Gay basher-hughes, pretty safe seat. i expect she's trying to sabotage any labour challenge to him by pulling away what she thinks is a crossover BNP/labour vote.
Has Simon Hughes been bashing gay people recently?
And how`do you know what shes thinking? I think she might just beone of the vast majority of people who think that the UK has to control migration. Not such a suprise surely?
Anyway what are you talking about re Simon Hughes? The IWCA could learn a lot from him.
Yeah, the tories are really in tune with w/c opinion and really don't play those nasty political games - especially not in an extremely tight contest, no way sir, no way. It's irrelevant whether the vast majority of the population believe that or not as regards her motivation - you can sometimes be quite naive.
“Britain is full,” declares Nick Griffin at every opportunity, and he is right
Now it seems the fascists are on the march again. Whether you believe that the British National Party is a thinly veiled rebranding of the National Front or a different animal altogether, many Bermondsey & Old Southwark voters are listening to them (including roughly 2,000 who voted BNP in the 2008 GLA and 2009 European elections). I spend a great deal of time listening to the concerns of voters, and as someone who has lived and worked in this area for fifteen years myself, I am beginning to understand the appeal.
But why are these neglected people turning to the BNP – why not the Conservatives, the natural alternative to socialist excess? First, they assume (rightly or wrongly) that we have been complicit in this nonsense. Second, we assume that as BNP supporters are overwhelmingly disaffected former Labour voters, they are Labour’s problem and that we are therefore able to ignore the whole situation as just another example of Labour's inablity to keep its house in order. It is time for a new approach. BNP supporters aren’t just Labour’s problem – they are a Conservative opportunity.
I can be quite naive eh. Where exactly do you think i said that the Tories dont play those nasty political games?
What about Simon Hughes?
I can be quite naive eh. Where exactly do you think i said that the Tories dont play those nasty political games?
What about Simon Hughes?
What question? I couldn't really care less about simon hughes - at least beyond your attempt to use him to avoid the fact that you can't read the most basic of manouverings by politicians.
I have to say this is a corker from you balders, you've really outdone yourself this time. You're attempting to defend a tory from accusations of aiming to attract a vote based appealing to on social prejudice by defending a lib-dem who was most definitely elected on the basis of a campaign designed explicitly to appeal to social prejudices.
Your a prize plum. How long ago was that election? I am not trying to defend any Tories just pointing out that your making silly assumptions that you cant back up.
Your politics is laughable know it all shite. You go on about the IWCA safe in the knowledge that you are never going to get involved.
I just backed them up - i take you've still not bothered to read either the article or the quotes that i helpfully pulled from it knowing full well that you wouldn't bother yourself. As I say, if you're unable to read an appeal to BNP voters and to tory party workers from that you're lucky that others can.
How long ago was the bermondsey election? 27 years. Are you suggesting the MPs and politicians motivations, career mindedness and general willingness to be devious fuckers has changed since then? Improved even? As i said above, you can be very naive.
If you can't read that as a naked appeal to the local BNP vote then there's something wrong with you.
^ I'm still none the wiser
Appeal or an alternative to the BNP vote, which I have to say isn't something that is readily evident from any party.
^ I'm still none the wiser
Golbal warming?
Though it does help exports, and therefore employment.GBPUSD. Sterling has lost >2% today faced with the increasing prospect of Brown and Darling remaining in government. If they get back in, well, I hope you don't need to buy any imported goods.
GBPUSD. Sterling has lost >2% today faced with the increasing prospect of Brown and Darling remaining in government. If they get back in, well, I hope you don't need to buy any imported goods.