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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

Along with this group of charmers - a who's who of holocaust deniers, open fascists, anti-semites, racists and conspiracy loons. if people don't know the names pick one at random and do a google.

I've done what you suggested and yes, I found a horrible one. An individual who no one should share a platform with, so no doubt the rest are similarly slimey. If Tim Pool attended an event alongside people like that then he would definitely lose all credibility.

One thing that puzzles me though is that his reports in Sweden can hardly be used for an extreme right agenda. If anything, they show immigrants in a good light, as accomplished pleasant integrated citizens doing right. They make the point that the majority of asylum seekers/immigrants are normal people. This doesn't fit the narrative that he is in bed with extreme right nutters.

Could it be that he was duped? From the video posted by Pickman the conference looks respectable, there is even a fucking vicar in a collar. Taken on face value and by that video alone one cannot see any other agenda behind it other than anti-zionism. Although your list proves it is more than that.

His name is there but did he attend? Anyone with twitter wanna ask him?
I've done what you suggested and yes, I found a horrible one. An individual who no one should share a platform with, so no doubt the rest are similarly slimey. If Tim Pool attended an event alongside people like that then he would definitely lose all credibility.

One thing that puzzles me though is that his reports in Sweden can hardly be used for an extreme right agenda. If anything, they show immigrants in a good light, as accomplished pleasant integrated citizens doing right. They make the point that the majority of asylum seekers/immigrants are normal people. This doesn't fit the narrative that he is in bed with extreme right nutters.

Could it be that he was duped? From the video posted by Pickman the conference looks respectable, there is even a fucking vicar in a collar. Taken on face value and by that video alone one cannot see any other agenda behind it other than anti-zionism. Although your list proves it is more than that.

His name is there but did he attend? Anyone with twitter wanna ask him?

Seems like effort, I have twitter but would need to pick up my phone and unlock it.... and with me not knowing anything I may need help.
I've done what you suggested and yes, I found a horrible one. An individual who no one should share a platform with, so no doubt the rest are similarly slimey. If Tim Pool attended an event alongside people like that then he would definitely lose all credibility.

One thing that puzzles me though is that his reports in Sweden can hardly be used for an extreme right agenda. If anything, they show immigrants in a good light, as accomplished pleasant integrated citizens doing right. They make the point that the majority of asylum seekers/immigrants are normal people. This doesn't fit the narrative that he is in bed with extreme right nutters.

Could it be that he was duped? From the video posted by Pickman the conference looks respectable, there is even a fucking vicar in a collar. Taken on face value and by that video alone one cannot see any other agenda behind it other than anti-zionism. Although your list proves it is more than that.

His name is there but did he attend? Anyone with twitter wanna ask him?

The conference was not respectable - it was boycotted by anyone serious from the left or academia.Which is why they ended up with that list of freaks - paid to attend btw - and people like Pool being shoveled onto a panel on a subject he knew nothing about. In order to boost the numbers.

The points here are (and it could be all of them or a mixture) a) political idiocy from someone being sold as an investigative journalist. Not to do any checking on who he is appearing with b) Political complicity - these are the people he shares a background and views with c) readiness to allow himself to be pimped by a horrible regime for money. When put next to his sale of himself as serial victim of leftist attacks for money/ego/branding reasons this one stands out to me d) the lack of background checking by you before you declare him objective - and what this means about how others are also using/being used by simularly objective reporters. See Bernie's point above - and the Beeley thread here. e) and what that then means for serious political analysis and responses from what we usually on here call the pro-w/c left if this sort of credulous shit is making headway there. I'm sure there are others.

This isn't new btw - anyone remember Pk's sexual jihad bollocks in sweden stuff from what 5 years ago? What's changed since then to make people who would formerly (and did) laugh at him to turn to endorsing that nonsense?
Anudder Oik said:
He proved that there were no no go zones in Sweden, did you see the videos? You don't even know what you are talking about.
classicdish said:
Well in his 13th video he kind of says both 'no' and 'yes':
Doesn't he mean only if you go there specifically with a camera? Is that a way to interpret it?
His 13th and final video (March 8th 2017) "Sweden Has Real Problems":

From 5min 27sec to 6min 33sec


"...When it comes to dealing with these issues the people in Sweden tend to argument semantics, the meaning of words and this something that was told to us by one of the people we've interviewed but we actually experienced it ourselves, in fact the term 'no go zone', right, in reality this means an area in a s~, in a conflict, with war, where people can't go or certain governments can't go and because of an op-ed column many people have started to refer to these problem areas as 'no go zones'. But instead of discussing high crime areas many people in Sweden simply said to me: "Oh, why are you saying 'no go zones'? Woah, no, those 'no go zones' don't exist".

