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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

So either this beanie-topped prick knowingly accepted Kremlin Kash, or he's so dangerously careless that he will accept large sums of money without checking up on where it comes from first. Dim tool.

Tbf there's a lot of cash sloshing around in right wing circles. Various billionaires funding lobby groups etc. I can imagine people like Pool being told the funding comes from "concerned citizens" if he even bothered to ask where the money came from
Tbf there's a lot of cash sloshing around in right wing circles. Various billionaires funding lobby groups etc. I can imagine people like Pool being told the funding comes from "concerned citizens" if he even bothered to ask where the money came from
Yes, this. Tech billionaires and petro states are united against the ‘liberal establishment’ for various self-serving reasons and are happy to throw cash at it (an investment for not having their shit fucked up by regulation, taxes etc.), Russia is just one bad actor amongst many.
slackbastard put together a quick writeup on the Russian money thing, mostly focused on Lauren Southern but Pool gets a mention:
The SHOCKING! revelation that Putin’s gangsta state has been sneakily funding far-right propagandists in the United States has certainly caused A Splash. Not unreasonably, those at the centre of the scandal — Tenet Media’s owners Lauren Chen and Liam Donovan, along with professional binfluencers Matt Christiansen, Tayler Hansen, Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Lauren Southern and Pim Tool — have thus far defended themselves by simply claiming Useful Idiot and/or Victim status. Thus while more than handy at detecting the evil influence of (((Soros))) & Co. at every political moment, the group was, unfortunately, deeply incurious as to who was paying them millions of dollars to shitpoast far-right talking-points.


See : Russia Secretly Worms Its Way Into America’s Conservative [sic] Media, Steven Lee Myers, Ken Bensinger and Jim Rutenberg, New York Times, September 7, 2024 /// What Right-Wing Influencers Actually Said in Those Tenet Media Videos, Tim Marchman and Dhruv Mehrotra, Wired, September 6, 2024 /// Russia Today, YouTube, and the US Department of Justice: How an online web of Russian disinformation crumbled, Esther Linder, ABC, September 5, 2024 /// Russia made useful idiots out of MAGA’s top influencers. It was nearly effortless., Jared Holt, Posting Through It, September 5, 2024 /// Media start-up from Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin was secret Russian influence campaign, indictment alleges, David Covucci, Daily Dot, September 4, 2024 /// Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube, Becca Lewis, Data & Society, September 18, 2018.

As for Lauren Southern — the only one of the Tenet propagandists to have apparently visited and indeed, in Southern’s case, even settled for a brief period in Australia — she first brought her grift to the country in July 2018. And while she may not have displayed any knowledge of Sydney, let alone Australia — while accompanied to Lakemba by Lads’ member Stuart von Moger, the tourist was soon put in her place by a local reporter — wearing an ‘It’s OK To Be White’ tee did have a profound effect upon the Australian Senate, which in October 2018 narrowly voted down (28 ‘Yes’ vs. 31 ‘No’) a PHONy motion to that effect. Her promotion of ‘The Great Replacement’ thesis also paid grisly dividends only a few months later, when another Great Aussie Patriot massacred 51 Muslims in Christchurch. (Note that the current lvl boss of the neo-Nazi EAM/NSN, Tom Sewell, while Führer of predecessor grouplet ‘The Lads Society’, tried and failed to recruit the killer to it.)

Southern’s sojourn in Australia was mercifully brief and, despite being happily adopted (post-massacre) as a semi-regular commentator by Sky News Australia, it seems as though local pickings were relatively slim and, following separation from her partner, she eventually RETVRNED to Canada, where her talents were picked up by Tenet Media. Of course, now that Tenet is in deep trouble, Southern, like the other schmucks, will have to seek alternative sponsors for her propaganda. Fortunately, the far-right media eco-system in which she’s thrived to-date shows no sign of disappearing any time soon, and the army of gormless bigots it depends upon are thriving on anti-social media platforms like Apartheid Clyde’s, so things aren’t all bad.

Finally, it would be remiss of me not to mention Southern’s contributions to the campaign to discredit the horrific accounts of the abuse of Indigenous children at Indian Residential Schools in Canada, or to note that Canadian serial killer Jeremy Skibicki, who last month was ‘given four life sentences for the 2022 murders of four Indigenous women in Winnipeg’, was apparently also a bit of a fan.
Tbf there's a lot of cash sloshing around in right wing circles. Various billionaires funding lobby groups etc. I can imagine people like Pool being told the funding comes from "concerned citizens" if he even bothered to ask where the money came from

$400k a month, no journalist in history has trousered anything remotely like that, so how did he imagine that a non-entity like him banging out podcasts could possibly be worth that amount? He knew what was going on, he chose to do it. He's a treasonous arsehole and as the Rosenbergs did, he should have a date with Old Sparky, at least in his case the state can save the cost of a razor as his bonce is ready to go...
I suppose its very likely that similar money things have happened to uk journalists/influencers
Oh, almost no question.

People will almost certainly have been paid similar sums for doing similar to what Pool does. It's just question of whether we/he/they call that 'journalism' or not, really.
They must be shitting it - surely once the legal system gets its claws into them it's not going to accept "I didn't know where the money came from, honest guv". You'd hope all their emails and articles will be checked for a start, and anyway ignorance is hopefully no excuse for breaking the law (treason :cool: in this case? ) as over here.
They must be shitting it - surely once the legal system gets its claws into them it's not going to accept "I didn't know where the money came from, honest guv". You'd hope all their emails and articles will be checked for a start, and anyway ignorance is hopefully no excuse for breaking the law (treason :cool: in this case? ) as over here.
I don't think it can be treason as constitutionally treason is defined as solely giving help to enemies of the US, which IIRC would require them to be in a formal state of war.
They must be shitting it - surely once the legal system gets its claws into them it's not going to accept "I didn't know where the money came from, honest guv". You'd hope all their emails and articles will be checked for a start, and anyway ignorance is hopefully no excuse for breaking the law (treason :cool: in this case? ) as over here.

And if Trump wins, they'll all be pardoned anyway
I don't think it can be treason as constitutionally treason is defined as solely giving help to enemies of the US, which IIRC would require them to be in a formal state of war.

The Rosenbergs weren't charged with treason as the USSR was officially an ally of the USA, they done them for conspiracy to commit espionage, which was fairly bobbins, so it seems Uncle Sam can come up with any old crap if it wants to...
There’s a law on registering as a foreign agent which they’re likely to bollock them with. Suspect that doesn’t provide for massive sentences though.
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