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Traitors on BBC


Pisces Moon
Deserves more credit this. A psychologists dream. If you know who the traitors are you have to be careful not to let them know or they will have you killed. This show has got me gripped. Who else is watching?
What put my back up straight away was the dénûment of the first task when they were made to line up outside the castle on arrival. As soon as the production pulled that stunt I went off the programme. I lost interest at that point. Had I been a contestant, I’d have walked off the set and gone home. It has honestly made me question my previous liking for Claudia.

I did finish the episode, but only because Mrs LR was watching too. I won’t be watching any more.
I'm watching. This is all really familiar to people who have played Werewolves or Among Us, and like my wife said, there's something a bit eye-rolly about watching 'normies' playing, but there's a lot of fun to be had nevertheless.

Sending home the one-handed woman because she didn't raise her glass in a toast to the Faithful was a particular low/high point, as well as Aaron crying as soon as he got three nominations to be banished.

Looks like there's some fireworks coming up. I can't wait :D:oldthumbsup:
It seems like a glorified version of wink murder.

Last night was hilarious. As if the couple would be two of three (now four) Traitors. That would be end game but then the best of the faithfuls who have sniffed the others out will be keeping their cards and thoughts really secret if they want to progress. The guy who has worked one out is playing with fire. She knows he knows because he let on so now he's on the murder list. He will need to be more vocal and less secretive if he really wants to out her.
I got sucked back in cos I cant find anything else to watch. It's grown on me again, I dont care for the tasks but them all turning on each other is quite fun.

I didnt like John as thought he got really quite bitchy over the last few days so glad he is gone. I dont like Hannah but it could be that she is just stressed. Tom / Alex what can you say? She is definitely better than him. I actually quite like all the traitors even though I didnt warm to Wilf initially
Aye the tasks are naff. I didn't understand a second of that sheep task I just watch for the mindfuckery.

Got tonight's episode on record, will be diving in when I get home.
Without posting spoilers I'm a bit gutted by the latest evictee, the other option should have gone, they are dull and boring. "Quality" backstabbing though.
Now caught up - loved that, wasn't expecting to see any traitor on traitor action so soon.

Enjoyed someone telling the lucky traitor that 'I know it can't be you, because you can't fake that kind of emotion'. Think about that one for a moment, particularly the other reason someone might be emotional in that moment :D
Now caught up - loved that, wasn't expecting to see any traitor on traitor action so soon.

Enjoyed someone telling the lucky traitor that 'I know it can't be you, because you can't fake that kind of emotion'. Think about that one for a moment, particularly the other reason someone might be emotional in that moment :D
I raised an eyebrow when they came out with that line. he was doing some great acting.
So my confession is: I’ve started enjoying this. I think I was just in a bad mood when I watched the first one.

I’m a bit alarmed by their emotions, though. They were presumably picked for their reactions, but I’m worried that they may need the money too much, in which case it’s not an enjoyable spectacle.

They’re all completely irrational, though. They’re trying to find Bad People, but the Traitors were picked by the production team. You won’t find clues to who they are the way the Faithful are going about it.

And that magician guy is bonkers.
Great episode that. Pretty obvious who is going to be toast tonight.
Everyone is rooting for the Traitors, I hope?

They absolutely have to take out Alex, so that next time they try to recruit they don’t get turned down.

Maddy has to be the next person they throw suspicion on.
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