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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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The above is an extremely weird film directed and presented by someone called Bill Maloney who bears an uncanny resemblance to Super Hans from Peep Show.

The film is rambling,incoherent and often (IMO) irrational but includes interesting footage and clips, including footage of Lenny Harper making an official announcement that underground cellars, shackles, and human remains had been discovered at at Haut de la Garenne, giving credence to the allegations of alleged victims that children were tortured and murdered there.

Maloney claims that children were sacrificed and buried at Haut de la Garenne, although no evidence was ever found to substantiate claims of ritual abuse and child sacrifice. The footage of Harper is included to support Maloney's claims about child sacrifices even though Harper's claims about the "discoveries" were later completely discredited. A BBC November 2008 news report states that:

[QUOTE]Earlier on Wednesday, Deputy Chief Officer, David Warcup, had said there was no evidence that any children had been murdered or bodies destroyed at the former home.
He expressed "much regret" at "misleading" information released by his predecessor, Lenny Harper.
But Mr Harper later said Mr Warcup's statement was a "blatant misrepresentation" of his statements.
At a press conference, Detective Superintendent Michael Gradwell had discredited a number of Mr Harper's claims.
• After being examined by British Museum experts, a fragment thought to have been from a skull turned out to be a piece of Victorian coconut shell.
• "Shackles" found in rubble were simply "a rusty piece of metal", with no evidence to suggest it had been used for anything suspicious.
• There was no blood in the cellar, and a bath said to have had blood in had not been used since 1920.
• The "secret underground chambers" were just holes in the floor, "not dungeons or cellars".
• Most of the 170 pieces of bone found in the search came from animals. Three were human and two of these dated from between 1470-1670 and 1650-1950 respectively.
Mr Warcup added: "It's very unfortunate and I very much regret that information was put into the public domain by the States of Jersey police about certain finds at Haut de la Garenne, which was not strictly accurate."
There may be other interesting snippets in the video, watched half of it and needed a break but am including it here in case any one else wants to check it out.
Incidentally there are plenty of claims on conspiraloon sites that Jimmy Savile was a Satanist and part of an elite Illuminati / Masonic paedophile ring.
I mention this not because I believe that Savile really was a Satanist. I am extremely sceptical about conspiracy theories relating to Satanic Ritual Abuse. I mention it simply because I believe that the plethora of websites accusing Savile of being a Satanist / Freemason ritual abuser of children may have cast a smoke screen over his real perverted activities.
I can't seem to change the size of the fonts here, so apologies for the weird different sizes.
Seeing as the subject of conspiracy theorists making claims about elites and child sex rings comes up, a rather busy example for this century appears to be Hollie Greig. Search results are numerous, reliable sources few. Rather than make any attempt to describe the stories, I'll just jump to the current chapter and a report about it from a mainstream publication.


Dame Elish sought court protection against Robert Green, a self-styled "investigator" jailed earlier this year for naming prominent Scots as child rapists.
She is using laws she championed for the victims of harassment and aims to bar Green from approaching or contacting her in any way.
Her action is the latest result of a series of unsubstantiated child sex abuse allegations made by Hollie Greig, a young Aberdeen women with Down's Syndrome, more than a decade ago.
Dame Elish is understood to hope a non-harassment order would prevent Green, who acts as Ms Greig's "lay legal adviser", using the internet to claim she covered up for a paedophile ring said to include a sheriff, a senior police officer and other prominent Aberdonians.
Im not going to post stuff from any of the 18 gazillion conspiracy theorist or campaign support sites, including David Icke, they arent hard to find. Plenty that smells in the usual manner from that side but I also found that some of the blogs attacking the campaign and Green are rather crude with their hatchet jobs, even if such jobs are well deserved. Its a right mess where any truth is hard to determine due to the circus that ensued once the goofballs got their hands on it. The mess is precisely why I brought it up now though, to provide examples of further pitfalls that happen when people try to talk about this stuff in the absence of prosecutions. Lack of corroboration in this case is probably what makes it hard to do anything useful with it on any level, not helped by the states standard inability to act in a manner that inspires total confidence.
The Mail have managed to come up with more Broadmoor details


