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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

The gathering of statistics in Sweden has been deliberately confused so that no clear conclusions can be reached, ever.

It is illegal to publish the origin of perpetrators in the Swedish press.

Hushing up is the exact wording to describe the situation.
OK so this was a recurring theme in the videos:

The alt-right people (and some of the migrants) were saying that this is censorship and/or denial
The mainstream / liberal / left people (and some of the migrants) where trying to explain they didn't want to engage in this kind of dialogue, labelling, profiling, information collection etc.

Tim Pool didn't really discuss the thinking behind this, he just kept hammering at this 'free speech' and 'truth' thing - kind of like he just assumed that Sweden should adopt a US race-based perspective and that a US-style 'first amendment' approach is the 'only true way' society can or should operate.

The problem here is that the unspoken alt-right (and "neutral" Tim Pool) suggestion seemed to be that the Swedish local government and police should be recording everyone's "race" ?, skin colour?, religion?, place of birth?, parentage?, ethnicity?, immigration and/or refugee status? - and talking about all and every social issue with this information attached - be it crime, unemployment, political views, ability to assimilate, etc.

It implied that this "truthfulness" would therefore expose the "real problems" and therefore allow Sweden to sort out these "problems".

Anudder Oik can you see where this is going yet?

Because of the way Tim Pool structured his questioning the mainstream / liberal / left people didn't really get a chance to explain why this kind of deliberate profiling and labelling is both a) morally wrong on all sorts of levels but also b) not really more 'truthful' either. Some of them suggested that there are a whole range of factors and variables (eg income / poverty /education /exclusion ) that are probably, in fact are, linked to crime levels, for example. Nowhere did Tim Pool suggest that *this* information should be disclosed during criminal trials. The third point c) - that trying to increase social inclusion, trying to integrate refugees and immigrants into Swedish society,is not helped - in fact the opposite - if you start labelling people by race/etc within their first year or two of arriving in Sweden fleeing a war zone.

Tim Pool did talk to various people but he didn't talk to any recently arrived Iraqis or Syrians. Noone who could not speak English. He didn't talk to anyone who actually admitted openly that they are far right or social democrat. He didn't talk to any of these 'drug-dealing gangster types' teenage or older. He didn't manage to find anyone who had been mugged or beaten up on either side of the fence.

He didn't seem to 'get' Swedish culture - in fact in his last video he straight out says he doesn't like Swedish culture. He doesn't like how they deal with social issues - he seems to be suggesting that if only everyone behaved like (Americans?) then all these "problems" would be sorted out. This is a common issue with ex-pats / tourists / etc from wealthier countries - they often get somewhere and decide really quickly that the local way of doing things is stupid. It is only over a longer period of time, maybe with more language skills, personal connections and lived experience and recovery from 'culture shock' that (some of them) start to understand why things are done in certain ways and how things 'work' (or don't).

edit: added word & spelling
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Anudder Oik not a close companion of the truth, lbj. But then people who laud holocaust deniers so rarely stick to the facts themselves.

You really are a sick fuck. Where is there evidence of him being a holocaust denier? How dare you slander me with such a disgusting association you fucking piece of low life cowardly shit. I know the holocaust happened as I have heard it from the horses mouth, from person to person, from someone who witnessed it, have you?

You systematically derail and troll these frorums 24/7. How much oxygen you deny these boards by driving normal posters away can only be guessed at.
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Anyway he's now in London and everyone is telling him to go to Tower Hamllets as it's a no go zone for whitey.

He proved that there were no no go zones in Sweden, did you see the videos? You don't even know what you are talking about.
I am going to stop replying to you after this cos I remember this from a previous thread, in which I corrected you on this point - this concerns reports of rape to the police, not convictions, and the anonymising of data is done to protect the innocent. You're being dishonest here in repeating this when you've previously been corrected.

It's done to protect the innocent. Listen to yourself, man.
No, it isn't really debatable, not unless you want to deliberately muddy the waters and conflate the 'the obvious everyday difficulties' with things like this alleged rise in sexual crimes.

And that's not what the Yankee brownshirts were claiming, is it? The way they were talking, you'd think the whole of Sweden was in a state of civil war and social collapse.

