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Tory bully MP Mark Field shoves a protestor against a pillar then grabs her by her neck

I agree, but the the MSM will spin it which ever they want to the masses. Worries me!

What worries me is what comes later, once they realise that relatively genteel remonstrations over dinner are not working, and things are getting worse.

We will look back fondly on direct actions like this as 'the old days'...
Years ago during the CND days in the 80s, I must have been about 17, I attended a public meeting at which Michael Heseltine was speaking. He was Minister of Defence at the time and cruise missiles were about to be delivered and the issue was a huge deal. As he started his speech, I stood up and heckled something. I can't remember exactly what I said, something about cruise making the whole of the UK a target or something. Anyway,almost immediately after I began heckling, before I even realised what was happening, I felt myself being grabbed and dragged horizontally, really violently, across the seats. I looked around and some red faced middle aged Tory bastard, cheeks bloated with rage, had me by my jacket and was dragging me out of the meeting.

Before I could respond or resist, a voice spoke out loudly through the microphone, "leave him alone. Let him go. Heckling is a part of the democratic tradition." The man dragging me out hesitated and reluctantly let me go. I looked up and I couldn't believe it. It was Michael Heseltine on the microphone, defending me. I pulled away, adjusted my clothing, tried to regain my dignity as best I could and sat down. Michael heseltine saved me from being dragged out of the hall. Say what you like about Heseltine and I still loathe everything he stood for, he proved himself an honourable man and a democrat that night and he defended my right to free speech.

But I recognise that look of rage and anger, that sense of absolute entitlement on fields face. It is exactly the same face as the man who attacked me. In my case it was anger that this gobby little kid, probably too young to even vote, dared interrupt his meeting, dared express an opinion, dared to "misbehave in the presence of his betters. in the Greenpeace woman's case, it was outrage that some environmental trouble makers, women at that, had dared come into his citadel of power and privilege and interrupt his dinner. It was the same dynamic in both cases, it was about privilege and power and contempt for anyone who dared think they could challenge it.
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Years ago during the CND days in the 80s, I must have been about 17, I attended a public meeting at which Michael Heseltine was speaking. He was Minister of Defence at the time and cruise missiles were about to be delivered and the issue was a huge deal. As he started his speech, I stood up and heckled something. I can't remember exactly what I said, something about cruise making the whole of the UK a target or something. Anyway,almost immediately after I began heckling, before I even realised what was happening, I felt myself being grabbed and dragged horizontally, really violently, across the seats. I looked around and some red faced middle aged Tory bastard, cheeks bloated with rage, had me by my jacket and was dragging me out of the meeting.

Before I could respond or resist, a voice spoke out loudly through the microphone, "leave him alone. Let him go. Heckling is a part of the democratic tradition." The man dragging me out hesitated and reluctantly let me go. I looked up and I couldn't believe it. It was Michael Heseltine on the microphone, defending me. I pulled away, adjusted my clothing, tried to regain my dignity as best I could and sat down. Michael heseltine saved me from being dragged out of the hall. Say what you like about Heseltine and I still loathe everything he stood for, he proved himself an honourable man and a democrat that night and he defended my right to free speech.

But I recognise that look of rage and anger, that sense of absolute entitlement on fields face. It is exactly the same face as the man who attacked me. In my case it was anger that this gobby little kid, probably too young to even vote, dared interrupt his meeting, dared express an opinion, dared to "misbehave in the presence of his betters. in the Greenpeace woman's case, it was outrage that some environmental trouble makers, women at that, had dared come into his citadel of power and privilege and interrupt his dinner. It was the same dynamic in both cases, it was about privilege and power and contempt for anyone who dared think they could challenge it.

Excellent post, dylans. :cool:
Climate change campaigning, like everything else, can't rise above the political spectrum because its aims conflict with the interests of capital
There's billions that can and will be made out of renewable/carbon neutral energy production and capitalists out there who will happily latch onto a cause that will help them displace the established energy producers and production methods.
There's billions that can and will be made out of renewable/carbon neutral energy production and capitalists out there who will happily latch onto a cause that will help them displace the established energy producers and production methods.
Of course. But also lots of ways for profit to be made which are unsustainable or detrimental to environment. They're not going to just stop.
Of course. But also lots of ways for profit to be made which are unsustainable or detrimental to environment. They're not going to just stop.

They'll stop because regulation, consumer pressure and the lowering cost of renewable/carbon neutral power generation will mean it is no longer economical for them to continue.

Technologies die: I'm not going out after lunch to catch a 300 horsebus to Canning Town Station, and whilst I might catch sight of a steam train on the District Line this afternoon, I'll do so as a nostalgic heritage tourist.
'ill-gotten gains' is a good way to sniffily describe shady money
Ill-gotten is fine. Gotten as the past participle of got was in use on these shores many years back but has only recently been re-introduced via the US. When used by British English speakers it sounds to me like people using the word "period" to emphasis a point when in British English the correct expression is "full stop". A minor point I appreciate when compared to the climate emergency but one still worth making.
Field comes across as an angry thug at the Mansion House do, really no better than the anarcho-wotsits who chuck feminists out of book fairs.

To be fair, I suppose he has slightly more excuse, since the Greenpeace types had come to disrupt, but it's still quite similar.
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