mean misogyny doesn't usually play a key role. A woman's life is viewed as worth less, or as someone who was in some way deserving of the violence at least in the mind of the murderer. I doubt many would have challenged the view that misogyny had played a role in this crime had Brianna been a cis girl and the boy found to have made a string of misogynist comments.

The boy used dehumanising language about Brianna on several occasions. He thought she was less somehow because she was trans. Just like he did with the other potential victims, he believed one was gay and one a paedophile. And he wasn't born believing trans or gay people to be worth less or akin to child abusers, he was taught that. So perhaps understandable why in a society where transphobia drips daily from the mouths of politicians, the media and a small but very vocal (and often privileged and influential) minority that so many are eager to deny that this could possibly have influenced a child who murdered a trans girl he had previously made transphobic and violently objectifying comments about.
Isn’t the murderer Girl X female?
It's revealing how many people are eager to play down the transphobic element of this tragedy.

Had a look on Mumsnet, most of the responses are along the lines of, 'I can't believe they're using this totally random and senseless murder to push their gender ideology'. So I guess not wanting people to be murdered because of who they are is an 'ideology' now.
Had a look on Mumsnet, most of the responses are along the lines of, 'I can't believe they're using this totally random and senseless murder to push their gender ideology'. So I guess not wanting people to be murdered because of who they are is an 'ideology' now.

I think this is vital to the whole project. In their heads they are not attacking people, but a set of ideas, so if people end up being attacked then that's nothing to do with them - they have never called for people to be attacked just an ideology. They believe if they can just get rid of this ideology then trans people would no longer exist - at no cost to trans people - who would all just wake up from their woke stupor, detransition and feel very silly about everything.

They don't understand that gender ideology, in as much as it exists (and it doesn't really as a unified set of ideas), comes from the experiences of trans people. They think trans people come from gender ideology, which was invented by Jewish billionaires, big pharma, the porn industry, anime, paedophiles etc depending on how deep they have got into the more cranky stuff.

This is the thesis of Helen Joyce's book Trans - roundly reviewed as perfectly reasonable and balanced across much of the press. She claims that trans ideology is a top down movement funded by billionaires like George Soros and Jennifer Pritzker rather than an organic grass roots movement that has developed out of the collective experience of being a trans person in society. She doesn't explain why Soros would do this but there's plenty of people only too happy to fill in the gaps.

I might post at some point, because it's really annoying me, about how claims that gender identity is an ideology akin to a religion is an unscientific position. There is a wealth of evidence across several diciplines that humans probably possess some kind of innate sex or gender identity. It's not very well understood, there may even be room for disagreement, but it's not just something made up. In fact in fields where it matters, such as the treatment of intersex kids, it's pretty much the scientific consensus and defines treatment protocols.
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Had a look on Mumsnet, most of the responses are along the lines of, 'I can't believe they're using this totally random and senseless murder to push their gender ideology'. So I guess not wanting people to be murdered because of who they are is an 'ideology' now.

similarly, not wanting black people to be killed by racist police / random racists is 'marxism'

Hadn't seen this before. From the cop in charge talking to the Mail:
Detective Superintendent Mike Evans, head of crime at Cheshire Police, told the Mail after the trial concluded: 'If it was not Brianna, it would have been one of the other four children on the list.

'It is just Brianna was the one who was accessible at that time and the focus of those desires.

'In a strange way Girl X was obsessed with Brianna, almost attracted and intrigued by her. With Boy Y, there is some really horrific and dehumanising transphobic comments. He added: 'Brianna was not killed because she was transgender, but the fact that she was transgender made her a bit more vulnerable and accessible.

How could she of been transphobic? She even fancied her a bit. Transmisogyny in full display.
Sentencing of the two that killed Brianna is taking place tomorrow and the sentencing is being televised live on Sky from about 10am
Not sure what time sentencing will be but there are victim impact statements to be heard frist and they will NOT be televised. So, proceedings start at 10 and the cameras will cut to the courtroom when allowed.
The teenage murderers have been named. I'm not sure what the reasoning for this is. Surely it puts their families at risk and doesn't actually help anyone.
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