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The Virgin Mary

The Roman Catholic Church as an organisation promoted anti-Jewish prejudice. "The Jews" were blamed for the death of Jesus.

You don't seem respectful or worthwhile in terms of discussison to broach the subject. You're glib. Rude. Lazy. As you've already demonstrated.
You don't seem respectful or worthwhile in terms of discussison to broach the subject. You're glib. Rude. Lazy. As you've already demonstrated
It is certainly true that the Roman Catholic Church promoted anti-Jewish prejudice, as did other Christian churches. Insulting me does nothing to address that claim.
It is certainly true that the Roman Catholic Church promoted anti-Jewish prejudice, as did other Christian churches. Insulting me does nothing to address that claim.
And at other times it was a refuge and a port in a storm going back to the foundations.
That's true.

Is that right? The Coptic Orthodox church have their own pope.
I think so, there is also a Coptic Catholic Church that is in full communion and recognises the Roman pope, but think recently relations have improved with the trad lot and their services have always been seen as valid just mistaken, schismatics not heretics :D But could well eb wrong.
What on earth makes you think "Religious types" have any answers?
Are you joking? Isn't the whole point of religion claiming to have the answer to life, the universe and everything?

You have zero interest in knowing whether there is a Creator or not.
Typical misrepresentation.
So do you seriously believe that all religious people are evil? If not..then why are you so belligerent about their rights? You believe your right to not have faith trumps their right to a faith?
Are you claiming that all Muslims are evil? All Jews are evil? All Protestants are evil? All Catholics are evil? All religious people are evil?
Where did I say that?
Are you joking? Isn't the whole point of religion claiming to have the answer to life, the universe and everything?

Typical misrepresentation.

Where did I say that?
The answer to life the universe and everything is 42... 🙂

You still have not apologised for your personal attacks.😔

Your whole presence on this thread is one of Anti Catholic and Anti Christian. You've trashed all beliefs in God(s) which would imply that you are Anti all religion...you did call all religions "Woo"... and your comments are not just statements of your own atheism. They're very much aggressive in tone and it's pretty obvious to any reader that you have zero time for people who have faith of any kind.
Which leads me to consider the possibility that you are in fact intolerant of much of the population in the world.

As for the "whole point of religion" claiming answers to everything... I don't believe any religion has those answers. I think there have been messages which have passed down for thousands of years. Human interpretations documented and that there are some things that cannot be explained by anyone...

I definitely don't have any answers for you. I have a personal faith that works for me. I pray and it means something to me. I've already stated my abhorrence for all evil doing carried out by any human...and especially religious leaders priests Bishops nuns brothers. I do not believe those people were actually practicing Catholicism / Christianity to it's truth. I believe they were the opposite of Christian. Interpret that whatever way you want. But nobody can do harm if they are truly Christian. So many many "Christians" have not lived up to the actual Christian life. ...and many have been acting and doing things that are effectively "Anti Christian".
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Ah, but they weren't true Christians. So you can't blame the faith.

You can't blame the origin.
The message to love your neighbour as yourself if carried out, would mean an end to all wars...and a life of peace and sharing for all. It should be the aim for all of us. Many would say that the original message was radical..especially 2000 years ago. It's pretty radical even now .. the world of men(in the sense of all humans) is putting up walls instead of trying to help fellow man...

"When will they ever learn".
Here's another giant of protestantism on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary; they all seem to firmly support the doctrine; hmm; I wonder why.... (hint: because it's true)
all of them, except the monster whose name shall not be menentioned (Cr...wel.)....

  • John Wesley, like many prominent Protestant leaders such as Zwingli, Luther, Swedenborg and Calvin, firmly maintained that Mary was a perpetual virgin, meaning that she never had sexual relations with Joseph nor did she bare any other children except Jesus Christ.

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The Quran narrates the virgin birth of Jesus numerous times.

....orthodox Islamic belief has upheld the virgin birth of Jesus,[5] and although the classical Islamic thinkers never dwelt on the question of the perpetual virginity of Mary,[5] it was generally agreed in traditional Islam that Mary remained a virgin throughout her life, with the Quran's mention of Mary's purification “from the touch of men” implying perpetual virginity in the minds of many of the most prominent Islamic fathers.[6]
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So, the three major religions of the world: Catholicism, Islam & Protestantism all uphold the dogmas of the Virgin Birth of Jesus & the Perpetual Virginity of Mary
So, hurray I guess! Must be true.

Why is her perpetual virginity important anyway? Is sex bad? In marriage? Is it better for her to be a virgin than a married woman who loved her husband in the normal and God-sanctioned ways? Seems a bit odd, this fetishisation of virginity.
So, hurray I guess! Must be true.

Why is her perpetual virginity important anyway? Is sex bad? In marriage? Is it better for her to be a virgin than a married woman who loved her husband in the normal and God-sanctioned ways? Seems a bit odd, this fetishisation of virginity.
Please read this:
Here we will be concerned chiefly with why the answer to the question matters.

It all comes down to this.
One bunch of people, let's call them The Possessors of the Absolute Truth, believe they and they alone know the absolute truth about certain self-selected things. These things primarily concern divine intervention of one sort or another. The only proof they have is that other Possessors of the Absolute Truth have maintained the same assertions in the past.
Another bunch of people, let's call them Searchers for Truth*, say words to the effect that we don't need these unverifiable assertions to live our lives, not in the slightest, and that until we have some actual proof we won't take these claims seriously at all. We may indeed ridicule these assertions if we feel like it.
The first lot only have such power and authority in the world as they do have because of a long history of violence, authoritarianism, corruption, hypocrisy and worse.

* I only used this last description to annoy the Possessors of Absolute Truth
It all comes down to this.
One bunch of people, let's call them The Possessors of the Absolute Truth, believe they and they alone know the absolute truth about certain self-selected things. These things primarily concern divine intervention of one sort or another. The only proof they have is that other Possessors of the Absolute Truth have maintained the same assertions in the past.
Another bunch of people, let's call them Searchers for Truth*, say words to the effect that we don't need these unverifiable assertions to live our lives, not in the slightest, and that until we have some actual proof we won't take these claims seriously at all. We may indeed ridicule these assertions if we feel like it.
The first lot only have such power and authority in the world as they do have because of a long history of violence, authoritarianism, corruption, hypocrisy and worse.

* I only used this last description to annoy the Possessors of Absolute Truth
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