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the sir jimmy savile obe thread

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Google books is great for digging. On bus now but earlier from "jimmy savile Thatcher" got quote that around time of Falklands she was "only listening to jimmy savile" and some Tory advisor. Suggested he was councilling her but not sure if serious.
Google books is great for digging. On bus now but earlier from "jimmy savile Thatcher" got quote that around time of Falklands she was "only listening to jimmy savile" and some Tory advisor. Suggested he was councilling her but not sure if serious.
All bollocks, the mail i think it was looked into all these claims and publicly called him a total liar - the 11 consecutive xmas at chequers etc. I'll find the link in a sec.

edit: found it.
The message is clearer: do not outsource NHS to the likes of Savile.

Yes that aswell, and he was wider than the NHS:- many primary schools, respite and social services for the disabled via the charity PHAB, social services for orphaned children at Haut de La Garenne, also did fundraising for the British Forces Foundation doing specials on the HMS Ark Royal of all places. It seems like he covered all bases. Institutional charity should be attacked as a whole.
Yes that aswell, and he was wider than the NHS:- many primary schools, respite and social services for the disabled via the charity PHAB, social services for orphaned children at Haut de La Garenne, also did fundraising for the British Forces Foundation doing specials on the HMS Ark Royal of all places. It seems like he covered all bases. Institutional charity should be attacked as a whole.
Yeah, not disagreeing :D I've just made too many posts on lost threads to be contributing more than one-liners till this one gets trashed too :D
Yes that aswell, and he was wider than the NHS:- many primary schools, respite and social services for the disabled via the charity PHAB, social services for orphaned children at Haut de La Garenne, also did fundraising for the British Forces Foundation doing specials on the HMS Ark Royal of all places. It seems like he covered all bases. Institutional charity should be attacked as a whole.
Don't forget the cruise liner stuff - QE2 had special rooms for him.
Earl of Dundee, Hansard, 1988:

I should like briefly to refer again to Broadmoor, about which the noble Lord, Lord Allen, has spoken. The activities of the Broadmoor Hospital Board were suspended during August and the operational management of the hospital is in the hands of a specially formulated task force whose best known member is Dr. Jimmy Savile. Dr. Savile has been involved with the work of Broadmoor Hospital for many years and is now devoting his considerable talents to ensuring that the hospital functions smoothly during this difficult interim period before the new special health authority comes into being.

On a more general point, the noble Earl, Lord Shannon, mentioned the working party of the Matthew Trust. My right honourable friends the Secretaries of State for the Home and Health Departments will of course be happy to look at the Matthew Trust proposals if such proposals are sent to them.

Not sure where that doctorate's come from.

Curiously enough, Franey was a director of the Matthew Trust for just over a year, between 1999 and 2000.

Description on Companies House via Duedil:
The promotion of the spiritual, mental, education and material well-being of persons who are needed by socially maladjusted or mentally distressed, in particular, but not exclusively, patients and discharege patients of special hospital or the victems of aggression. A registered charity, limited by guarantee. T/O = Total incoming resources.

From the sound of its website, it does very useful work in helping support people.
Ah Im glad you mention the Matthew Trust, because I've been looking at another line of enquiry that leads back to that.

There was an up and coming potential Tory candidate who had a breakdown and attacked some hitchhiking girls with a knife, and ended up in Broadmoor for some years in the 1960s. I only found out about him because he wrote some books about his experiences, and mentions Savile in one of them. I can only see a snippet of it but it sounds like he was on the Speakeasy program with Savile hosting, and off-air Savile advised him to give up voluntary work.

Anyway he is the bloke who setup the Matthew Trust after he was released from Broadmoor.

His name is Peter Thompson. Here is the Savile snippet from his book:

http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=cdRrAAAAMAAJ&q=back from broadmoor savile&dq=back from broadmoor savile&source=bl&ots=euXleU7m2t&sig=cPrSYyrCvck21Sd0gX4hkNMAhAM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=t655ULG5Haii0QWn0ICQCQ&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAA

Here is a Catholic Herald review of his book:


Here is lengthy background on Thompson in a 1997 article. Oh look another link to a name that came up earlier in this thread:


After famously pleading in defence of a man who had stolen pounds 100 from him in 1958, he had led, with the help of Lord Longford, an influential public inquiry into the rehabilitation of offenders. The initiative led to major changes in the treatment of ex-offenders.