This is arguing the definition, or the meaning of the phrase, instead of arguing what is actually going on. See, people use the phrase 'no go zone' as a colloquial term to reference 'problem areas'. These are places the police have deemed to be more problematic than others. But instead of talking about these areas, someone will simply say "'No go zones' don't exist". Which is wrong, OK..."
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I've done what you suggested and yes, I found a horrible one. An individual who no one should share a platform with, so no doubt the rest are similarly slimey. If Tim Pool attended an event alongside people like that then he would definitely lose all credibility.

One thing that puzzles me though is that his reports in Sweden can hardly be used for an extreme right agenda. If anything, they show immigrants in a good light, as accomplished pleasant integrated citizens doing right. They make the point that the majority of asylum seekers/immigrants are normal people. This doesn't fit the narrative that he is in bed with extreme right nutters.

Could it be that he was duped? From the video posted by Pickman the conference looks respectable, there is even a fucking vicar in a collar. Taken on face value and by that video alone one cannot see any other agenda behind it other than anti-zionism. Although your list proves it is more than that.

His name is there but did he attend? Anyone with twitter wanna ask him?
You haven't come back about your twitter lie...
You haven't come back about your twitter lie...

I didn't lie. I didn't see the tweet (settings?) you found showing a photo of a hospital (which by the way is pointless to argue about but that's how you operate, isn't it).

Now if you can find things that I can't, why don't you find something that proves the journalist is a holocaust denier?
Butchers Apron, Classicdish and Bernie have all provided me with stuff I need to take time to digest. I appreciate that input.
His 13th and final video (March 8th 2017) "Sweden Has Real Problems":

From 5min 27sec to 6min 33sec


"...When it comes to dealing with these issues the people in Sweden tend to argument semantics, the meaning of words and this something that was told to us by one of the people we've interviewed but we actually experienced it ourselves, in fact the term 'no go zone', right, in reality this means an area in a s~, in a conflict, with war, where people can't go or certain governments can't go and because of an op-ed column many people have started to refer to these problem areas as 'no go zones'. But instead of discussing high crime areas many people in Sweden simply said to me: "Oh, why are you saying 'no go zones'? Woah, no, those 'no go zones' don't exist".

This is arguing the definition, or the meaning of the phrase, instead of arguing what is actually going on. See, people use the phrase 'no go zone' as a colloquial term to reference 'problem areas'. These are places the police have deemed to be more problematic than others. But instead of talking about these areas, someone will simply say "'No go zones' don't exist". Which is wrong, OK..."

I get you, he is reinforcing the idea that no go areas exist by extending the term to inlcude problems in an area. Do you think it's deliberate or just the way it's come out?
I think NOT!!!

Interested to see if Tim pool is a holocaust denier, I've just spent about an hour scouring internet and scrolling through pages of his Twitter account right back to september/october 2014, which is when the conference you link to took place. He has no Tweets on the exact dates and was around that time covering in Ferguson USA and at something called a climatemarch.
there is at least one lie there, as i have demonstrated. did you not see, on the picture of the hospital, that he tweeted that on a day when you said he didn't tweet anything?
If the tweet you found but I didn't had been from Tehran, then your post would be relevant to the thread, but it wassn't and it isn't.
you're a liar.

you said as per quote in post 136 that "he has no tweets on the exact dates". not "he has no tweets saying anything about tehran". "he has no tweets". no one made you say that, you weren't under any pressure. "he has no tweets". you're a liar and this is a rather desperate attempt to extricate yourself.
Butchers Apron, Classicdish and Bernie have all provided me with stuff I need to take time to digest. I appreciate that input.
If you're genuine about this, you are going to have to reach a bit of a painful conclusion here - namely, that you have allowed yourself to be duped by some pretty unpleasant people with a vile agenda. I hope you can reach this conclusion and process it.
If you're genuine about this, you are going to have to reach a bit of a painful conclusion here - namely, that you have allowed yourself to be duped by some pretty unpleasant people with a vile agenda. I hope you can reach this conclusion and process it.

I'm very interested to see if it is the case and rather than painful I would welcome the opportunity to see the mechanics of how such a manipulation works.

Still, the videos on Sweden seem far from something that can be used to feed the extreme right and seem to fit somewhere in the centre. He returned to Rinkeby and spoke with several people in the square he ran away from. None of those people fit the stereotypes that a right wing narrative would follow. The afghan policeman interview shows hope.

Having said that we need to investigate further.
page 1:

The journalist Tim Pool accepted a challenge, and 2000 dollars, offered by a right wing media outlet in the USA to go and check whether Trumps statements about Sweden having problems with immigrants had any base in reality.

Groans were immediately heard from people who suspected that he had been cherry picked and would try to add a right wing spin to his reports. They couldn't have been more wrong.

The result has been a series of video reports which have given a lot of food for thought. He has interviewd journalists, psychologists, immigrants, and even a former Swedish policeman turned social worker (of Afghan immigrant origin). IMO his best interview as it pulls apart State lies that cover up about sexual assaults by immigrants while revealing at the same time that immigrants can integrate and benefit the society they are living in.