Jimmy Savile chaired a ‘task force’ set up by the Department of Health in 1988 to investigate concerns over the way Broadmoor Hospital patients were treated by staff.
But staff claim that before his appointment Savile had taken teenage girls plucked from Top Of The Pops shows to the hospital, where he was a volunteer.
Savile’s official title was Broadmoor’s honorary entertainments manager but staff say he stalked the corridors of the high-security mental hospital in Berkshire with swaggering impunity.
In the early Seventies, he liked to frequent the staff social club, housed in a drab single-storey brick building.
Bizarrely, among his guests one night were two members of the dance troupe Pan’s People. ‘It can’t have been the most glamorous watering hole they’d visited,’ a former Broadmoor nurse said. ‘Jimmy had the run of the place, he did as he pleased.’
Against this background, rumours about the entertainer circulated among staff. One souce said he took ‘trusted’ patients out for day trips in his Rolls-Royce and spoke of his sexual fascination with dead bodies. The source, a daughter of a principal nursing officer, told The Mail on Sunday he ‘liked to have his way’ with young females visiting their relatives. Standing at the main gate ‘in his swimming trunks, gold chain and sunglasses’, he would entice the ‘poor dears’ with the promise of a cup of tea in his caravan.
A senior member of the Prison Officers Association said: ‘Savile had the run of the place. He would walk into the most secure areas containing the most dangerous patients in the UK. He was told these men and women were dangerous, but he just laughed it off and did his own thing.
‘He had friends in high places in Broadmoor and they swept concerns about him under the carpet.’
Alan Franey who was appointed chief executive of the high-security mental hospital in 1989, said the committee that Savile headed ‘was set up to review the way patients were being looked after’. He went on: ‘It was partly in response to a report advising that staff had been treating patients inappropriately, though not sexually.
Yep, and the police now have 300 lines of enquiry.. he was prolific that is for sure..

6 decades, 60 victims is the latest grim stat.


Commander Peter Spindler, who leads the MPS Specialist Crime Investigations branch, said: "We can now confirm that we have received information from the public that suggests allegations against Jimmy Savile span six decades with reports starting in 1959 up to and including 2006.
Its a right mess where any truth is hard to determine due to the circus that ensued once the goofballs got their hands on it. The mess is precisely why I brought it up now though, to provide examples of further pitfalls that happen when people try to talk about this stuff in the absence of prosecutions. Lack of corroboration in this case is probably what makes it hard to do anything useful with it on any level, not helped by the states standard inability to act in a manner that inspires total confidence.

agree 100%

I think that my concerns re the conspiracy theory sites and the claims of satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) are as follows:

Firstly the only organisation recommended at the end of the ITV expose of Savile was the National Association of People Abused in Childhood (NACAP). Peter Saunders, the CEO and founder of the NAPAC possesses an apparently unshakable belief in the validity of recovered memories of ritual abuse, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

His reply to a rationalist Grauniad article exploring the perils of believing false memories is as follows
I cannot understand why so many column inches are given to people who choose to attack survivors of child abuse and deny their experiences of a traumatic childhood. This 'false memory' nonsense is such a nonsense and yet the so-called quality press insist on giving abusers, abuse deniers and their supporters so much space. Our charity hears from thousands of people who suffered childhood abuse and when they are subjected to this dangerous tripe written by Professor This or Doctor That it is no wonder they are driven to despair. But these so-called academics are indeed doing all abusers a huge favour. They are effectively silencing victims for fear of attracting ridicule.....but then I suppose that is what they have set out to do. And it's what abusers do. They silence their child victims with cunning, intimidation and threats (mostly a combination of all three) and now they can rely on certain dangerous elements within the abuse denying community to carry on the job.
Child abuse is a crime against humanity. There is none worse. That we give this small community a very loud voice is depressing, not to mention thoroughly dangerous for current and future generations of children.
Peter Saunders. Chief Executive. National Association for People Abused in Childhood. www.napac.org.uk. London.

So basically it concerns me that distressed, vulnerable people who have been sexually abused by Savile or some other predator are being recommended to contact an organisation that, in its newletters and website ridicules the idea of false memory and promotes the myth of widespread Satanic ritual abuse.

When I contacted NAPAC some time ago to request the information they claim to have re the existence of ritual abuse they were unable to provide anything and merely claimed that their therapists treat countless people who all have been abused by Satanists and that the only proof needed was the testimonies of the "victims". When I asked why there was no corroborating evidence the woman I spoke to claimed that it was because corrupt police covered everything up and if ever a newspaper tries to cover the story they get a D notice and cannot publish. She has an answer for everything and was angry with me for not accepting that victim "memories" gained in therapy were proof of Satanic atrocities.

