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The Virgin Mary

One of many valid questions that believers rarely if ever address. If only Jesus' death can redeem humans, what's the story with those who, for no fault of their own, happened to be born before he was a twinkle in his father's eye? Bad luck, shit happens, eh?
That was a problem that was tackled with respect to the Ancient Greek thinkers, who were admired by the Church. These fine thinkers could surely not have been banished to the fires of Hell?

The answer was that they would be in Purgatory, where their souls would be purified.
One of many valid questions that believers rarely if ever address. If only Jesus' death can redeem humans, what's the story with those who, for no fault of their own, happened to be born before he was a twinkle in his father's eye? Bad luck, shit happens, eh?
No, they were redeemed by the Resurrection

That was a problem that was tackled with respect to the Ancient Greek thinkers, who were admired by the Church. These fine thinkers could surely not have been banished to the fires of Hell?

The answer was that they would be in Purgatory, where their souls would be purified.

I'm not sure that works. As I understand it, Purgatory is where those who are saved (by virtue of their belief in Jesus) have to work off the sins they've committed in their lives. After all, it wouldn't be fair if a multiple murderer turned to Christ at on their deathbed, made a confession and died before even a violent thought could have crossed their mind, just waltzed into heaven next to a pious churchgoer whose worst sin was putting dead matches back in the box. There has to be some penalty.

But if you're not in the club (which you can't be if you were born before it all), that option isn't open to you.
There really are real, logical & valid answers to all your questions

You've been told off before for failing to explain your position, in the manner of a rational adult, and just posting links.

Except you can't even post links.

O sancta simplicitas! Not in a good way.
There really are real, logical & valid answers to all your questions

Give us some actual logic, rather than opinion and endless links, so.
I think the real thing going on amongst the obstinate faithless is that they have no questions. Dark cynicism is their preferred manner of approaching faith
I think the real thing going on amongst the obstinate faithless is that they have no questions.
Oh, we have questions, assuming you're numbering me amongst the obstinate faithless, and you are. They've been posted. You just don't answer them. You just spam your links, being either stupid, or dishonest, or both.
Oh, we have questions, assuming you're numbering me amongst the obstinate faithless, and you are. They've been posted. You just don't answer them. You just spam your links, being either stupid, or dishonest, or both.
The links are not spam. They are valuable resources that've provided answers to thousands of questions presented by those truly seeking knowledge or just information about the Catholic faith,

You just want to bicker and make personal attacks and insults
If you actively defended your position, whatever it is, instead of just posting links, I'd respect you, however much I might disagree with you.

You don't. You just continue mindlessly spamming, and bleat when challenged on it.
If you actively defended your position, whatever it is, instead of just posting links, I'd respect you, however much I might disagree with you.

You don't. You just continue mindlessly spamming, and bleat when challenged on it.
It's a bit like an MP simply posting links to the party manifesto rather than actually answering the questions.
Well, quite. It's pick and mix. Believers pick the bits they like, and explain the bits they don't like by claiming that's it's all a metaphor, or to be explained by the culture of the times, or whatever is the flavour of the month for trying to say that words don't mean what they say. Whether you tell people to kill every suspected heretic, and let God sort them out, or sit about with a gormless grin on your face singing Kumbaya, you can justify it, and say that everyone else just isn't getting it.
One of my faves is Matthew21 were Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a stolen donkey to condemn the money lenders as robbers.

As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away."
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