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The Trump presidency

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Deep joy.

Trump sounds like and is shaping up to be a dictator
doubt it. He's appointed a bunch of silver spoon overachievers to significant positions. Unlike with career politicians, you don't get to the top of US capital just by being compliant to power. Or just by selecting the right parents. As with trump himself these people have ruthlessly fought their way through life, crushing many others, equally ruthless, silver spoon and overachiever, on the way. I don't see them taking kindly to being expected to simply rubberstamp decrees from the demagogue above.
Deep joy.


I find myself wondering whether expressions like this are because he knows he's gone and accidentally got himself a Proper Job, one which will necessitate him attending the office Every Day, and for more than two hours, he'll actually have to listen in meetings and make proper decisions other than where to have lunch. He's not going to be able to play golf when he pleases, holiday where he pleases, shag whoever he pleases ....

it's going to come as a massive shock to the system!
I find myself wondering whether expressions like this are because he knows he's gone and accidentally got himself a Proper Job, one which will necessitate him attending the office Every Day, and for more than two hours, he'll actually have to listen in meetings and make proper decisions other than where to have lunch. He's not going to be able to play golf when he pleases, holiday where he pleases, shag whoever he pleases ....

it's going to come as a massive shock to the system!
Hopefully, that's what will ensure he serves just one term. Or less.
why not? Dubya did
Obama played a Hell of a lot of golf as well.
According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama played 333 rounds as president. Obama's last round came on December 31 while on vacation in Hawaii. Knoller tweeted it was Obama's 46th round of his final year in office.

Obama averaged about 41 rounds a year, but he never came close to Presidents Woodrow Wilson or Dwight Eisenhower, who were estimated to have played 1,200 and 800 rounds, respectively.
I recall Warren Buffet once recommended that CEO's spend three days a week doing things mindless like Golfing. Otherwise they'll tend to micro-manage and really screw things up. It's good advice. Here's to Trump surpassing Wilson in spoiling a good walk.
He's taking a congratulatory call from his uncle Vlad later today.

"Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?"
In DeMorgan Anders Breivik is fan van Trump
Via Google Translate:
The Norwegian extremist Anders Behring Breivik, responsible for the attacks in Oslo and on Utøya island in 2011, was "very excited" about the victory of Brexit camp and the victory of Donald Trump in the United States. According to a recent risk assessment on him, reports Norwegian media.
I do worry that the lack of state of the art skincare facilities in Norwegian prison has radicalised old Anders a bit.

How a manly, Alpha male's man (trying slightly too hard) does it.

The "you are dead to me you slag" eyes aren't just a product of KGB training he's longsighted.
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