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Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%

Yeah, if the police don't have enough evidence to make a definitive statement I don't know why they couldn't have said, for instance, "We are investigating a range of possible motives and cannot definitively rule anything out at this point", or similar.
Yeah, if the police don't have enough evidence to make a definitive statement I don't know why they couldn't have said, for instance, "We are investigating a range of possible motives and cannot definitively rule anything out at this point", or similar.
they've been on the phone to the lancashire police who have given them the benefit of their recent experience
Unless they already have strong evidence of another motive, you'd hope that the police remain open-minded to the possibility that this was a hate crime (notwithstanding they may have found no evidence of that to date). But their record in that regard isn't great.
I believe it may be a reference to the Tories going back on the self ID legislation proposed for England under Theresa May. I don’t know what basis Karl has for making the apparent assumption that Brianna had not changed her birth certificate, though.

You need a GRC to change your birth certificate which is a) very hard to get and b) you have to be over 18. I think.
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For context I posted this on the homophobia in the US thread; 1.5 hours, but worth a watch if you want to know about the absolute state of trans healthcare in the UK. Philosophy tube's Abigail Thorne talking about navigating the process of transitioning on the NHS. It sounds like an complete nightmare, and this bearing in mind that she's a successful youtuber and an adult.

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You need a GRC to change your birth certificate which is a) very hard to get and b) you have to be over 18. I think.
A death certificate need not mirror a birth certificate though, so, hopefully it'll reflect that she was a girl (though, in this instance, it'd be at the Coroner's discretion).
Joe Chi Min why are you being so aggressive?
Because part of the game of being a whining, unwelcome returnee is playing things close to the wind and being all antagonistic and uber edgy. That's the thrill for them, doing something naughty for the kicks, bit like people who rub their nudger against folk on the tube.

It wont be long before the big/tiny reveal...

Because part of the game of being a whining, unwelcome returnee is playing things close to the wind and being all antagonistic and uber edgy. That's the thrill for them, doing something naughty for the kicks, bit like people who rub their nudger against folk on the tube.

It wont be long before the big/tiny reveal...

I never spot these!
I came to this thread to hear more about what was actually going on. I've had to wade through pages of shit bickering between cishet men. FFS just stop it. I wasn't sure about going to a Brianna Ghey vigil before but now I can see how much solidarity is needed I will go if I can.

I hear there is one on wed at the dept of education in SW1, london and I hoped to find a link or details here.
Indeed, although I don't know whats worse sometimes, that, or the silence from a lot of urban posters too.

The Dept of Education vigil... from the Lesbians Gays Support the Migrants twitter..


I think silence is preferable to cishet men smoothering all in threads with blather, and I believe 'if you can't say owt nice, say nowt'

Thank you for posting the vigil link (I cant do social media) I love lgsm, great group of passionate young people.
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I think it's the old 'absence of evidence isnt evidence of absence' thing.

That they hadn't found any evidence that this is a hate crime at the time of the initial announcement (and, indeed, still might not have) isn't, strictly speaking, inconsistent with the fact they are now - and possibly* were at the time - investigating hate as a potential motive. (*Certainly should have been!)

At the very least, though, the handling of the messaging was crap; at worst, they failed to pursue a crucial line of enquiry.

No doubt they'd claim they said what they did to reassure people, and that they were always investigating hate as a possible motive. But they'd have been better off saying they were investigating the motive (including the possibility of hate crime) from the outset, and declining to comment on whether or not they'd found any evidence for any particular motive. Because the initial message did give the strong impression that they'd effectively ruled it out.
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Idle and possibly unhelpful speculation: it’s been reported that she was being bullied at school I think because of transitioning. So the fact that those held are of school age made me immediately think it was connected to that. Of course, it might not be.
Idle and possibly unhelpful speculation: it’s been reported that she was being bullied at school I think because of transitioning. So the fact that those held are of school age made me immediately think it was connected to that. Of course, it might not be.
The Harry bloke whose tweet was included upthread has said on his Twitter that the suspects were at the same school as Brianna, and suggests she was befriended and lured to where she was killed by bullies. But no idea how reliable he is.
What does it matter whether it was a hate crime or not? A child is dead. Two other children are being accused of killing her. This world gets more fucked up and vicious with every passing year.
What does it matter whether it was a hate crime or not? A child is dead. Two other children are being accused of killing her. This world gets more fucked up and vicious with every passing year.
It matters because of the hateful atmosphere created in the UK by media and others

A hate crime against a trans person goes beyond the personal tragedy and affects other trans people.

Same as for any hate crime
What does it matter whether it was a hate crime or not? A child is dead. Two other children are being accused of killing her. This world gets more fucked up and vicious with every passing year.
This is why I objected to your massively inappropriate post on the bandwidth thread the other day. There is an atmosphere of hate and this is where it leads.
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