Then again any God that’s supposed to be all-knowing, merciful and wise surely wouldn’t damn billions of His own children to oblivion, never mind an eternity of indescribable pain and suffering, for simply not having worshipped Him due to not even being aware of his brand of religion. I mean, what kind of lunatic, psychopath arsehole of a deity would send a good person from deep in the Amazon forest to eternal damnation for not following his rules, when they hadn’t even been made aware of him and his brand of faith during their entire lives? Or for that matter, which faith to choose even if you are aware of multiple ones.
Perhaps the Almighty could have the decency to actually appear Himself to all those people born into the wrong faiths to let them know he’s the real deal and they’d better swift allegiances pronto, rather than expect someone born in a country worshipping the wrong god to somehow have a punt and choose him for the lulz.
It’s either that, or it doesn’t actually matter at all who do you worship so long as you’re a decent sort. Of course, a truly benevolent deity wouldn’t give a fuck whether you worship them or not in the first place, so as an atheist I have no issues whatsoever with the possibility that there could be a god after all and I didn’t spend my life kissing their arse.