In all, it is balanced. The only people who dish him are from the two extremes, the ultra right who want to paint a picture of society verging on civil war and the politically correct who scream racist and stifle debate at the drop of a hat. This latter group are, imo, responsible for the rise in populism as they aren't dealing with issues which effect people's perception or real life experience.

Tim Pool (@Timcast) on Twitter

Tim Pool

page 5:

we need to investigate further.
The conference was not respectable - it was boycotted by anyone serious from the left or academia.Which is why they ended up with that list of freaks - paid to attend btw - and people like Pool being shoveled onto a panel on a subject he knew nothing about. In order to boost the numbers.

The points here are (and it could be all of them or a mixture) a) political idiocy from someone being sold as an investigative journalist. Not to do any checking on who he is appearing with b) Political complicity - these are the people he shares a background and views with c) readiness to allow himself to be pimped by a horrible regime for money. When put next to his sale of himself as serial victim of leftist attacks for money/ego/branding reasons this one stands out to me d) the lack of background checking by you before you declare him objective - and what this means about how others are also using/being used by simularly objective reporters. See Bernie's point above - and the Beeley thread here. e) and what that then means for serious political analysis and responses from what we usually on here call the pro-w/c left if this sort of credulous shit is making headway there. I'm sure there are others.

This isn't new btw - anyone remember Pk's sexual jihad bollocks in sweden stuff from what 5 years ago? What's changed since then to make people who would formerly (and did) laugh at him to turn to endorsing that nonsense?

Re the background check. I had never heard of this guy till these videos. I have taken this journalist on face value, based solely on his Sweden videos, which far from seeming to follow a far right agenda show immigrants in a positive light. All the interviewees beam integrity.

In one of your posts you linked to him being assaulted by protestors in the USA and it has been claimed that he may look for that sort of reaction in order to play to a certain audience and portray protestors as evil. There might be an agenda there.

Is there a particular video we can dissect to examine this claim?
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The only people who dish him are from the two extremes, the ultra right who want to paint a picture of society verging on civil war and the politically correct who scream racist and stifle debate at the drop of a hat. This latter group are, imo, responsible for the rise in populism as they aren't dealing with issues which effect people's perception or real life experience.
what was your evidence for this claim? he seems rather popular with the right...

frankly you've really rather shot yourself in the foot after the bold statement above when you then say in your last post "Re the background check. I had never heard of this guy till these videos. I have taken this journalist on face value, based solely on his Sweden videos"

if you'd not heard of him before how could you possibly say that "the only people" - THE ONLY PEOPLE - who slag him down are the ultra right and the politically correct? your basis, please.
His 13th and final video (March 8th 2017) "Sweden Has Real Problems":

From 5min 27sec to 6min 33sec


"...When it comes to dealing with these issues the people in Sweden tend to argument semantics, the meaning of words and this something that was told to us by one of the people we've interviewed but we actually experienced it ourselves, in fact the term 'no go zone', right, in reality this means an area in a s~, in a conflict, with war, where people can't go or certain governments can't go and because of an op-ed column many people have started to refer to these problem areas as 'no go zones'. But instead of discussing high crime areas many people in Sweden simply said to me: "Oh, why are you saying 'no go zones'? Woah, no, those 'no go zones' don't exist".

This is arguing the definition, or the meaning of the phrase, instead of arguing what is actually going on. See, people use the phrase 'no go zone' as a colloquial term to reference 'problem areas'. These are places the police have deemed to be more problematic than others. But instead of talking about these areas, someone will simply say "'No go zones' don't exist". Which is wrong, OK..."

He also says before that and I quote: "The extreme groups of both factions got it wrong. It is not an embattled warzone with crime rampant and all hell breaking loose"

Which pretty much puts paid to any ambiguity.
He also says before that and I quote: "The extreme groups of both factions got it wrong. It is not an embattled warzone with crime rampant and all hell breaking loose"
Of course it fucking isn't. This is part of what has duped you - the idea that this even needs to be demonstrated by someone like old Swampy here.

The more I read of this idiot, the more I'm convinced that he'd be scared shitless just wandering around a council estate in Peckham, where every group of young men he saw, particularly young black men, would suddenly be transformed into 'gangs'.
Of course it fucking isn't. This is part of what has duped you - the idea that this even needs to be demonstrated by someone like old Swampy here.

The more I read of this idiot, the more I'm convinced that he'd be scared shitless just wandering around a council estate in Peckham, where every group of young men he saw, particularly young black men, would suddenly be transformed into 'gangs'.
sod peckham, he'd fill his pants wandering around a council estate in hampstead.

catching sight of tariq ali in highgate village he'd wet himself, seeing a fagin-like gang mentor
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