Here is an article from 2000 about Franey ending up on the board with Thompson:


The pair met in 1989, shortly after Mr Franey joined the hospital as general manager and came across Mr Thompson, the founder of mental health charity the Matthew Trust.
Mr Franey learned quickly. I realised we were not going to get rid of this bugger, so I thought we had better make friends with him.
Now that friendship has come full circle - with the former chief executives appointment last year to the charity's board of trustees.
I see that Savile was a director of Outward Bound Global between 1991-1995. A whole bunch of other directors from the same period seemed to drop out in 1995 as well, before being replaced with some token royals, explorers etc.
I should note that I am not suggesting anything untoward about the people I have been researching. I am simply trying to build a picture of what sort of elite factions were taking an interest in mental health service reforms during periods that may relate to Broadmoor and Savile. There seems to be quite an overlap of recurring characters in places, but this in itself is not surprising or evidence of anything.
Seeing as Longford came up again, lets revisit the report into porn he did in 1972 that had Savile on his committee.


Amongst those who were included, and who stayed the course, were singer Cliff Richard and Radio One DJ Jimmy Savile, alongside more obvious suspects like Malcolm Muggeridge (he had spoken at VALA’s first convention, declaring that ‘if Till Death Us Do Part is life, I cannot see that there would be anything to do but commit suicide’) and the Rt. Revd Ronald Ralph Williams, the Bishop of Leicester, whose response to a Ken Russell film was truly magnificent in its acceptance of the divine will: ‘I never thought that I should give thanks to God for being blind, but since my wife has told me what she has seen in the film,The Devils, I am genuinely grateful that I at least have been spared that.’

The high point of the exercise was undoubtedly a trip to Denmark to witness some of the famed live sex shows of that country, at one of which ‘a beautiful young woman pressed a whip into Lord Longford’s hand and invited him to beat her’. The Guardian report of the incident added: ‘His Lordship declined.’ As he beat instead a hasty retreat, he told his colleague, the future Tory MP Gyles Brandreth, that he ‘had seen enough for science and more than enough for enjoyment’. In the circumstances, it was perhaps as well that he didn’t recognize that the ‘woman’ was in fact a transvestite.

When the Longford report emerged in 1972, it was an immediate best-seller, largely because it was marketed as a fat paperback with the single word ‘Pornography’ in huge letters on the cover, and because it retailed at a very competitive 60p. Its contents, however, were disappointing in terms both of intellectual engagement with the subject (Bernard Levin dismissed it as ‘heated amateurism’) and of cheap thrills, though there were those who relished such passages as a lengthy account of sex and sadism in a boys’ boarding school: ‘Sometimes the prefects did a lot of the whipping; at other times they made the third-year boys do it as well, or the second-year boys whip the first years and the first years whip each other.’ The most succinct response to the entire enterprise came when the actor Robert Morley told Longford that ‘if somebody liked to dress up in chamois leather and be stung by wasps, I really couldn’t see why one should stop him’.
Fucking hell how did that nonce manage to worm his way into so many positions of power and authority? it beggars belief.
A look at all the inquiries there hae been into special hospitals, with quite a lot of detail about the SHSA


Until 1989 all of the English special hospitals were run directly from Whitehall. This must have been comforting to ministers, but it meant that the hospitals did not have the advantages of professional management. Management styles lagged behind the rest of the NHS and were vulnerable to the more immediate political pressures of government.
Even when the SHSA was created at arrns length from Whitehall, the new authority was still subject to civil service/ministerial whim.
Back in the 90's it seems that Ashworth was the focus of several inquiries. Now that I've looked it up I vaguely remember some lively press reports at the time.