Given that the situation with Savile and his accomplices is extremely real and serious; given that there are zillions of bonkers conspiracy theories about Savile's alleged involvement with Satanists / Masons and clandestine, elite networks of child abusers; given that human memories are malleable and that people are highly vulnerable to suggestions from therapists, I am incredibly concerned about the implications of Savile's victims being referred to an organisation that may harm them rather than help them.

The awful truth is that Savile may have very well been involved in all kinds of organised criminal activities. From what I have heard over the last week or so nothing would surprise me. It is entirely possible that he was involved in some kind of elite ring of child abusers.

These very important and highly complex and delicate issues need to be investigated by the police. Savile's victims need to be supported by counsellors and therapists who will help them to start to recover from their ordeals. To refer victims to an organisation where therapists recover memories of ritual abuse is an extremely bad idea IMO.
But he was investigated by police about 6 times, that is the sort of soft information that is supposed (at least that is what I was lead to believe) to be included in the enhanced CRB check.

enhanced CRB...for education sector anyway,not subject to rehab of offenders act '74, with private agency, employee pays, gets a copy, but employer may also get what is known as 'brown envelope' in some circumstances, where police deem there is other information, i.e. not convictions, to cause concern. employe is not privy to this info.

obviously a license for OB to obstruct those they dislike or can't convict as well as highlighting legitimate concerns to potential employer. (and an excuse for the private agency to ask for employee to pay for their own crb, despite supposed portability).

bigger picture is of course, the willingness of the powers that be to deny access when person checked upon has stuff on the powers themselves.
(memory hazy, but did some local OB frequenting the Wests' house for brasses become a possible factor in this sense?)
Check out stuff on eBay , stuff selling for decent money WTF

There always has been a significant market in criminal memorabilia. Some dealers specialise in serial killer memorabilia and artwork. Jimmy Savile was no ordinary criminal, he will go down in history as a notorious monster and any items associated with him may be of value.

I looked on ebay and it seems that scarce books, especially if signed by JS, are attracting interest and original Jim'll Fix It badges are selling for £100+. Anything written by Savile and scare will be of interest to criminologists and researchers.

Anything without provenance is unlikely to be of interest to buyers which is why lots of JS fancy dress costumes have been re-branded as "chav" costumes.

I imagine that this item

will appeal to collectors for various reasons.
I love that remark to a Broadmoor patient: “what do you want to go round strangling crumpet for?”; there’s a touch of genius in that — also a reflection of the invulnerability of the truly innocent man, so much and so obviously on the side of everyone he talked to that he could only stay safe in any company.

Oh the irony
Sure this has been mentioned before, but this is a company in need of a rebrand.

As I say, the English quality papers say nothing about Jimmy Savile’s faith either. But they must have known about it. Is it too much to call this a “conspiracy of silence”? It must, at the very least, be a sign of the underlying almost instinctive hostility in England to the notion that anything good could come from a life whose foundation is the Catholic religion. I fear we still have a long way to go. Ah well; A Luta Continua.
catholic comedy gold
I don't think his business will slide at all..We Brits are a strange, morbid bunch of fuckers.
I bet business is booming for " Jim'll Mix It".
I wonder if one day after many more people have committed suicide after the brutal ATOS tests or after years of being harassed by private training companies, living without any money, will people say, ''we didn't know'' ''it was all rumour''

They'll blame the newspapers for not publicising it and the Government for keeping schtum about it and they'll all say they didn't have enough evidence
I was just thinking today about the issue of who knew and yet did not speak up.

I'm thinking about this as someone who has tried to report dangerous predators to the police and / or the NSPCC at various times but who has sometimes received a response that there is nothing that can be done.

In order to start an investigation the police need to have evidence, that is to say that you need to be able to tell them that I saw X person doing X inappropriate act with X child on such and such a date.

You can tell them that X person has convictions for indecent assault and offenses relating to, say, pimping, you can show them a photo in a recent newspaper photo that shows X person working with under age teenage girls at such and such a place on such and such a date and the response will be something like "so you didn't actually see him doing anything to a child? If not sorry but there's nothing we can do".

Similarly you cannot go to the police and say "There are loads of rumours about Dr Sidney Bloggs and everyone says he's a paedophile, all the nurses try to hide the kids when he's on the wards and everyone is scared of him" and expect them to do anything.

It seems very likely that in JS's case that there were some complicit / corrupt cops involved in cover-ups but I think it may also be possible that other cops had serious concerns about JS but were not able to take action as they had insufficient evidence at the time.
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