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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

You deliberately choose to misunderstand. If liberal or left made videos about the subject it would link to them but they don't and it doesn't. The subject is only spoken about by the right, and now, thankfully Tim Pool, who has done a great job with an objective view.
let's look at that again.

As a result of watching the Tim Cook video the You Tube algo came up with following recommended videos. The Google motto ' Do No Evil' - I don't think so.
If it's top heavy with right wing stuff, that's nothing to do with Tim Pool but rather the fact that the left and liberals see the whole subject of problems involving immigrants as a no go zone, a taboo and something to hush up. That leaves the right a free hand to go to town on the matter, while the discredited liberal press and establishment hide behind statistics that somehow fail to convince anyone except the most foolhardy.
er... no fucking misunderstanding there, sweetcheeks: in your response to phillm talking about the recommended videos by youtube you said it was down to the left and liberals. what other credible reading is there?
Well this would be my question about the whole idea of Tim Cook's thing. I've not watched it and am probably not going to - Trump's idiocy really isn't worth taking that seriously. And in taking it seriously, I worry that one risks in some way giving it respectability. Like sending someone up to the Moon just to check that it really isn't made of cheese.

Ignoring Oik's silliness above, there simply isn't a case to be answered here. Why should anyone jump just cos Trump says to?

It's Tim Pool, and if you haven't seen the videos you can hardly form an opinion, can you?

Trumps idiocy isn't worth taking that seriously, you say, but this isn't just about one politicain's thoughtless statements, it goes further than that, it goes to the heart of what is fuelling the far right and populism.
so the youtube recommendations are down to the left and liberals seeing the whole subject of problems involving immigrants as a no go zone.

yeh right.

No, they are down to the preponderance of right wing sources on the matter and the total lack of left wing material to link to..
During the run up to the election spam factories were pumping out fake news to generate click-bait , get shared on Facesuck and the like and create revenue. Most of those videos seem to come under that umbrella , I guess 'left wing' versions are both not getting made and if they were , would not get shared as much as this shite obviously is.
let's take another of your claims to pieces - that this is all being hushed up by the left and liberals.

yeh? hushed up?

where do you get that from? it's not like there's a paucity of rightwingers chatting about it is there? where's the hushing up you mendacious shit?

and how do you know there aren't any liberal or left videos on the subject? can i see your evidence?
During the run up to the election spam factories were pumping out fake news to generate click-bait , get shared on Facesuck and the like and create revenue. Most of those videos seem to come under that umbrella , I guess 'left wing' versions are both not getting made and if they were , would not get shared as much as this shite obviously is.
nonetheless, let's see yer man's claim that there's no liberal or left videos.
During the run up to the election spam factories were pumping out fake news to generate click-bait , get shared on Facesuck and the like and create revenue. Most of those videos seem to come under that umbrella , I guess 'left wing' versions are both not getting made and if they were , would not get shared as much as this shite obviously is.

The right have been doing shitloads of overtime on the internet, producing tonnes of propaganda videos with stuff coming from individuals and non-mainstream media outlets by the bucketload. They are about immigration, muslims, and also about attacking anti trump protestors. Youtube is absolutely awash with them. That this sad guy Pickman gets all upset about that claim and demands proof reveals that he is only interested in trolling and derailing every thread on these baords. I have yet to see this guy actually debate something seriously. Get some help Pickman.
Nearly everyone interviewed in the Tim Pool videos talks about how the government and the press in Sweden censor news and stifle debate on anything related to asylum/migrant crime or problems. The interesting thing here being that many interviewed are migrant/asylum seekers themselves (don't believe me? watch the last 3 or 4 videos)

The gathering of statistics in Sweden has been deliberately confused so that no clear conclusions can be reached, ever.

It is illegal to publish the origin of perpetrators in the Swedish press.

Hushing up is the exact wording to describe the situation.
The right have been doing shitloads of overtime on the internet, producing tonnes of propaganda videos with stuff coming from individuals and non-mainstream media outlets by the bucketload. They are about immigration, muslims, and also about attacking anti trump protestors. Youtube is absolutely awash with them. That this sad guy Pickman gets all upset about that claim and demands proof reveals that he is only interested in trolling and derailing every thread on these baords. I have yet to see this guy actually debate something seriously. Get some help Pickman.
Yeh. Get some help. This sad guy. Ad hominem wank typical of someone who can't support the case he's making and so is reduced to throwing insults round. What's sadder, my asking questions or your inability to show me up in debate?
Nearly everyone interviewed in the Tim Pool videos talks about how the government and the press in Sweden censor news and stifle debate on anything related to asylum/migrant crime or problems.
You do know how this stuff works, yes? You know, propaganda. How many people did he interview that were left on the proverbial cutting room floor because their opinions didn't fit?
It is illegal to publish the origin of perpetrators in the Swedish press.
I am going to stop replying to you after this cos I remember this from a previous thread, in which I corrected you on this point - this concerns reports of rape to the police, not convictions, and the anonymising of data is done to protect the innocent. You're being dishonest here in repeating this when you've previously been corrected.
I am going to stop replying to you after this cos I remember this from a previous thread, in which I corrected you on this point - this concerns reports of rape to the police, not convictions, and the anonymising of data is done to protect the innocent. You're being dishonest here in repeating this when you've previously been corrected.
Anudder Oik not a close companion of the truth, lbj. But then people who laud holocaust deniers so rarely stick to the facts themselves.
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