A TELEPHONE call from Dirty Harry's bar in Amsterdam in September 1996 triggered the Ashworth inquiry that reported yesterday. On the line was Stephen Daggett, a convicted paedophile and Ashworth inmate who had absconded days earlier while on a shopping trip to Liverpool. What he had to say lifted the lid on one of the worst scandals to engulf the top- security mental hospital.
Daggett, 38, claimed the hospital was awash with pornographic literature and videos, that inmates had a ready supply of drugs and alcohol and, most damaging of all, that an eight-year-old girl had made regular visits and been allowed to play, in a garden next to a ward, with a patient convicted of sex offences against children.
Daggett, who spent 12 years in Ashworth after being convicted of three indecent assaults against girls, promised to return to the hospital on one condition - that his claims would be investigated. He had absconded, he said, because it was the only way of drawing attention to a situation that had been ignored by the hospital authorities.

When Daggett, who had managed to withdraw pounds 1,500 from his building society account and then give his nurse the slip, was picked up in Canterbury and returned to Ashworth on 7 October, he set about producing an account of his claims entitled "My Concerns". The hospital authorities dismissed his version of events.
Only when Alice Mahon, the Labour MP whose constituents in Halifax include Daggett's parents, produced a 60-page dossier based on his account did ministers take notice.

The history of the scandal-hit hospital had brought many to the view that it was beyond rescue, long before yesterday's recommendation by the Fallon inquiry that it should close. Ashworth, Broadmoor and Rampton, Britain's three top-security hospitals, have been criticised for more than a decade for being too big, too crowded and too isolated, professionally and geographically.
Sir Louis Blom Cooper, the QC who chaired an inquiry into Ashworth in 1992 that uncovered evidence of a brutal, dehumanising regime, said yesterday the hospitals were "unmanageable" and the Government should have begun dismantling them years ago. He had found a penal, oppressive regime dominated by the Prison Officers' Association, to which most of the nurses belonged. Speaking on BBC radio, Sir Louis said: "They are much too big ... [and] they carry around the terrible legacy of the criminal lunatic asylum ... they never actually got rid of the idea that they were partly a prison."
More history lessons. 2003.


Union leaders today called for an independent inquiry into allegations of serious sexual abuse of female patients at one of the UK's high security psychiatric hospitals.
Unison, Britain's largest health union, said that the director of women's services at Broadmoor hospital, Julia Wassell, was victimised after reporting serious allegations of rape, indecent assault and sexual harassment to senior managers.
Ms Wassell later resigned from her job and has settled out of court for an undisclosed sum after making a constructive dismissal claim, said the union.
The general secretary of Unison, Dave Prentis, said: "It is hard to listen to the details of this case and not be shocked.
"Shocked by the attitude of managers to the women in their care and shocked at the treatment meted out to Julia for raising her concerns.
Alan Franey is CEO of Barndoc, which gets mentioned in this Telegraph story:


In the Telegraph investigation, BarnDoc Healthcare, a doctor’s co-operative covering the London boroughs of Barnet and Enfield, provided the most sparse out-of-hours cover with one GP available overnight for 650,000 people. A nurse and a call handler are also available.
Alan Franey, chief executive of Barndoc, said he did not have any concerns.
“We have nurses on duty overnight who deal with quite a number of the queries that come in. But the number of home visits range from about one to six, so it's not as if there's a huge number of visits overnight,” he said.
A spokesman for NHS Enfield and NHS Barnet which pays BarnDoc said: “NHS Enfield and NHS Barnet recognise the importance of providing high quality out of hours primary care services to our patients.
"BarnDoc had an 87 per cent satisfaction rating from a survey in 2008 and the service regularly has positive feedback from patients. The number of nurse practitioners and GPs on duty reflects the demand for the service. Robust plans are in place to ensure that if the demand increases, such as during the recent flu pandemic, BarnDoc can immediately increase the number of GPs on duty.”


Meanwhile, the former head of Britain's top security Broadmoor Hospital has applied to run the trust fund set up in memory of Diana.
Alan Franey (50) believes he is the right man to head up the fund because of his expertise and his close links with Diana who was a frequent visitor to the special hospital which houses some of Britain's most dangerous criminals. His departure from the £60,000-a-year post followed the completion of the Donovan Report, which examined allegations that pornographic videos were being circulated in the hospital and that patients wielded too much power.

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