Are you a mug?
No more than any other Trump supporter.
Maybe they didn't want to be filmed? :hmm:

The evidence he was in danger in that video is very flimsy. The police did gesture to him and the other guy who knew the area was walking off as though he thought it was an urgent matter, but as journalism goes it's flimsy and offers no proof at all.

However, he listened to the criticism about that point and went back. It's the video where he goes bowling and then links up with three local immigrants in the exact same place and who speak openly, expressing their opinions clearly.

This is the video:
There are some very unhealthy people posting in this thread and showing themselves up. The least you could do is watch the videos first, Starting with the one in the original post.
The link butchersapron posted.

That's your man, Tim Swamp, Captain Objectivity. You might as well be quoting David Icke at us.

It's a link to some random fuckwittery, where is he in that? Where is your evidence? You can't just link to some random website and say there you go. What is this?

Even if he covered the event it would not be evidence of support. Do journalists only go where they feel ideologiacally comfortable? FFS.

Watch the videos, comment on them, or fuck off.
Honestly, what a fucking shower on here.

No debate, just trolling. Admins need to pull there finger out or these boards are going to wind up empty.

Oh, they already are.
You deliberately choose to misunderstand. If liberal or left made videos about the subject it would link to them but they don't and it doesn't. The subject is only spoken about by the right, and now, thankfully Tim Pool, who has done a great job with an objective view.

Great job by our friend Deep Pool, listen to him folks, he's gone out there, at great personal risk, to the Muslim controlled, and socialist hell hole, did I mention socialist? so sad, hell hole, that is present day Sweeden, near our great friend Vlads country, ( will discuss air strikes on Malmo) gotta prevent another Bowling green massacre folks.
It's Tim Pool, and if you haven't seen the videos you can hardly form an opinion, can you?

Trumps idiocy isn't worth taking that seriously, you say, but this isn't just about one politicain's thoughtless statements, it goes further than that, it goes to the heart of what is fuelling the far right and populism.
"but this isn't just about one politicain's thoughtless statements"
The kindest interpretation of TTT precedency to date:D
You really are a sick fuck. Where is there evidence of him being a holocaust denier? How dare you slander me with such a disgusting association you fucking piece of low life cowardly shit. I know the holocaust happened as I have heard it from the horses mouth, from person to person, from someone who witnessed it, have you?

You systematically derail and troll these frorums 24/7. How much oxygen you deny these boards by driving normal posters away can only be guessed at.

Go oink,
Best laugh I have had in yonks, yer a sad case, but you manage to keep on giving:D
Honestly, what a fucking shower on here.

No debate, just trolling. Admins need to pull there finger out or these boards are going to wind up empty.

Oh, they already are.
Bye bye now, I doubt you will be missed, your moniker will fit very well in the Briefart comments section, have fun:thumbs:
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that intersectionality and identity politics is a right wing method of getting social justice types and liberals to do their shilling for them.
You give the oink too much credit:D there are 'tools' and simple monkey wrenches.
You give the oink too much credit:D there are 'tools' and simple monkey wrenches.

I didn't mean establishment types but more the too much time variety with an amazing safety net, there are a lot of extremely intelligent fruitloops in that category. ( Identity politics in action.)
You really are a sick fuck. Where is there evidence of him being a holocaust denier? How dare you slander me with such a disgusting association you fucking piece of low life cowardly shit. I know the holocaust happened as I have heard it from the horses mouth, from person to person, from someone who witnessed it, have you?

You systematically derail and troll these frorums 24/7. How much oxygen you deny these boards by driving normal posters away can only be guessed at.
You're long on insults and very short on reading the thread I see. How dare I? Very fucking easily. How dare you post this thread demanding we all take the word of a holocaust denier?
There are some very unhealthy people posting in this thread and showing themselves up. The least you could do is watch the videos first, Starting with the one in the original post.

It's a link to some random fuckwittery, where is he in that? Where is your evidence? You can't just link to some random website and say there you go. What is this?

Even if he covered the event it would not be evidence of support. Do journalists only go where they feel ideologiacally comfortable? FFS.

Watch the videos, comment on them, or fuck off.
It mentions tim pool in there you daft get
He proved that there were no no go zones in Sweden, did you see the videos? You don't even know what you are talking about.

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