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Tony Blair returns to UK politics as advisor to Ed Miliband

It looks like Blair has his hand on Cherie s ass- giving it a good squeeze. Look at her face.

Reminds me of Jacqueline of Benidorm

The Labour leader said the party could learn three lessons from its most electorally successful prime minister. These were the importance of unity; the importance of evolving new ideas for new times; and the importance of winning to ensure that Labour does not allow the people whom its MPs are elected to serve are not abandoned.

Did Miliband really say that or have we got the Guardian to thank for that mangled sentence?
Given how he and Brown royally fucked the economy and landed us in this mess, I think not.

Again, Blair isn't tagged with that. The Tories have effectively painted Brown like that in the public mind. Blair's issue is Iraq but as I said a war in a foreign land is nowhere near as big a deal as losing your job or food prices shooting up. UK people won't give a shit at the end of the day as austerity bites, they'll remember better economic times.
Blair has seldom been out of the Tory Press/media , backing up the "austerity " measures of the Coalition, and supporting privatisation. Plenty of people are well aware that he's massively enriched himself since leaving office , with a string of dodgy deals - particularly touring the world doing PR for various dictators, AND that his complicated financial affairs are structured to pay bugger all tax. This man is quite simply toxic.. and the more he resurfaces in UK politics the more publicity his past sleazy antics will generate....his reappearance in the NuLabour ranks will do Miliband no good at all.
(sigh) I love driving past Blue Eyes's No 1 London base in Connaught Square. The sight of all the coppers with their machine guns standing outside makes me melt in some weird kinda way.

Still, that's what you can expect if you buy a house in the Arab quarter, next door to Bin Laden's brother. He's only got himself to blame.
(sigh) I love driving past Blue Eyes's No 1 London base in Connaught Square. The sight of all the coppers with their machine guns standing outside makes me melt in some weird kinda way.

Still, that's what you can expect if you buy a house in the Arab quarter, next door to Bin Laden's brother. He's only got himself to blame.

The vain old ham expects everyone to feel deep gratitude for his services to humanity. He's a pretty straight kinda guy and he always had the best of motives for sending in the bombers.
(sigh) I love driving past Blue Eyes's No 1 London base in Connaught Square. The sight of all the coppers with their machine guns standing outside makes me melt in some weird kinda way.

Still, that's what you can expect if you buy a house in the Arab quarter, next door to Bin Laden's brother. He's only got himself to blame.
It's ironic that Connaught Square was once home to Paul Robeson.:(
Concerning AIG this article by Matt Taibbi is worth a read. As for Bliar, possibly the worst mistake Millipede could have made.
(sigh) I love driving past Blue Eyes's No 1 London base in Connaught Square. The sight of all the coppers with their machine guns standing outside makes me melt in some weird kinda way.

Still, that's what you can expect if you buy a house in the Arab quarter, next door to Bin Laden's brother. He's only got himself to blame.

and us to foot the bill no doubt.

funny how the world economy tanked at the sametime.

Brown came out with a lot of dodgy things but fucking the economy wasn't one of them , the bankers fucked the economy. For the first few months the Tories were in power , unemployment was falling slightly as a result of measures put in place by Brown
Concerning AIG this article by Matt Taibbi is worth a read. As for Bliar, possibly the worst mistake Millipede could have made.

it's baffling , when he first became leader he started going on about admitting Labour's past mistakes...and now? Oh fuck.
Brown came out with a lot of dodgy things but fucking the economy wasn't one of them , the bankers fucked the economy. For the first few months the Tories were in power , unemployment was falling slightly as a result of measures put in place by Brown

And yet you voted to kick them out and stick the Tories in?
Brown came out with a lot of dodgy things but fucking the economy wasn't one of them , the bankers fucked the economy. For the first few months the Tories were in power , unemployment was falling slightly as a result of measures put in place by Brown

Ermmm. Brown split regulation/supervision of the Banking sector from the Bank Of England , to the utterly useless, understaffed, FSA, which was given a very clear political steer to impose "light touch regulation" on the sector , ie, very little regulation at all. The banks took full advantage of this "green light" to do whatever they liked, to engage in the full range of suicidally risky, often corrupt, financial acivities that, along with the unsustainable housing and debt bubble, led to the 2008 Crash.

Brown provided the deregulated environment for the banksters to fully practice their dark arts, and he could have reined in the housing and debt bubble at any time -- he was Chancellor FFS ! Brown and Blair were only interested in continuing the bubble-powered "feelgood factor" which had got them repeatedly re-elected, with criminal disregard for the high risk this unsustainable speculative and debt frenzy created in the longer term.

And Yes, the stimulus package that Brown and Darling introduced at the height of the post Crash slump did create economic activity and jobs, but this was purely ashort term sop to the electorate to cover up the crisis until they won a new election -- they fully intended to implement the same austerity measures as the Coalition did, AFTER the election ... just slooooowwwwer that the Tories have, but the impact would have been the same --- Economic slump to please the Money Market and our AAA rating.

Rewriting history just won't work , trevhagl, any more than the Tory/neo Liberal rewrite that the Crash itself was all down to Western government welfare spending - not the banks at all !


Blair's contribution to economic policy is that "Britain must not hang 20 bankers at the end of the street", a dutiful nod in the direction of his £2m salary from JP Morgan. He is an adviser to Kazakhstan on human rights and to the Labour party on Olympics legacy, a double whammy of hopeless causes. The Kazakh dictator, Nursultan Nazarbayev,apparently paid him $13m to eulogise his odious regime in a state videoand applaud him for "subtlety and ingenuity … in a region fraught with difficulties".

In a book analysing "hubris syndrome" (covering many world leaders), David Owen recalled how Blair dismissed an official who cautioned him on Iraq, by saying: "You are Neville Chamberlain, I am Winston Churchill and Saddam is Hitler." We can see why Blair admitted to Roy Jenkins that he regretted not having studied history. Owen quoted Justin Frank on narcissistic personality disorder, or megalomania, in which a leader "is indifferent to any damage he caused [when in office] because he always had a reason for his actions; he is without guilt or compassion, and incapable of even thinking about reparation". Witness Blair's appearance before Chilcot.
A Guardian poll this week was a cruel reality check. It suggested Blair as leader would knock three points off Labour's rating under Miliband. He must surely realise he has moved on, into a nirvana of limousines, bodyguards, private jets and perma-tans for which he always seemed destined. Blair is the Sepp Blatter of British politics. The world has an appetite for vague platitudes and glamorous hogwash, and is happy to pay him for it.
If Blair really wants immortality, he could find it through redemption. Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, retrieved his reputation with a peace prize. A muckraker called Joseph Pulitzer retrieved his with a prize for good writing. Perhaps the world is ready for the Tony Blair prize. It could be awarded annually in an unbombed Muslim capital for grovelling political atonement.
Blair is all over the place at present, like a festering, sexually transmitted, skin rash , upping his profile -- obviously NOT on the embarassing topics covered by Elbows in post 87 above ! He was even shmoozing us all on the inside back page of the Radio Times in this weeks issue. I strongly suspect that Blair, with his psychopathic ego and complete ignorance of history, seriously sees himself as our future national "saviour" .. standing ready to step in to head up a "National Government" once total economic and social chaos buggers up the existing party structures. In which case he is Ramsay MacDonald rather than Winston Churchill !
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