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Tony Blair returns to UK politics as advisor to Ed Miliband

Olympic legacy :eek: coz he got the dome so right:mad: or is it what would you do Tony? So as to know what to avoid doing
Why would you wanna do that?

I hope she lives another 30 years, waking up every morning asking "where's dennis" in torment and confusion.

She doesn't do that now. That's just her PR people trying to garner sympathy for the harpy. You can bet she's up every morning at 6AM, hoisting a large Johnnie Walker, and strumming her banjo while thinking of Michael Portillo, then playing the demented loon for her daughter, just for shits and giggles.
Fuck that, make her suffer work stress until that rancid scrap of gristle she calls a heart bursts.
He won't get the blame for this as the Tories have effected pinned that on Brown in the mind of the general public. Iraq isn't as big an issue as people think outside the usual lefty enclaves either...

Wrong. Most average people I chat to have a low opinion of Blair. And Iraq is a still there in peoples minds. It was always a mistake of New Labour to disparage people by regarding anyone as "lefty" who was not part of ( what they saw) as the mainstream.

Lest you forget it was people across the political spectrum who opposed the war in Iraq.

The war in Iraq and all the dodgy dossiers and the rest leading up to it damaged Blairs reputation in the long term. The electorate after that regarded him as shifty and not to be trusted.

If anything he is regarded as a bit of a joke.
Yeah the general consensus is that he's a slimy little shit and not to be trusted at all, he's like an ex boyfriend that you used to think was charming but now you can't believe you ever feel for his smarmy shit.

Yes it is a good piece and answer the comments here of those who think Ed bringing in Blair as advisor is good idea. After all Ed said now he brings Blair. He knows he was elected instead of his brother as the candidate who would take the party in a new direction. I met one former Labour party member who was delighted that Ed and not David had won. She saw it as the end of New Labour. She was hardly a lefty she was a Kinnock supporter. ( though in Nu Labour eyes that makes u a lefty)

excerpt below:

But Miliband and the new intake of Labour MPs should be wary of listening to Blair on matters of substance. According to the Sun, the pair "talked about the need for Labour to be in the centre ground of British politics". But Blair's definition of the "centre ground" is very different to Miliband's - it is premised on the arguments and rows of the 1990s and the fallout from Labour's back-to-back election defeats, at the hands of Margaret Thatcher, in the 1980s. Yet, from public attitudes to high pay and bankers' bonuses to political and media attitudes to the Murdoch empire, the world has moved on. We don't know what TB's response would have been to the 2008/09 financial crisis - we do know, however, that he offered a seeming endorsement of the Tory-led coalition's cuts-obsessed economic strategy in his memoir,A Journey (though Freedland says Blair now "backs Ed Balls......

In our recent biography of Miliband, James Macintyre and I explore how the current Labour leader succeeded in beating his elder brother - and hot-favourite - David by understanding the need for a message that stressed "change" over "continuity". As the younger Miliband stated , provocatively, in an essay for the Fabian Society in August 2010:
"It is my rejection of. . . New Labour nostalgia that makes me the modernising candidate at this election."
Wrong. Most average people I chat to have a low opinion of Blair. And Iraq is a still there in peoples minds. It was always a mistake of New Labour to disparage people by regarding anyone as "lefty" who was not part of ( what they saw) as the mainstream.

Lest you forget it was people across the political spectrum who opposed the war in Iraq.

The war in Iraq and all the dodgy dossiers and the rest leading up to it damaged Blairs reputation in the long term. The electorate after that regarded him as shifty and not to be trusted.

If anything he is regarded as a bit of a joke.

Wrong. Utterly wrong but typical of the narrow world view the left likes to inhabit.
If he stays on and Labour get back into power, he could fuck them over for generations. Years and years of shitey coalition governments. Labour would be cunts if they were in power, but they'd be MASSIVE cunts if they were in power with Blair pulling the strings.
Wrong. Utterly wrong but typical of the narrow world view the left likes to inhabit.

No. I meet a wide range of people and Im right.

Have you forgotten the massive turnouts against the war in Iraq? Not forced there by SWP.

Why did Brown finally get to be PM? Tony Blair was told he was becoming an electoral liability.

Brown fucked up. But at time many thought he would be improvement.

What world do you inhabit?

And a bit off topic Ive been surprised recently at the people I chat to who now say things to me like " Capitalism is crap isnt it." .In particular young people who come out of school or college to this crisis. Let alone the young people I meet from Spain. Who come here to UK as there is nothing in Spain for them. A lot of people try to just get by. They do not trust politicians. They think that whatever they vote for it wont make much difference. They would vote Labour as the Tories are worse. That is only reason.
Wrong. Utterly wrong but typical of the narrow world view the left likes to inhabit.

My parents are far from lefty and they think he is a slimely little shit bag, and my mum was one of those people who thought he was great at a time.

I'd say the general take on Blair is that he's a smarmy little shit who sucked people in and then jumped ship just before the shit hit the fan.
My parents are far from lefty and they think he is a slimely little shit bag, and my mum was one of those people who thought he was great at a time.

I'd say the general take on Blair is that he's a smarmy little shit who sucked people in and then jumped ship just before the shit hit the fan.

I agree except that I think he was pushed. He must be glad of it now. As previous poster said Brown has taken the rap for the economic crisis. "Teflon Tony":rolleyes:

Further proof that TB was a slimely little shit bag here::D

Yeah the general consensus is that he's a slimy little shit and not to be trusted at all, he's like an ex boyfriend that you used to think was charming but now you can't believe you ever feel for his smarmy shit.
While I tend to agree with you about Blair (IIRC he's by no means a popular ex-PM), what a majority think doesn't necessarily matter though. SL is right in that this is an attempt to capture swing voters.
While I tend to agree with you about Blair (IIRC he's by no means a popular ex-PM), what a majority think doesn't necessarily matter though. SL is right in that this is an attempt to capture swing voters.

I agree with this. Boundary changes may favour Tories and AV voting is no longer going to be put in place before next election. Maybe Labour party strategists think it is necessary to go back to concentrating on those swing voters in the few constituencies that they think matter to win an election.

Pretty depressing for any democratic debate. A strategy that excludes a lot of people even if it works. No wonder a lot of people do not bother to vote.
So, who else will they vote for? The LibDems?

You've been going on about your age, so you may, although it's not guaranteed, have noticed that over the last 4 decades fewer and fewer people vote at all. In the last 40 years 25-30% fewer of the electorate vote than did in the 1970s.

So, not a simply a question of "who else?".
If he stays on and Labour get back into power, he could fuck them over for generations. Years and years of shitey coalition governments. Labour would be cunts if they were in power, but they'd be MASSIVE cunts if they were in power with Blair pulling the strings.

You're right about coalition too. Blair would be agitating to get the old Lib/Lab merger project on track again before his feet were even under the table.
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